(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Intersect Contribs - Wikimedia Tool Labs

Intersect Contribs
Wikimedia Tool Labs — Pietrodn's tools.

This tool intersects the contributions of two or more users on a given WMF project, showing the pages edited by all of them.
It can help in discovering sockpuppets.

Update: On 2016-04-05 I updated the tool to support the intersection of the contributions of multiple users. Unfortunately, to handle this in a reasonable way, I had to change the format of the URL parameters. The old URL format ("user1" and "user2") is still supported, but eventually this will be removed.
This means that existing links to the tool referring to a specific couple of users will be broken.
Elapsed time: 0 s


16 results found.
  1. IBC岩手いわて放送ほうそう (10 total edits)
  2. かまいたちのらんけど (9 total edits)
  3. アイ・アム・冒険ぼうけん少年しょうねん (2 total edits)
  4. ダンロップフェニックストーナメント (5 total edits)
  5. テレビユてれびゆ山形やまがた (17 total edits)
  6. バナナサンド (6 total edits)
  7. バナナマンのせっかくグルメ!! (13 total edits)
  8. プレバト!! (3 total edits)
  9. ベスコングルメ (3 total edits)
  10. マツコのらない世界せかい (3 total edits)
  11. 世界一せかいいち九州きゅうしゅうはじまる! (3 total edits)
  12. 中国放送ちゅうごくほうそう (6 total edits)
  13. 月曜げつようかえる大海たいかいる。 (2 total edits)
  14. 水曜日すいようびのダウンタウン (3 total edits)
  15. まどをあけて九州きゅうしゅう (3 total edits)
  16. 青森あおもりテレビ (12 total edits)