(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
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Usage in other kanji[szerkesztés]

KANJIDIC Entry[szerkesztés]

  • ます 3E23 U5347 B4 C24 G8 S4 F2077 N160 V603 H3455 DK2154 L42 K1575 O113 DO1816 MN2702 MP2.0534 E1386 IN1898 DJ1915 DG242 P4-4-3 I0a4.32 Q2440.0 DR2255 Ysheng1 Wseung ショウ ます T1 のぼる {measuring box} {1.8 liter}

EDICT Entries[szerkesztés]

  • ます [ます] / (n) (1) measure / unit of volume (1.8l) / (2) square container, e.g., a box / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 837 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning[szerkesztés]

  1. sheng1 - variant of ます[sheng1]

Pronunciation Clues[szerkesztés]

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words[szerkesztés]

High Frequency
Medium Frequency

Appears In[szerkesztés]