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Why Can the Yield Curve Predict Output Growth, Inflation, and Interest Rates? An Analysis with Affine Term Structure Model
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Why Can the Yield Curve Predict Output Growth, Inflation, and Interest Rates? An Analysis with Affine Term Structure Model


  • Hibiki Ichiue


The literature gives evidence that term spreads help predict output growth, inflation, and interest rates. This paper integrates and explains these predictability results by using an affine term structure model with observable macroeconomic factors. The results suggest that consumers are willing to pay a higher premium for output growth risk hedge during the higher inflation regime. This causes term spreads to react to recent inflation shocks, which prove useful for prediction. We also find that term spreads using the short end of the yield curve have less predictive power than many other spreads. We attribute this to monetary policy inertia

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  • Hibiki Ichiue, 2004. "Why Can the Yield Curve Predict Output Growth, Inflation, and Interest Rates? An Analysis with Affine Term Structure Model," Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings 581, Econometric Society.
  • Handle: RePEc:ecm:feam04:581

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    References listed on IDEAS

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    Term Structure; Monetary Policy; VAR;
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    JEL classification:

    • E43 - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics - - Money and Interest Rates - - - Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects
    • E52 - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics - - Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit - - - Monetary Policy

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