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Prunella (zoologia): differenze tra le versioni - Wikipedia

Prunella (zoologia): differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 1:
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Riga 39:
Le '''Prunelle''' sonoappartengono lall'unica famiglia di uccelli ('''Prunellidae''') completamente endemica nella zona Paleartica.
Non sono uccelli fortemente migratori, ma si muovono per svernare in zone più calde. Vivono in zone montuose.
Tutte le specie appartengono al genere ''Prunella'' e vivono nel continente Euroasiatico, lungo le zone di montagna
The accentors are in the only bird family, Prunellidae, which is completely endemic to the Palearctic. This small group of closely related passerines are all in a single genus Prunella. All but the Dunnock and the Japanese Accentor are inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia; these two also occur in lowland areas, as does the Siberian Accentor in the far north of Siberia. This genus is not strongly migratory, but they will leave the coldest parts of their range in winter, and make altitudinal movements.
Costruiscono un nudo a coppa e depongono 4 uova verdi o blu.
These are small, fairly drab species superficially similar, but unrelated to, sparrows. However, accentors have thin sharp bills, reflecting their diet of insects in summer, augmented with seeds and berries in winter.
They build neat cup nests and lay about 4 unspotted green or blue eggs. Both sexes incubate.
*''[[Prunella collaris]] - [[Sordone]]
Altai Accentor *''[[Prunella himalayana]]
Robin Accentor *''[[Prunella rubeculoides ]]
Rufous-breasted Accentor *''[[Prunella strophiata]]
Siberian Accentor *''[[Prunella montanella]]
Brown Accentor *''[[Prunella fulvescens]]
Radde*'s Accentor '[[Prunella ocularis]]
Black-throated Accentor *''[[Prunella atrogularis]]
Koslow*'s Accentor '[[Prunella koslowi]]
*''[[Prunella modularis]] - [[Passera scopaiola]]
Japanese Accentor *''[[Prunella rubida]]
Maroon-backed Accentor *''[[Prunella immaculata]]
Species list:
Image:Prunella collaris.jpg|''Prunella collaris''
Alpine Accentor Image:Dunnock.jpg|''Prunella collaris modularis''
Altai Accentor Prunella himalayana
Robin Accentor Prunella rubeculoides
Rufous-breasted Accentor Prunella strophiata
Siberian Accentor Prunella montanella
Brown Accentor Prunella fulvescens
Radde's Accentor Prunella ocularis
Black-throated Accentor Prunella atrogularis
Koslow's Accentor Prunella koslowi
Dunnock or Hedge Accentor Prunella modularis
Japanese Accentor Prunella rubida
Maroon-backed Accentor Prunella immaculata