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Charizard Sea - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

Charizard Sea

Charizard Sea (Japanese: リザードン海域かいいき Lizardon Sea) is a location in Pokémon Rumble Rush. It was first available during the Charizard Island's Home event from May 15 to June 5, 2019. It reappeared during the Charizard and Lugia's Island Home event that ran from February 19 to March 4, 2020. Charizard Sea was again available for a final time from June 10 to the game's end of service on July 22, 2020.

Map of Charizard Sea

Charizard Island's Home

Available Pokémon

  Bulbasaur   Ivysaur   Venusaur   Charmander   Charmeleon   Charizard
  Squirtle   Wartortle   Blastoise   Caterpie   Metapod   Butterfree
  Weedle   Kakuna   Pidgey   Pidgeotto   Rattata   Raticate
  Spearow   Fearow   Ekans   Pikachu   Sandshrew   Sandslash
  Clefairy   Jigglypuff   Zubat   Golbat   Oddish   Gloom
  Vileplume   Paras   Parasect   Venonat   Venomoth   Diglett
  Meowth   Persian   Psyduck   Golduck   Growlithe   Poliwag
  Poliwhirl   Poliwrath   Abra   Kadabra   Alakazam   Bellsprout
  Weepinbell   Victreebel   Tentacool   Tentacruel   Ponyta   Rapidash
  Slowpoke   Slowbro   Farfetch'd   Gastly   Haunter   Drowzee
  Hypno   Krabby   Kingler   Exeggcute   Exeggutor   Tangela
  Scyther   Jynx   Magmar   Magikarp   Gyarados   Flareon
  Bellossom   Politoed   Slowking   Magby   Magmortar

Available Gears

Charizard Sea featured the event-exclusive Gears:   Flamethrower Gear (Charizard), Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon),   Surf Gear (Blastoise) and Surf Gear (Wartortle). Ores of different types drop different Power and Summon Gear.

Chance Grass Fire Water Bug Psychic
Power Gear
Guaranteed (1 Gear) Grass Move Plus Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus
0% / 45.999% / 49.1999% Grass Move Plus Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus
17.999% / 8.799% / 8.159% Normal Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Normal Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Normal Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Normal Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Normal Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Bug Move Plus
3.339% Brawny
3.329% Snappy, Charge Boost
Summon Gear
39% Rock Blast Gear (Graveler), Signal Beam Gear (Venonat) Quick Attack Gear (Rattata), Psyshock Gear (Gothorita) Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer), Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee) Drill Peck Gear (Spearow), Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr) Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer), Take Down Gear (Eevee)
10.4% Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon), Surf Gear (Wartortle)
0.6%   Flamethrower Gear (Charizard),   Surf Gear (Blastoise)

List of Super Bosses

Charizard Sea had a total of 25 Super Bosses. All Super Bosses had a time limit of 60 seconds.

Super Boss Target CP Unlock requirements Pokémon unlocked
95 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 85 or higher in this area
Catch 3 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
115 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 115 or higher in this area
Catch 4 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
170 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 155 or higher in this area
Catch 6 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
230 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 220 or higher in this area
Catch 8 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Mr. Mime
330 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 310 or higher in this area
Catch 10 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
460 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 400 or higher in this area
Catch 14 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
490 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 490 or higher in this area
Catch 17 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
620 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 620 or higher in this area
Catch 23 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Scyther in this area
790 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 710 or higher in this area
Catch 24 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
860 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 770 or higher in this area
Catch 28 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
890 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 890 or higher in this area
Catch 35 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1100 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1030 or higher in this area
Catch 40 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Rapidash in this area
1140 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1130 or higher in this area
Catch 45 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1350 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1240 or higher in this area
Catch 50 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1380 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1340 or higher in this area
Catch 52 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1490 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1490 or higher in this area
Catch 53 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Vileplume in this area
1580 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1580 or higher in this area
Catch 56 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1790 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1670 or higher in this area
Catch 57 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1900 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1750 or higher in this area
Catch 58 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
1930 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 1890 or higher in this area
Catch 59 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Gyarados in this area
2130 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 2000 or higher in this area
Catch 60 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
2160 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 2100 or higher in this area
Catch 61 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
2400 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 2240 or higher in this area
Catch 62 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
2430 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 2390 or higher in this area
Catch 63 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
2530 Prepare a Pokémon with CP 2530 or higher in this area
Catch 64 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Highlighted rows indicate higher difficulty bosses marked by a red background in game.

