Fred Rebell

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Fred Rebell (nato Kārlis Sproģis; Ventspils, 22 aprile 188610 novembre 1968) è stato un navigatore lettone naturalizzato australiano, il primo ad attraversare in solitaria su un veliero l'oceano Pacifico, tra l’Australia e la California, dal 1931 al 1933.

  • Seul sur les flots / Fred Rebell ; traduction [de l'anglais] d'Olivier Le Carrer, DL 2018 [Patronyme dévoilé en 4e de couv.]
  • "The Boats They Sailed In" by John Stephen Doherty, pub. W.W. Norton & Co. 1985 ISBN 0-393-03299-X
  • "Escape to the Sea" - The Adventures of Fred Rebell WHO SAILED SINGLEHANDED IN AN OPEN BOAT 9,000 MILES ACROSS THE PACIFIC. Published by "Digit Books" R475 - Brown, Watson Limited London
  • "Rebell, Fred (1886 - 1968)" Australiand Dictionary of Biography
  • Gillian Fulloon, 'Rebell, Fred (1886 - 1968)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 11, Melbourne University Press, 1988, pp 345–346.
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