(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Post by asdfchlwnsgy1236 in Terrasavr comments - itch.io

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The save/load for the equips section only affects the ammo while everything else stays the same.

I am assuming the loadouts messed it up.

It looked like you have not checked the Terraria forums for the past three weeks, so I thought I would mention it here.

I have seen the report but I’ve not gotten to it yet - I’d like to also rewrite it to use JSON instead of a fragile binary format. You can get an overall impression of how many projects I’m maintaining in my spare time if you follow me on itch and GitHub.

Ah, okay.

I just wanted to confirm that you did see it. I guess I should have mentioned that.

I have actually been following you on itch, and checking out your GitHub and blog from time to time.

As an amateur programmer myself, much respect.