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Simone Weil

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Simone Weil
Lahir3 Februari 1909
Paris, Prancis
Meninggal24 Agustus 1943(1943-08-24) (umur 34)
Ashford, Kent, Inggris
EraFilsafat abad ke-20
AliranFilsafat Kristen, Gnostisisme, Neoplatonisme
Minat utama
Metafisika, kosmologi, etika, filsafat politik

Simone Weil (bahasa Prancis: [simɔn vɛj]; 3 Februari 1909 – 24 Agustus 1943) adalah seorang filsuf, mistikus Kristen, dan aktivis politik berkebangsaan Prancis.

Simone Weil pada usia 13 tahun. Foto tersebut diambil pada saat keluarganya berlibur ke Belgia, dimana Simone sedang bercanda dengan saudaranya André.

Kehidupan awal

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Weil lahir di apartemen orangtuanya di Paris pada 3 Februari 1909. Ibunya yang bernama Saolomea Weil dan bapaknya yang bernama Bernard merupakan seorang dokter medis.

Karya dalam bahasa Prancis

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  • Simone Weil, Œuvres complètes. (Paris: Gallimard, 1989–2006, 6 vols.)
  • Réflexions sur la guerre (La Critique sociale, no. 10, November 1933)
  • La Pesanteur et la grâce (1947)
  • L'Enracinement (1949)
  • Attente de Dieu (1950)
  • Lettre à un religieux (1951)
  • Les Intuitions pré-chrétiennes (Paris: Les Editions de la Colombe, 1951)
  • La Source grecque (Paris: Gallimard, 1952)
  • Oppression et liberté (1955)
  • Note sur la suppression générale des partis politiques (Paris: Climats, 2006)

Karya dalam terjemahan bahasa Inggris

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  • Awaiting God: A New Translation of Attente de Dieu and Lettre a un Religieux. Introduction by Sylvie Weil. Translation by Bradley Jersak. Fresh Wind Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-927512-03-6.
  • Formative Writings: 1929–1941. (1987). Dorothy Tuck McFarland & Wilhelmina Van Ness, eds. University of Massachusetts Press.
  • The Iliad or the Poem of Force. Pendle Hill Pamphlet. Mary McCarthy trans.
  • Intimations of Christianity Among the Greeks. Routledge Kegan Paul, 1957. Elisabeth Chas Geissbuhler trans.
  • Letter to a Priest. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1954.
  • The Need for Roots. Routledge Kegan Paul, 1952. Arthur Wills trans., preface by T.S. Eliot
  • Gravity and Grace. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952. [Routledge Classics 2002. ISBN 978-0-415-29001-2]
  • The Notebooks of Simone Weil. Routledge paperback, 1984. ISBN 0-7100-8522-2 [Routledge 2004. ISBN 978-0-415-32771-8]
  • On Science, Necessity, & The Love of God. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. Richard Rees trans.
  • Oppression and Liberty. Routledge Kegan Paul, 1958.
  • Simone Weil's The Iliad or Poem of Force: A Critical Edition. James P. Holoka, ed. & trans. Peter Lang, 2005.
  • Simone Weil: An Anthology. Sian Miles, editor. Virago Press, 1986.
  • Simone Weil: First and Last Notebooks. London: Oxford University Press, 1970. Richard Rees trans.
  • Simone Weil: Lectures on Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 1978. Intro. by Peter Winch, trans. by Hugh Price.
  • The Simone Weil Reader: A Legendary Spiritual Odyssey of Our Time. George A. Panichas, editor. David McKay Co., 1981.
  • Simone Weil—Selected Essays: 1934–1943. London: Oxford University Press, 1962. Richard Rees trans.
  • Simone Weil: Seventy Letters. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. Richard Rees trans.
  • Two Moral Essays by Simone Weil—Draft for a Statement of Human Obligations & Human Personality. Ronald Hathaway, ed. Pendle Hill Pamphlet. Richard Rhees trans.
  • Waiting on God. Routledge Kegan Paul, 1951. Emma Craufurd trans.
  • Waiting For God. Harper Torchbooks, 1973. Emma Craufurd trans., with an introduction by Leslie A. Fiedler. ISBN 06-131903-1.
  • On the Abolition of All Political Parties, Simon Leys trans., Melbourne: Black Inc., 2013. ISBN 9781921870903

