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転造 - Wikipedia コンテンツにスキップ


出典しゅってん: フリー百科ひゃっか事典じてん『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


















  1. ^ a b c d e f てんづくり加工かこうとは?種類しゅるいとデメリット、加工かこう可能かのう金属きんぞく解説かいせつ! | mitsuri-articles” (2020ねん6がつ10日とおか). 2023ねん8がつ20日はつか閲覧えつらん
  2. ^ See:
    • William Keane, "Improvement in machines for cutting wood- and other screws," U.S. Patent no. 9,398X (issued: Feb. 13, 1836).
    • The screw "cutting" machine of William Keane and his partner, Thaddeus Sellick of Haverstraw, N.Y., is mentioned in the North River Times (Haverstraw, New York), reprinted in: The Pittsburgh Gazette, March 19, 1836, page 2. From page 2: "Important Invention. Mr. William Keane.of Haverstraw, has in conjunction with Mr. Thaddeus Selleck, obtained letters patent for a machine for cutting screws, which probably excels any thing of the kind now in use in Europe or America. The principle of the machine consists in circular dies, which have a motion towards each other, while, at the same time, they make upwards of 500 revolutions a minute. These dies receive the screw at the top of a cast iron pot in which they are secured, and when it obtains its proper thread, it is thrown off by means of an inner spindle, and another instantly takes its place, the dies preserving their usual velocity, without changing their rotary motion. The saving of screws is another important consideration in favor of these machines, as it is difficult to spoil one upon them. Their construction is simple, and we understand that one, containing four sets of dies, and upon which a boy can turn off thirty gross per day, can be built at a cost not exceeding $150. They are now in operation at Selleck & Keane's Screw Factory, at Samsondale, in this town [i.e. Haverstraw, N.Y.]."
  3. ^ For a brief review of the history of screw making, see:
  4. ^ Harvey J. Harwood, "Improved screw machine," U.S. Patent no. 65,567 (issued: June 11, 1867). In his patent, Harwood states: "In the manufacture of wood-screws the thread has been formed hitherto by removing the metal between the turns of the thread by means of dies or cutters. By my invention the blank is rotated between rotating or reciprocating dies, suitably formed, and set in motion, by means of which the thread is impressed on the blank without removing any part of the metal."Apparently Harwood and the patent examiner were ignorant of Keane's 1836 patent.
  5. ^ See, for example:
  6. ^ See:
  7. ^ Charles D. Rogers, "Die for rolling screw-threads," U.S. Patent no. 370,354 (filed: May 11, 1887 ; issued: Sept. 20, 1887).


  • 川井かわい 謙一けんいち団野だんの あつし ちょ日本にっぽん塑性そせい加工かこう学会がっかい へん回転かいてん成形せいけい- てんづくりとスピニングの基礎きそ応用おうよう - (しん塑性そせい加工かこう技術ぎじゅつシリーズ 12)』コロナしゃ、2019ねんISBN 9784339043822 
  • 建築けんちく設備せつび配管はいかん工事こうじ編集へんしゅう委員いいんかい『よくほどけ配管はいかんようてんづくりねじ・地震じしんつよ接合せつごう日本にっぽん工業こうぎょう出版しゅっぱん、2015ねんISBN 9784819027083 

