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Terms and Conditions of Proxy Server Usage

1. Service
2. Acceptable Use of Service
3. Term and Termination
4. Your Responsibilities
5. Other Providers/Services
6. Indemnification
7. Limitation of Warranties and Liability
8. Your Remedies
9. Supplied Software
10. Reservations by UofL
11. General Provisions

1. Service -- Proxy server is defined as the means of access to technology services or resources which require the user to be part of the louisville.edu domain such as authorized research databases and electronic journals provided by University Libraries for UofL students, faculty, administrators, or staff members using non-UofL Remote Plus internet access (including, but not limited to UofL.net Remote Standard, @Home, America Online, NetZero, Mindspring, etc.) While this proxy server does not include an electronic mail (e-mail) mailbox, computer account, disk space, World Wide Web page storage, or other similar services, access to the proxy server will require that you have a valid ULink account through the University of Louisville. For the remainder of this agreement, the term Service will be used to identify the proxy server service outlined in this section.

2. Acceptable Use of Service -- The Service may be used to gain access to technology services or resources such as research databases and electronic journals which would otherwise be restricted due to domain restrictions. Use of the Service is intended for university related (e.g., instructional, research, service, and professional) purposes. This Service is intended for individual use. In no case is use of this Service permitted to be used (1) in support of a business or commercial enterprise (either for profit or nonprofit) or (2) to be a provider of such services to others. This Service is not to be used to disrupt or to gain unauthorized access to any other attached systems or networks. Interpretation, application, and any future modification of the Acceptable Use of Service for the proxy server is at the sole discretion of UofL. Use of this service is subject to applicable policies, procedures, and standards relative to the use of technology services and resources provided or made available by UofL. Questions about any issue arising under this Acceptable Use of Service section should be directed to the Security and Account Management team in Information Technology when an issue is first identified. Violation(s) of the terms of this Acceptable Use of Service section may be grounds for termination of this Agreement and loss of use of technology services or resources. It could also result in appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the appropriate UofL policies regarding use of UofL technology services.

3. Term and Termination -- This agreement will begin from the date of your first use of the service. It may also be terminated or restricted by UofL at any time with or without notice for any default or breach of this Agreement. (including violations(s) of Acceptable Use of the Service) or applicable UofL policies, procedures or standards. This agreement automatically terminates when you no longer have a relationship with UofL (e.g., graduation or termination of employment.) This could occur if (1) you leave UofL under any conditions which result in your loss of status as an employee or student of UofL; (2) for students, upon graduation or withdrawal from UofL, (3) for employees, if you leave UofL's employment (voluntarily or you are terminated). The provisions of sections 4-11 will survive any termination of this Agreement.

4. Your Responsibilities

5. Other Providers/Services -- From this Service, you may access content, information resources, and services provided by the University of Louisville (UofL Related Services). In addition, you may access research databases and electronic journals provided by other parties on the Internet/WWW (Other Services.)Some of these services (UofL Related Services and Other Services) may be provided without charge to users of this Service. Some of these providers (including UofL) may have additional registration or eligibility requirements in order to use their services. You understand that the reliability, availability and performance of resources accessed on the Internet/WWW through this Service (UofL Related Services and Other Services) are beyond U of L's control and are not in any way warranted or guaranteed by UofL. You acknowledge that safeguards relative to intellectual property or other proprietary rights (e.g., copyright, ownership), decency, reliability, and integrity of content may be lacking with respect to UofL Related Services and Other Services. You understand that you assume the risk and liability of your use of UofL Related Services and Other Services accessible by this Service.

6. Indemnification -- You are responsible for the content of any transmission over this Service. You agree to indemnify and hold the UofL harmless for all claims of loss or damage (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from the use of this Service (by you or anyone to whom you have permitted access to this Service) including claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy or infringement of intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights(e.g., copyright) arising out of the content of any transmission carried by UofL by this Service.

7. Limitation of Warranties and Liability

8. Your Remedies -- Your sole and exclusive remedy for any failure or non-performance of the Service will be for UofL to use reasonable efforts to effectuate an adjustment or repair to the Service.

9. Supplied Software -- You are supplied no software as a part of this Agreement. You are responsible to obtain any software necessary to access the internet.

10. Reservations by UofL -- UofL reserves the right to protect its Service users from communications which violate the provisions of the Section 2 Acceptable Use of Service. UofL, as a general rule, does not access or disclose the contents of private communications of this Service, unless it in good faith believes that such action is necessary

11. General Provisions


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