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Edward Said - Wîkîpediya Here naverokê

Edward Said

Ji Wîkîpediya, ensîklopediya azad.
Edward Said
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Edward Wadie Said
Jidayikbûn1ê çiriya paşîn a 1935an
Mirin25ê îlonê 2003an (67 salî)
New York City, New York (Dewletên Yekbûyî yên Amerîkayê)
SerdemSedsala 20an
HevjînMariam C. Said
ZarokNajla Said

Edward Said, Edward William Said, ê rast Edward Wadie Said (jdb. 1ê çiriya pêşîn a 1935 li Quds, Mandaya Brîtanî ya Filistînê – m. 25ê îlona 2003 li New York, DYA), nivîskar û teorîsyenê edebiyatê û rexnegirê emrîkî yê edebiyatê yê ku bi eslê xwe filistînî bû.

Edward Said zarokekî bavê xwe yê bi hewşêwe navî û protestanekî li Qûdsê dijî bû. Piştî ku Said hatibû dinyayê piraniya zaroktiya xwe li Qehîreyê derbaz kir. Wî dereceya xwe ya Bachelor of Arts li Zanîngeha Princetonê û dereceya xwe ya Master of Arts û Ph.D. li Zanîngeha Harvardê temam kirine. Piştre wî li zanîngehên Columbia, Harvard û Yale wek mamoste ders dane.

  • Acts of Aggression: Policing "Rogue States" (with Noam Chomsky and Ramsey Clark)(1999)
  • After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives (1986) [with photographs by Jean Mohr]
  • Beginnings: Intention and Method(1975)
  • Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question (1988) [contributor and co-editor with Christopher Hitchens]
  • CIA et Jihad, 1950-2001: Contre l'URSS, une désastreuse alliance (2002), with John K. Cooley
  • Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World (1981)
  • Criticism in Society
  • Culture and Imperialism (1993)
  • Culture and Resistance: Conversations with Edward W. Said (2003) [Interviews by David Barsamian]
  • Humanism and Democratic Criticism (2005)
  • Edward Said: A Critical Reader
  • Entre guerre at paix (1997)
  • Freud and the Non-European
  • From Oslo to Iraq and the Road Map (Collection of Essays) (2003)
  • Henry James: Complete Stories, 1884-1891 (Editor) (1999)
  • Jewish Religion, Jewish History (Introduction)
  • Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography (1966)
  • Literature and Society (editor) (1980)
  • Musical Elaborations (1991)
  • Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature
  • On Late Style: Music and Literature Against the Grain (will be published posthumously April 2006)
  • Orientalism (1978)
  • Orientalisme (1980)
  • Out of Place (1999) (a memoir)
  • Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society (with Daniel Barenboim)
  • Peace and Its Discontents: Essays on Palestine in the Middle East Peace Process (1996)
  • Power, Politics and Culture: Interviews with Edward W. Said (2001)
  • The Edward Said Reader (2000)
  • The End of the Peace Process: Oslo and After (2000)
  • The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with Edward W. Said (1994) [Conversations with David Barsamian]
  • The Politics of Dispossession (1994)
  • The Question of Palestine (1979)
  • The World, the Text and the Critic (1983)
  • Reflections on Exile (2000)
  • Representations of the Intellectual: The Reith Lectures (1994)
  • Yeats and Decolonization (1988)

Berhema wî ya ku ew xwe li dinyayê daye naskirin, pirtûka wî ya bi navê Oryantalîzm e. Pirtûk di sala 1978an de hatiye weşandin. Ew di pirtûka xwe de li ser Rojhilatê disekine, ango ev "Orient"a ha ku wê çaxê ji hêla rojavayiyan ve bi çewtî hatibû teswîrkirin û salixdan.

Said û polîtîkaya Filistîn û Îsraîlê

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Said li ser heqên filistîniyên Îsraîlê gelek têkoşîn kiribû û gelek salan yek ji endamên Parlamenta Filistînê li Sirgûnê bû.

Girêdanên derve

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