Charizard and Lugia's Island Home

Map of Charizard Sea

Available Pokémon

Pokémon of primarily Electric, Water, Rock, Fire and Grass type can be found living in different habitats in Charizard Sea.

  Pikachu   Raichu   Electabuzz   Chinchou   Lanturn   Pichu
  Mareep   Flaaffy   Ampharos   Elekid   Raikou   Shinx
  Luxio   Luxray   Pachirisu   Electivire

  Squirtle   Wartortle   Blastoise   Totodile   Croconaw   Feraligatr
  Marill   Azumarill   Politoed   Wooper   Quagsire   Slowking
  Qwilfish   Remoraid   Octillery   Suicune

  Hoothoot   Noctowl   Sudowoodo   Shuckle   Corsola   Larvitar
  Pupitar   Tyranitar   Lugia   Cranidos   Rampardos   Shieldon
  Bastiodon   Bonsly   Tornadus   Rockruff   Lycanroc

  Charmander   Charmeleon   Charizard   Magmar   Cyndaquil   Quilava
  Typhlosion   Slugma   Magcargo   Houndour   Houndoom   Magby
  Entei   Magmortar   Litleo   Pyroar

  Bulbasaur   Ivysaur   Venusaur   Oddish   Gloom   Chikorita
  Bayleef   Meganium   Bellossom   Hoppip   Skiploom   Jumpluff
  Sunkern   Sunflora   Celebi   Carnivine

  Sentret   Furret   Ledyba   Ledian   Spinarak   Ariados
  Crobat   Cleffa   Igglybuff   Togepi   Togetic   Natu
  Xatu   Aipom   Yanma   Espeon   Umbreon   Murkrow
  Misdreavus   Unown   Unown   Wobbuffet   Girafarig   Pineco
  Forretress   Dunsparce   Gligar   Steelix   Snubbull   Granbull
  Scizor   Heracross   Sneasel   Teddiursa   Ursaring   Swinub
  Piloswine   Delibird   Mantine   Skarmory   Kingdra   Phanpy
  Donphan   Porygon2   Stantler   Smeargle   Tyrogue   Hitmontop
  Smoochum   Miltank   Blissey

Available Gears

Charizard Sea featured the event-exclusive Gears:   Fire Fang Gear (Charizard), Fire Fang (Charmeleon),   Razor Leaf Gear (Venusaur), Razor Leaf Gear (Ivysaur),   Whirlpool Gear (Wailord) and   Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee). Ores of different type drop different Power and Summon Gear.

Chance Fire Water Grass Rock Psychic Electric
Power Gear
Guaranteed (1 Gear) Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Grass Move Plus Rock Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Electric Move Plus
0% / 37.52% Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Grass Move Plus Rock Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Electric Move Plus
1.099% / 1.599% Water Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Rock Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Rock Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Rock Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Rock Move Plus, Electric Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Grass Move Plus, Rock Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus
0.999% Normal Move Plus
20.749% / 10.749% Snappy, Charge Boost, Grappler, Lobber
0.479% Brawny
2.999% Typhlosion Family Plus Feraligatr Family Plus Meganium Family Plus Tyranitar Family Plus - Ampharos Family Plus
1.75% Feraligatr Family Plus, Meganium Family Plus, Tyranitar Family Plus, Ampharos Family Plus Typhlosion Family Plus, Meganium Family Plus, Tyranitar Family Plus, Ampharos Family Plus Typhlosion Family Plus, Feraligatr Family Plus, Tyranitar Family Plus, Ampharos Family Plus Typhlosion Family Plus, Feraligatr Family Plus, Meganium Family Plus, Ampharos Family Plus - Typhlosion Family Plus, Feraligatr Family Plus, Meganium Family Plus, Tyranitar Family Plus
1.999% - - - - Typhlosion Family Plus, Feraligatr Family Plus, Meganium Family Plus, Tyranitar Family Plus, Ampharos Family Plus -
Summon Gear
7.099% Rock Blast Gear (Graveler), Signal Beam Gear (Venonat), Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer), Take Down Gear (Eevee), Drill Peck Gear (Spearow), Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr), Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer), Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee), Dragon Claw Gear (Hakamo-o), Aqua Tail Gear (Croconaw)
1.899%   Whirlpool Gear (Wailord),   Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee)
11.999% Fire Fang Gear (Charmeleon), Razor Leaf Gear (Ivysaur)
0.6%   Fire Fang Gear (Charizard),   Razor Leaf Gear (Venusaur)

