Yen Press

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Yen Press
StatoBandiera degli Stati Uniti Stati Uniti
Fondata daKurt Hassler, Rich Johnson
Sede principaleNew York
GruppoKadokawa, Hachette Book Group
Prodottimanga, romanzo grafico

Yen Press è una casa editrice statunitense di manga e romanzi a fumetti controllata da Kadokawa e Hachette Book Group.

Serie originali

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  • Freak
  • Gung - Palace Love Story
  • Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo
  • Hissing
  • Jack Frost - The Amityville
  • Laon
  • Legend
  • Moon Boy
  • One Fine Day
  • One Thousand and One Nights
  • Raiders
  • Pig Bride
  • Real Lies
  • Sarasah
  • Sugarholic
  • Time and Again
  • Very! Very! Sweet
  • You're So Cool
  • An Ideal World
  • Step
  • The History of The West Wing
  • Wild Animals

Titoli europei

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  • Dystopia
  • Toxic Planet
  • Y Square
  • Y Square Plus
  • Goldilocks and the Seven Squat Bears

Collegamenti esterni

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN96144648487392445621 · LCCN (ENno2015126894 · J9U (ENHE987012503034605171