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Tom Clancy's The Division - Reviews | HowLongToBeat
Tom Clancy's The Division
  • 52 Playing
  • 2.3K Backlogs
  • 62 Replays
  • 13% Retired
  • 72% Rating
  • 2.3K Beat
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The_Rylander's Avatar'

80%Xbox One

35h 28m Played
Really enjoyed this game, I was surprised at how good it was technically for the age of the game.
Updated 1.5 Weeks Ago


Lainders's Avatar'

10%Xbox One

Great potential, but totally unbalanced for solo players.
Updated 1 Month Ago


skwok_raven's Avatar'


Updated 1.5 Months Ago


WinNytHepOOh's Avatar'


28h Played
Basically a playable disease outbreak disaster movie, atmospheric and immersive, but inbetween plagued by screwed up balancing.
Updated 2 Months Ago


Ratpak's Avatar'


33h 44m Played
The Division had been in my library for while (probably bought during one of those sales), so I thought I would finally give it a go. I'd read some good things about it when it came out in 2016 and really enjoyed my 30+ hours with the game. The recreation of a post-pandemic snowy New York is very well done, with a lot of attention to world-building.

I treated the game as a single-player experience and played through many of the story missions. These were initially interesting and varied, but after a while things started to get a little monotonous and I could see that I was in for a long grind to get to the endgame, so stopped at that point.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


yarramiso's Avatar'


After almost 57 hours playing offline, this game is close to be perfect but not, unfortunately from my side.
If we count that as a multiplayer or co-op game, it is ok;

+ Perfect atmosphere, world-building and have feeling about lock-down quarantine region
+ Very good visuals, especially lighting effects and its vibe in the city
+ Fun-action combat gun
+ High quality production

- Very repetitive, almost after the half of the game, everything is same
- There are too few unique or interesting missions
- No well-written good or bad/villain characters, lazy-cheesy plot, a cliché
- It was annoying for me every time to change equipment after level up
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


RahmBro's Avatar'


82h Played
one of the Greatest Loot Shooters for me
Updated 4 Months Ago


Rickmanx's Avatar'

90%Xbox One

Overall a pretty fun game
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


SYRLEY's Avatar'

100%PlayStation 4

As buggy and unbalanced it could be, it was such a fun game (and addictive).
Updated 7 Months Ago


Costromo's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 4

34h 32m Played
Was fun to go back and finish, the original extraction shooter.
Updated 8.5 Months Ago


abatage's Avatar'


42h Played
Updated 8.5 Months Ago


Reverent's Avatar'


39h 48m Played
It is very fun at first but gets repetitive. Not recommend it for story but its excels in the shooting mechanics and as a shooter.
Updated 11 Months Ago


Daylight7558's Avatar'


31h Played
+ storytelling
+ core
+ side
+ technical
+ overall
Updated 11 Months Ago


GreyhawkXY's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 4

1h 15m Progress
Shooter-looter with an immersive environment. It seems one would need to sink in many hours for looting and decent gear.
Updated 11.5 Months Ago


ASTONW's Avatar'


80h Played
Good coop looter-shooter, lot of fun!
Updated 1 Year Ago


tdx's Avatar'

70%Xbox Series X/S

36h Played
Played as a single-player offline game, it is very unsatisfying, repetitive and boring, but is saved by an incredibly realized city environment and atmosphere. If they had used this setting for a Ghost Recon game, it'd be awesome.

+ Not many cut scenes or forced dialogue
+ Crunchy sound effects
+ Combat post-level-30 is less spongey
+ Atmosphere and visuals are some of the best ever

- 90% of the game is the exact same encounter of being rushed by 3-5 enemies at a time and shooting them slowly from behind cover
- UI and mission structure makes the game feel online/arcadey more than realistic or immersive
- Guns are unsatisfying, it always feel like you're about to become powerful enough to one-shot enemies but you never do
- Elites take approximately 1 million shots to go down
- Mindless waypoint-to-waypoint missions (turning off the GPS makes it a little better)
- Watching audio logs is boring
- "Quirky" mission givers kill the tone
- Climbing and cover controls are janky and stiff
- Simply using angles is almost always better than the cover system
Updated 1 Year Ago


XenoBishop's Avatar'


120h Played
great looter shooter. played day one on release. dumped lots of hours into this game. def recomend.
Updated 1 Year Ago


Walce's Avatar'


The Division
Updated 1 Year Ago


Nemesis88's Avatar'


49h PlayedReplay
One of my most anticipated games of all time. I bought a PS4 to play it but ended up waiting over a year for it to finally be released.
The premise is excellent but overall, it fell disappointingly short. Don't get me wrong, this is a great game for a good 30hrs of solo play, but for me it rapidly fell flat after that.

