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Templum ECK, Chanhassen Minnesotae situm.

Eckankar ('Operarius Una Cum Deo'[1]) est organizatio religiosa non lucrativa et ecclesia cui sunt assectatores in plus quam centum civitatibus. Domus spiritualis est templum ECK Chanhassen in vico Minnesotae situm. Religio est recens condita, a Paulo Twitchell anno 1965 excogitata et introducta, sed fontes antiquos affirmat.

Vocabulum ECK 'Spiritum Sanctum' significat, etiam in theologia et hermeneutica Eckankar appellatum Flumen Vitae Quod Audiri Potest,[2] Vis Vitalis,[3] et Lux et Sonus Dei.[4] Inter res magni momenti in fide Eckankar sunt proiectura astralis, karma, reincarnatio, amor, lux, et sonus.

  1. A Glossary of ECK Terms.
  2. Audible Life Current.
  3. Life Force.
  4. Light and Sound of God.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Johnson, Ford. Confessions of a God Seeker: A Journey to Higher Consciousness, ONE Publishing.
  • Johnson, Julian. 1939, 1957, 1972, 1985, 1993. The Path of the Masters: The Science of Surat Shabd Yoga: The Yoga of the Audible Life Stream. Beās, East Puñjab: Radha Soami Satsang Beas. ISBN 8182560195.
  • Klemp, Harold. 1989. The Secret Teachings. Crystal Minnesotae: IWP. Mentions Kirpal Singh. ISBN 0881550825.
  • Lane, David Christopher. 1990. The Making of a Spiritual Movement: The Untold Story of Paul Twitchell and Eckankar. Del Mar Californiae: Del Mar Press. ISBN 0961112409.
  • Marman, Doug. 2007/ The Whole Truth: The Spiritual Legacy of Paul Twitchell. Ridgefield Vasingtoniae: Spiritual Dialogues Project. ISBN 9780979326004.
  • Twitchell, Paul. 1971. The Far Country. Menlo Park: IWP; Minneapoli: Eckankar. ISBN 0914766910.
  • Twitchell, Paul. 1988. The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad. 2 vol. Menlo Park: IWP; Minneapoli: Eckankar.

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