List of Super Bosses

Charizard Sea has a total of 35 Super Bosses. All Super Bosses had a time limit of 60 seconds.

Super Boss Target CP Unlock requirements Goals Weakness Pokémon unlocked
90 Catch 3 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
120 Catch 4 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
165 Catch 6 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
240 Catch 7 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
330 Catch 9 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Politoed in this area
Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
460 Catch 12 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
640 Catch 14 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
920 Catch 17 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
950 Catch 19 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Houndoom in this area
Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1060 Catch 23 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1180 Catch 26 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1420 Catch 29 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
End of basic research
1540 Catch 46 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
1720 Catch 49 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
1910 Catch 52 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
2150 Catch 54 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Quilava in this area
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
2320 Catch 55 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
2490 Catch 57 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
2600 Catch 59 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
2840 Catch 61 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Typhlosion in this area
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Mighty Super Bosses
3110 Catch 74 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Tyranitar
3220 Catch 75 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Ampharos
3700 Catch 76 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Feraligatr
4330 Catch 77 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Meganium
4720 Catch 78 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Typhlosion
5290 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Tyranitar
5960 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Ampharos
7440 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Feraligatr
10060 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Meganium
11060 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Typhlosion
11360 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Tyranitar
11660 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Ampharos
11960 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Feraligatr
12260 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Meganium
12560 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Typhlosion
Highlighted rows indicate higher difficulty bosses marked by the   icon.

Charizard Sea (final)

Available Pokémon

Pokémon of primarily Fire, Water, Bug, Psychic and Grass type can be found living in different habitats in Charizard Sea.

All Pokémon added since the previous run will only appear as rare Bosses (or will accompany the rare Boss as allies), and will infrequently replace the standard Boss for the stage. These Pokémon are highlighted with a colored background below. This event does not happen for daily stages.

  Charmander   Charmeleon   Charizard   Rattata   Raticate   Sandshrew
  Sandslash   Diglett   Growlithe   Geodude   Graveler   Golem
  Ponyta   Rapidash   Doduo   Dodrio   Onix   Magmar
  Eevee   Flareon   Moltres   Unown   Magby   Magmortar
  Blitzle   Zebstrika

  Squirtle   Wartortle   Blastoise   Jigglypuff   Wigglytuff   Psyduck
  Golduck   Poliwag   Poliwhirl   Poliwrath   Tentacool   Tentacruel
  Shellder   Cloyster   Krabby   Kingler   Staryu   Starmie
  Magikarp   Gyarados   Articuno   Politoed

  Caterpie   Metapod   Butterfree   Weedle   Kakuna   Pidgey
  Pidgeotto   Ekans   Pikachu   Paras   Parasect   Venonat
  Venomoth   Meowth   Persian   Machop   Machoke   Machamp
  Scyther   Snorlax   Munchlax   Karrablast   Escavalier   Shelmet
  Accelgor   Pheromosa

