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Sablon:Grafikon – Wikipédia Ugrás a tartalomhoz


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Ez a sablon az angol en:Template:Graph:Chart segítségével jött létre.


  • width: width of the chart
  • height: height of the chart
  • type: type of the chart: line for line charts, area for area charts, and rect for (column) bar charts, and pie for pie charts. Multiple series can stacked using the stacked prefix, e.g. stackedarea.
  • interpolate: interpolation method for line and area charts. It is recommended to use monotone for a monotone cubic interpolation – further supported values are listed at https://github.com/vega/vega/wiki/Marks#area.
  • colors: color palette of the chart as a comma-separated list of colors. The color values must be given either as #rgb/#rrggbb/#aarrggbb or by a CSS color name. For #aarrggbb the aa component denotes the alpha channel, i.e. FF=100% opacity, 80=50% opacity/transparency, etc. (The default color palette if n <= 10 is Category10:                                         else is Category20:                                                                                ).
  • xAxisTitle and yAxisTitle: captions of the x and y axes
  • xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, and yAxisMax: minimum and maximum values of the x and y axes (not yet supported for bar charts). These parameters can be used to invert the scale of a numeric axis by setting the lowest value to the Max and highest value to the Min.
  • xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat: changes the formatting of the axis labels. Supported values are listed at https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Formatting.md#numbers for numbers and https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Time-Formatting.md for date/time. For example, the format % can be used to output percentages.
  • xAxisAngle: rotates the x axis labels by the specified angle. Recommended values are: -45, +45, -90, +90
  • xType and yType: Data types of the values, e.g. integer for integers, number for real numbers, date for dates (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD), and string for ordinal values (use string to prevent axis values from being repeated when there are only a few values).
  • x: the x-values as a comma-separated list
  • y or y1, y2, …: the y-values for one or several data series, respectively. For pie charts y2 denotes the radiuses of the corresponding sectors.
  • legend: show legend (only works in case of multiple data series)
  • y1Title, y2Title, …: defines the label of the respective data series in the legend
  • linewidth: line width for line charts or distance between the pie segments for pie charts. Setting to 0 with type=line creates a scatter plot.
  • showValues: Additionally, output the y values as text. (Currently, only (non-stacked) bar and pie charts are supported.) The output can be configured used the following parameters provided as name1:value1, name2:value2:
  • showSymbols: For line charts: show a symbol (circle) at each data point. (usage: showSymbols=true)
  • innerRadius: For pie charts: defines the inner radius to create a doughnut chart.
  • xGrid and yGrid: display grid lines on the x and y axes.

Note: In the editor preview the graph extension creates a canvas element with vector graphics. However, when saving the page a PNG raster graphics is generated instead.





Megjegyzés: Az y-tengely a legkisebb y értéktől indul, de ez felülírható az yAxisMin paraméterrel.



Megjegyzés: Az y-tengely nullától indul.



Vonaldiagram több adatsorral, színes vonalakkal:


Area chart with more than one data series showing blended overlap:


Oszlopdiagram több adatsorral:


Area chart with smoothed data values:

{{Grafikon|width=400|height=100|xAxisTitle=X|yAxisTitle=Y|legend=Legend|type=stackedarea|x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8|y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9|y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2|interpolate=monotone|colors=seagreen, orchid}}

Bar chart with stacked data series:

{{Grafikon|width=400|height=100|xAxisTitle=X|yAxisTitle=Y|legend=Legend|type=stackedrect|x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8|y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9|y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2|y1Title=Data A|y2Title=Data B|colors=seagreen, orchid}}