The setting is incredible. Manhattan is brilliantly realised here throughout and set in the perfect miserable cold season. The progression is also great. It feels rewarding to progress, unlock new talents and gear etc. I was truly gripped and loving every minute of gameplay. Even the bullet spongey bosses didn't bother me too much.

Unfortunately, hard mode just means ALL enemies gain armour and absorb bullets, so it ruined replayability for me after completing the story.

Its one I return to every few years to start over.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


edusv98's Avatar'


60h Played
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


w_atso_n's Avatar'


58h 40m Played
Loved playing the co-op campaign back in 2017 eventho I'm not the biggest looter shooter fan
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


B4sketC4se's Avatar'


Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Kal_wardin's Avatar'


26h Played
A bland, monotonous game that is occasionally entertaining when played in CO-OP. A waste of a great premise.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


NoOne1212's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 4

idr but i remember it's funny
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Ozz's Avatar'


938h Played
I love the feel and playability of the Division, the survival mode was amazing. But the division lacked necessary improvements in a timely manner. The game was always online
Updated 2 Years Ago


Shortchimp's Avatar'

50%Xbox One

damn bullet sponges
Updated 2 Years Ago


Yalldin's Avatar'


26h 10m Progress
O game é fenomenal, ambientação, jogabilidade, cenário!! Me diverti demais jogando esse game, não conseguia mais parar de jogar, adorei! Único problema foi a dificuldade de fazer stream dele!
Updated 2 Years Ago


Medoraz's Avatar'


Updated 2 Years Ago


Saperpok's Avatar'


45h Played
+ Excellent environments and details.
+ Good shooting mechanics.
- Typical online game repetitiveness and grind.
- Enemies can be bullet sponges.

It deserves to be a single player game, it would have had much better content.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


Enterval's Avatar'


45h Played
As of writing this review I have played about 56 hours of the game and have completed every main and side mission, as well as every encounter in the game.

The main missions are broke up into 3 categories, medical, power, and defense, all of which give you credits to upgrade your home base for the applicable category. The main missions are interesting enough, and they reward you with cool gear and fun bosses to fight, some of them can even be very difficult, but there simply are not enough of them, there are (based on memory) about 12 or 13 of them in the game, and one final mission which is the end of the campaign.

The story is not very interesting, its very simple, and the clear focus is gameplay, which while is good, gets repetitive.

That being said the game does look incredibly, and runs fantastically as well, on a GTX 1080 I was getting over 144 fps on all ultra, and now that I have a 3070 I'm seeing frames in the 300s at times, so this is a very good looking game that is playable on older hardware. The UI of the game is really cool and interesting, I love the hologram look of it all and it is definitely unique to the series.

The side content of the Division is broken up into two categories; side missions, and encounters. Side missions are standard side content, some cool investigations and missing persons, there are some with up to 5 parts so they do give you something to do, however they can be boring at times and can get repetitive in certain instances, however I still found them enjoyable.

Encounters are, in a nutshell, go here, kill these guys, leave. They are incredibly boring, and are basically just to be used to level up, get credits for your base upgrades, and get new gear. I did all of them anyway because I'm a psychopath but if you are playing the game, I would only do these when you want too/ need credits, don't force yourself to play them as they are not that interesting.

Overall, the concept is great but the story is uninteresting, it was fun with friends doing the multiplayer content outside of the story, but I would say if your playing it by yourself, it is best consumed with a good TV show to watch in your second monitor.

Story: 6/10
Visuals: 8/10
Gameplay: 6/10

Overall: 6.5/10
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


neji_genius's Avatar'


23h 40m Progress
It's not possible to play solo. Too difficult. But must be fun with friends. I liked it, but do not like to play with people, so it's impossible for me to complete this game.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


zoombip's Avatar'


31h Played
fun skill
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


kingcatatafish's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 4

32h 5m Played
Play it only if you have friends to play with.
Updated 2.5 Years Ago


SecretAgentRPD's Avatar'


46h 9m Played
Updated 3 Years Ago


hardscans's Avatar'


23h 39m Played
Gratifying feedback loop. Duck and cover.
Updated 3 Years Ago


LocalAutist's Avatar'


