
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
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Continuation backward
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
linea Metropolitana Vandyelkanna
Unknown route-map component "tBHF"
0+000 Vandyeli Poutch
Unknown route-map component "tKRWgl+l" Unknown route-map component "tCONTfq"
0+789 Triangolo Poutch linea Metropolitana Vandyelkanna
Unknown route-map component "tCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "tKRWgr+r"
1+325 Triangolo Sotterraneo linea Metropolitana Vandyelkanna
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Station on track
4+934 Vandyeli Sud
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "WBRÜCKEq" Unknown route-map component "KBHFeq"
5+555 Vandyeli Aeroporto *2014
Bridge over water Water straight and to right
fiume Sbiro
Stop on track
13+152 Vembrodio
Station on track Unknown route-map component "uKBHFaq" Unknown route-map component "uCONTfq"
20+777 Enervidio *1954/Tranvia Enervidio centro-Enervidio stazione
Stop on track
24+995 Cervidone
Stop on track
30+781 Vemoniro
Unknown route-map component "eBS2+l" Unknown route-map component "BS2+r"
inizio variante
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
Unknown route-map component "exWBRÜCKE2" Unknown route-map component "tWSTR"
torrente Blu
Unknown route-map component "exBHF" Unknown route-map component "tBHF"
41+056 Gusaspra (vecchia †1976/nuova *1976)
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "eBS2l" Unknown route-map component "BS2r"
fine variante
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
41+978 Bivio Gusaspra linea per Terbonio
Stop on track
46+888 Rimostendio
Station on track
55+942 Ettorekuno
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
56+532 Bivio Ettorekuno linea per Ettorekuno Ovest
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
60+000 Ettorekuno Confine †2003
Stop on track
63+881 Restringreno *2003
Station on track
69+001 Fermonigeno
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
SN 1 Fermonigeno-Clembistranda
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Gu"
Autostrada AN 1 Vandyeli-Totary
Stop on track
75+000 Cerbignano
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
confine Provincia di Vandyeli-Provincia di Vilenaszi
Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Unknown route-map component "ABZglr" Unknown route-map component "STR+r"
One way leftward Flat crossing One way rightward
Anello di inversione
Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Unknown route-map component "xABZgr"
inizio variante
Stop on track Unknown route-map component "exBHF"
85+600 Golinano di Vilenaszi (nuova *2014/vecchia †2014)
One way leftward Unknown route-map component "xABZg+r"
fine variante
Stop on track
93+768 Deefopt
Station on track
100+001 Eftapo
Unknown route-map component "BS2+l" Unknown route-map component "BS2+r"
100+568 Bivio/P.C. Eftapo inizio variante singolo binario/doppio binario
Stop on track Straight track
102+354 Eftapo Sud
Unknown route-map component "BS2l" Unknown route-map component "BS2r"
119+100 Bivio/P.C. Estidvazo fine variante inizio doppio binario
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
129+300 Bivio Stadio Passante ferroviario di Vilenaszi
Station on track
130+004 Vilenaszi Stadio-Nord
Station on track
135+457 Vilenaszi Presvof
Continuation forward
linea per Totary