(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)


Details about the copyright in this website

The directory: Copyright © Amazingly Brilliant Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. This site, and the lists of e-mail addresses and lists of sites referred to herein are copyrighted works. Reproduction in whole or in part, whether on paper, on the Internet, on CD-ROM or any other medium, including utilisation in machines capable of reproduction or retrieval, without the express permission of the site operator is prohibited. Some non-critical detail has been altered to protect this intellectual property and track illegal use. The site operator acknowledges that some names and logos are copyrighted works; these are used for identification purposes only, and copyright for these items remains with the owner. Information you submit with the intention of becoming part of our directory is deemed to be licensed to us for that use.

Comments, and the discussion area: Copyright for individual messages posted in our discussion areas remain the copyright of the individual poster. When posting to our website, you assign to us a non-exclusive worldwide licence to reproduce this material, for the limited purposes of operating, promoting and improving our services. You retain your own copyright for any other exploitation.

Articles: Except where otherwise indicated, articles are copyright. Some information in our news pages is sourced through publicly-available RSS feeds from publishers. Copyright remains with individual publishers or their suppliers.

Jobs section and RSS feeds: All jobs index page data, and all RSS feed information, is released with CC-BY 3.0.


Main images on media directory pages are reproduced from the title's Twitter account (their 'banner' image). These are uploaded by media titles subject to Twitter's terms, section 3 of which says, in part: 'You agree that this license includes the right for Twitter to [...] make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services.' ... 'Such additional uses by Twitter, or other companies, organizations or individuals, may be made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services.' We are using Twitter feeds through their developer agreement which gives us a licence to 'Copy a reasonable amount of and display the Content on and through your Services to End Users'. If you feel this image is being used against your terms you can report it to Twitter via the process outlined on their copyright policy page. We refresh these images within seven days of the title's Twitter profile being updated.

Main images on own article pages are either owned by Amazingly Brilliant Pty Ltd or licenced for our use. We use Flickr CC-BY images, and credit the photographer,and link to the main image page in our credits block at the bottom of the page, as required under this license. We do not use CC-NC images. Images were licensed as CC-BY when retrieved.

Main images on news aggregation pages are automatically sourced from OpenGraph information by the publisher. Just as they will appear in a shared URL on Facebook and Twitter, they will appear here, too; and just as Facebook and Twitter do not include photographer credits, nor can we. We are using exactly the same code as Facebook and Twitter use to make images visible in shared content; if a publisher wishes to restrict images, they can not include an image in their og:image or twitter:image metadata.

Licensing information

  • Some information in directory pages is sourced through Freebase, licensed under CC-BY 2.5
  • Some descriptions are from Wikipedia, licenced under CC-BY 3.0.
  • Photos, where credited to a photographer, are licensed under CC-BY
  • Icons are from Google's Material Icons, released under Apache License Version 2.0