20h Played
this isn't destiny
Updated 3 Years Ago


NojEsco's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 4

44h 56m Played
While the game doesn't differ much in terms of the experience from the start to the end, I really don't understand why many people call it boring. The world is insanely large for this kind of game and while it isn't particularly lively, it does feel very real and, on the PS4 Pro, the locations are insanely sharp and detailed, despite the fact that everywhere is a single location (after the prologue, that is). Also, while I tend to love cinematic musical scores in games, once in a while a game is made even more immersive by the lack of music, and this is one of them. The missions are repetitive but they remain compelling, and some of the one-off, major plot missions, are quite engaging. The story elements aren't at all badly written either – it's really that there isn't too much to them. There are some gripping, even haunting elements, however, such as a video you can find where someone is hiding from ex-firemen going ballistic with flamethrowers, attempting to kill everyone that might be a virus carrier; this one in particular is actually quite horrifying. And because of this, when one takes organized gangs, murderous flame-throwing firefighters, and corrupt local soldiers/security, it does feel like you're doing good by taking them out and thus helping make the city a safe place again. This is helped by the fact that you can give things like food and med-packs to civilians in need, as well as some missions involving either kidnap victims, hospital personnel, or assisting those fixing city utilities that are offline, such as water-flow or electricity. This helps make the game more enjoyable, adding some good context, if not necessarily story, to what is a very fun third-person-shooter game. You work in conjunction with the city civil services in a central HUB, and in here you can do more good for the city such as building an internal viraligy center to research the illness, to fixing the city-wide network, so this allows you to feel like you're making a difference. The Christmas motif, if you pay attention to it, is thick and adds to the cold and desolate atmosphere where everything is dying but there's still some glimmer of hope, and there are some good story beats outside of the main narrative, such as an 8-part set of voicemails from a guy who starts off as a douche avoiding talking to his parents to his situation getting worse and worse, only for him to end up turning into one of the violent thugs you are tasked with killing (if you do kill him, it's never revealed). While I wouldn't consider this one of my favorite games ever, I can think of few others that allowed me to play 6-7 hours at a time without getting tired of it. I also really dig that the game allows you to play co-op multiplayer, or just fly solo by simply ignoring online requests. It also doesn't do the RE5/Borderlands thing of making the game almost impossible if you fly solo, with things like invincible shields on enemies that never turn their back from you. Having said that, there are some firefights where you are forced to take position in a very un-strategic location, including two super-powered bosses, complete with henchmen, surrounding me in an area that, right before he comes out, you are LOCKED IN, and no areas that you go to allow for a choke-point; instead, you always have two or more areas for the enemy to attack you from. Luckily, while it's very slow when not engaging in quests, the game does allow you to power-up by collecting experience points and gaining levels, as well as modifying your arsenal; like most games the modifications will only be usable until you reach the next level, and find that default items for this new level of power are superior, but the feature is nice to have at least. But overall I just had a great time with it. With that, I appreciate the Christmas motif, as it makes the game both happier and slightly more tragic.
Updated 3 Years Ago


andyoko601's Avatar'

90%PlayStation 4

27h Progress
Amazing game with a really good story but can feel repetitive to some players since it’s a game where you have to take cover if you want your character to survive.
Updated 3 Years Ago


eveex's Avatar'


Good one, but need DLC for more experience
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


adamcy_'s Avatar'


22h Played
a lot of bugs example: enemies shooting through wall
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


DeathKillerNOR's Avatar'


27h 42m Played
The Division 2 have overcome most issues the first one had. It looks and sounds great, and the gameplay is smooth too.
There are many different guns, gear, and mods to recalibrate at the end game.
The Story is ok, but not as engaging as the first one for me. The Storage space for inventory, Materials seems too small for me considering how much loot we will get after a few hours of playing the game.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


erdanie88's Avatar'


Paseos y más paseos en busca de una misión. Modo historia anodino con algún momento de acción intensa. Luce muy bonito.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


Crimson's Avatar'


weak story-telling (radio transmissions, which stop due to other events), too much grinding/repetitive missions w/o story contribution
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


tosh's Avatar'


45h Played
No conclusion, just more doing. While story is good, it's too focused on being a multiplayer game.
Updated 3.5 Years Ago


traxdize's Avatar'


106h 9m Played
Sometimes a buggy mess, overall great to play with friends.
Updated 4 Years Ago



80%PlayStation 4

45h 7m Played
Updated 4 Years Ago


NsL791's Avatar'


74h Played
Tom Clancy's The Division is one of my best looter-shooter game..

(+) Interesting storyline
(+) Very detailed open-world of new york, especially the snow storm at night
(+) A lot of different playstyle for each build
(+) A lot of customization
(+) Good shooting mechanic
(+) Unique dark zone mode, which u can fight tougher enemies with another agents or wether be a rogue agents to hunts down another agents
(+) A lot of endgame features, such as incursion, new side pier location and mode, hvt mission, and legendary mission
(+) Really tough and smart AI, they can't miss a single shot if you are not in cover and smart enough to flank you from blind side

(~) Sometimes dark zone is really unbalanced
(~) A few bugs

(-) Repetitive quest and endgame features
(-) Forgettable character
(-) Single player still need an internet connection
(-) Long and unstable server connection
Updated 4.5 Years Ago


browntown's Avatar'


180h Progress
Bullet sponge game but also incredibly fun with friends
Updated 5 Years Ago


Manton's Avatar'


45h Played
Updated 5 Years Ago


Harkonnen's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 4

Still playing it. The shooting aspect is really well done and fun, however NYC is pretty isolated and there’s not much to do when free roaming, and I also find it pretty hard unless you team up with good players
Updated 5 Years Ago