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There are at least four ways to visualize OWID graphs within mediawiki.

Way 1 (exists)

This method pulls directly from which is a mirror of OWID hosted on WMF servers.


  • Allows content to be adjusted before being displayed
  • Interactive immediately
  • Greater potential for translation independent of OWID
  • Gives a static image for offline use


  • Is not as up to date.
  • Requires acceptance from the WMF and moved to production servers before it can be used on WP.
<!-- Shows online and is interactive -->
<templatestyles src="Owid/styles.css"/><ourworldindatamirror>adolescent-fertility-ihme</ourworldindatamirror>
<!-- Shows offline and is still -->
{{onlyoffline|[[File:Adolescent birth rate, OWID.svg|thumb|400px]]}}

The "ourworldindata" extension adds the class "mw-kartographer-container" to the iframe tag so that mwoffliner will remove the entire element making it visible online but not offline. The "onlyoffline" class, which has "display:none", is applied to the static version of the OWID map which hides it online, but mwoffliner removes that class which causes it to display offline.

Way 2 (exists)

Shows a static image from Commons, and then once the "play" button is pressed a consent pop up appears. If this is accepted it then pulls data directly from OWID.


  • Less work to maintain
  • More up to date with respect to OWID content


  • We rely somewhat on the privacy and security of OWID themselves. Unclear if the WMF views this as a hard blocker or not.
  • Difficult to translate material into other languages. Doing so would require OWID to agree to partnering. But this could benefit both of us.
Markup Renders as
| owid = grapher/adolescent-fertility
| title = Adolescent birth rate
| image = Adolescent birth rate, OWID.svg
| width = 400px
| float = none
| caption = Adolescent birth rate according to Our World in Data.
| alt = World heat map showing adolescent birth rate with a play button to make it more interactive
World heat map showing adolescent birth rate with a play button to make it more interactive
Adolescent birth rate according to Our World in Data.




EU WP (Live)


Way 3 (exists)

Adolescent birth rate according to Our World in Data. View interactive graph.

Show a still images and link to the interactive graph on the OWID website.


  • Super easy to do, with no blockers from the WMF


  • People leave the WMF website with the method to return being to hit the back button on their browser
  • No ability to translate
  • When people click on the external link it still exposes their IP address to OWID.

Way 4

We host OWID's software on production servers and pull the data to generate the graphs from Commons.


  • Improved security and privacy
  • Would allow translation
  • Data already exists on Commons


  • Does not currently exist
  • Would require WMF staff time to get it started and keep it up to date, so likely significantly more expensive.

Way 5 (being built)

Death rate from smoking in 2019


  • Improved security and privacy
  • Would allow translation
  • Data can exists on Commons


  • Bandwidth heavy
  • A little slow