Karya dalam terjemahan bahasa Arab

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Sumber sekunder

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  • Bell, Richard H. (1998) Simone Weil. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • -----, editor. (1993) Simone Weil's Philosophy of Culture: Readings Toward a Divine Humanity. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-43263-4
  • Davies, Grahame (2007) Everything Must Change. Seren. ISBN 9781854114518
  • Dietz, Mary. (1988). Between the Human and the Divine: The Political Thought of Simone Weil.Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Doering, E. Jane, ed. (2004) The Christian Platonism Of Simone Weil. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Morgan, Vance G. (2005) Weaving the World: Simone Weil on Science, Mathematics, and Love. University of Notre Dame Press. ISBN 0-268-03486-9
  • Plant, Stephen (2007) Simone Weil: a Brief Introduction, Orbis, ISBN 978-1-57075-753-2
  • -----, (2007) The SPCK Introduction to Simone Weil, SPCK, ISBN 978-0-281-05938-6
  • Radzins, Inese Astra (2006) Thinking Nothing: Simone Weil's Cosmology. ProQuest/UMI.
  • Rhees, Rush (2000) Discussions of Simone Weil. State University of New York Press.
  • Veto, Miklos (1994) The Religious Metaphysics of Simone Weil, Joan Dargan, trans. State University of New York Press.
  • Winch, Peter (1989) Simone Weil: 'The Just Balance' . Cambridge University Press.
  • Athanasios Moulakis (1998) Simone Weil and the Politics of Self-Denial. Translated from the German by Ruth Hein Publisher: University of Missouri Press Pub. ISBN 978-0-8262-1162-0
  • Cabaud, Jacques. (1964). Simone Weil. Channel Press.
  • Robert Coles (1989) Simone Weil: A Modern Pilgrimage. Addison-Wesley. 2001 ed., Skylight Paths Publishing.
  • Fiori, Gabriella (1989) Simone Weil: An Intellectual Biography. translated by Joseph R. Berrigan. University of Georgia Press. ISBN 0-8203-1102-2
  • -----, (1991) Simone Weil. Una donna assoluta, La Tartaruga; Saggistica. ISBN 88-7738-075-6
  • -----, (1993) Simone Weil. Une Femme Absolue Diffuseur-SODIS. ISBN 2-86645-148-1
  • Finch, Henry Leroy (1999) Simone Weil and the Intellect of Grace. Continuum International Publishing.
  • Gray, Francine Du Plessix (2001) Simone Weil. Viking Press.
  • McLellan, David (1990) Utopian Pessimist: The Life and Thought of Simone Weil. New York: Poseidon Press.
  • Nevin, Thomas R. (1991). Simone Weil: Portrait of a Self-Exiled Jew. Chapel Hill.
  • Perrin, J.B. & Thibon, G. (1953). Simone Weil as We Knew Her. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Petrement, Simone (1976) Simone Weil: A Life. New York: Schocken Books. 1988 edition.
  • Rexroth, Kenneth (1957) Simone Weil http://www.bopsecrets.org/rexroth/essays/simone-weil.htm
  • Terry, Megan (1973). Approaching Simone: A Play. The Feminist Press.
  • White, George A., editor (1981). Simone Weil: Interpretations of a Life. University of Massachusetts Press.
  • Winch, Peter (1989) Simone Weil, the Just Balance. Cambridge
  • Simone Weil: A Saint for Our Time? Magazine article by Jillian Becker; The New Criterion, Vol. 20, March 2002.

Rekaman audio

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  • Cayley, David (2002). Enlightened by Love: The Thought of Simone Weil. CBC Audio


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  1. ^ Sontag, Susan. "Simone Weil". nybooks.com. 

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