  Clefairy   Jigglypuff   Zubat   Golbat   Abra   Kadabra
  Alakazam   Slowpoke   Slowbro   Gastly   Haunter   Drowzee
  Hypno   Lickitung   Chansey   Mr. Mime   Jynx   Mew
  Slowking   Happiny   Lickilicky

  Bulbasaur   Ivysaur   Venusaur   Pidgeotto   Pidgeot   Spearow
  Fearow   Oddish   Gloom   Vileplume   Bellsprout   Weepinbell
  Victreebel   Farfetch'd   Voltorb   Electrode   Exeggcute   Exeggutor
  Tangela   Ditto   Porygon   Zapdos   Bellossom

Available Gears

Chance Fire Water Bug Psychic Grass
Power Gear
Guaranteed (1 Gear) Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus
0% / 39.825% Fire Move Plus Water Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus Grass Move Plus
0.741% / 1.061% Water Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Grass Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Grass Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus, Grass Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Grass Move Plus Fire Move Plus, Water Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus
1.08% / 1.061% Normal Move Plus
0.19% / 0.286% All other type-based Move Plus gears
17.674% / 9.224% Snappy, Charge Boost, Grappler, Lobber, Brawly
1.058% / 1.061% Butterfree Family Plus, Machamp Family Plus, Articuno Family Plus, Zapdos Family Plus, Moltres Family Plus
Summon Gear
3.309% Rock Blast Gear (Graveler), Signal Beam Gear (Venonat), Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer), Take Down Gear (Eevee), Drill Peck Gear (Spearow), Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr), Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer), Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee), Dragon Claw Gear (Hakamo-o), Aqua Tail Gear (Croconaw)
1.299%   Dragon Claw Gear (Kommo-o),   Aqua Tail Gear (Feraligatr),   Whirlpool Gear (Wailord)
11.999% Flamethrower Gear (Charmeleon), Surf Gear (Wartortle), Dragon Ascent Gear (Rayquaza), Psycho Boost Gear (Deoxys), Thunder Gear (Dedenne)
0.6%   Flamethrower Gear (Charizard),   Surf Gear (Blastoise),   Dragon Ascent Gear (Rayquaza),   Psycho Boost Gear (Deoxys),   Thunder Gear (Zapdos)

List of Super Bosses

Charizard Sea had a total of 50 Super Bosses. All Super Bosses had a time limit of 60 seconds. Unlike previous seas, all Super Bosses did not have an unlock requirement, with the exception of the first boss Ponyta, which required the player to catch 1 or more kinds of Pokémon in the area.

Super Boss Target CP Goals Recommended gear Pokémon unlocked
95 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
115 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
170 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
230 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Mr. Mime
330 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
460 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
590 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
920 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
950 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1060 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1180 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1420 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
End of basic research
1540 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1720 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
1910 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
2150 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
2320 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
2490 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
2600 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
2840 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Mighty Super Bosses
3110 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
3400 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
3700 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
4230 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
4520 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
5290 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
5960 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
7440 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
10060 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
11060 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
11360 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
11660 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
11960 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12260 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12560 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12590 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12620 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12650 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12680 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12710 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12740 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12770 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12800 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12830 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12860 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12890 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12920 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12950 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
12980 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
13010 Clear the stage
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Highlighted rows indicate higher difficulty bosses marked by a red background in game.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 喷火龙海域かいいき Panfólùhng Hóiwihk
Mandarin 噴火ふんかりゅう海域かいいき Pēnhuǒlóng Hǎiyù
  French Mer Dracaufeu
  German Glurak-Seegebiet
  Korean 리자몽 해역 Rizamon Haeyeok
  Spanish Mar de Charizard

Rumble Rush

TutorialCharizard SeaDragonite SeaSnorlax Sea
Pinsir SeaZapdos SeaJirachi SeaGengar Sea
Celebi SeaCastform SeaGarchomp SeaEntei Sea
Mimikyu SeaAegislash SeaMewtwo SeaRowlet Sea
Lugia SeaBuzzwole SeaZygarde SeaButterfree Sea
Bulbasaur SeaRayquaza SeaArceus SeaGreninja Sea

  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.