(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Dies Natalis, Op.8 (Finzi, Gerald) - IMSLP/ペトルッチ楽譜ライブラリー: パブリックドメインの無料楽譜

Dies Natalis, Op.8 (Finzi, Gerald)

This work has been identified as being in the public domain in Canada, as well as countries where the copyright term is life+50 years. However, this work is probably still protected by copyright in the United States, as well as in countries where the copyright term is life+70 years (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. See public domain for details.
This work may not be in the public domain in all countries. Please check the copyright laws of your country.




FLAC file (audio)
Dbmiller (2023/8/30)

演奏えんそうしゃページ Boyd Neel (conductor)
Joan Cross (soprano)
公開こうかいしゃ情報じょうほう London: Decca, 1948.
備考びこう The composer may have conducted during one of the sessions for this recording. Finzi was not satisfied with the choice of Cross and Neel as singer and conductor.
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OGG file (audio)
Dbmiller (2023/8/30)

演奏えんそうしゃページ Christopher Finzi (conductor)
Wilfred Brown (tenor)
公開こうかいしゃ情報じょうほう London: EMI, 1963.
備考びこう Brown previously performed this piece under the composer's baton.
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Full Scores

PDF スキャンしたひと Unknown
Dbmiller (2023/8/30)

出版しゅっぱんしゃ情報じょうほう London: Hawkes & Son, No.HPS 97, 1946. Plate B. & H. 9129.
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PDF スキャンしたひと Unknown
Dbmiller (2023/9/18)

4 more: Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Double Basses

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Dbmiller (2023/9/18)

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Dbmiller (2023/9/18)

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Dbmiller (2023/9/18)

PDF スキャンしたひと Unknown
Dbmiller (2023/9/18)

出版しゅっぱんしゃ情報じょうほう London: Hawkes & Son, 1949. Plate B. & H. 16147.
その注記ちゅうき Revised ed. 1949.
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Vocal Scores

PDF スキャンしたひと Unknown
Dbmiller (2023/8/30)

出版しゅっぱんしゃ情報じょうほう London: Winthrop Rogers, 1939.
再版さいはん London: Boosey & Hawkes, n.d. Plate H. 15139.
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作品さくひん題名だいめい Dies Natalis
典拠てんきょ Wikipedia
作曲さっきょく Finzi, Gerald
作品さくひん番号ばんごう・カタログ番号ばんごう Op.8
Iカタログ番号ばんごう IGF 15
楽章がくしょう 5 movements
  1. Intrada
  2. Rhapsody
  3. The Rapture
  4. Wonder
  5. The Salutation
作曲さっきょくされた年月日ねんがっぴ 1938-39
初演しょえん 1946
はつ出版しゅっぱん 1939 (vocal score)
1946 (full score)
台本だいほん Thomas Traherne (1637-1674)
言語げんご English
平均へいきん所要しょよう時間じかん 25 minutes
作曲さっきょく時代じだい Early 20th century
作品さくひんスタイル Early 20th century
楽器がっき編成へんせい soprano or tenor, string orchestra
外部がいぶリンク Wikipedia article