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CheckUser policy/ca - Meta Jump to content

CheckUser policy/ca

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page CheckUser policy and the translation is 24% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Aquesta pàgina informa sobre les característiques dels CheckUsers i les seves polítiques i normes d'utilització. Va ser discutida el setembre i octubre del 2005 i va entrar en vigor el novembre del 2005.

L'estatus de checkuser

CheckUser és una interfície especial per als usuaris amb l'estatus de checkuser. Aquests usuaris poden fer-la servir per a verificar si un cert usuari és la "titella" d'un altre en una certa wiki, és a dir, verificar si alguna persona posseeix diversos comptes d'usuari. En concret, pot disposar de la següent informació:

  • Quines adreces IP ha fet servir un cert usuari registrat en contribuir al wiki,
  • Quines contribucions ha fet en el wiki una certa adreça IP (incloent-hi les que ha fet amb comptes enregistrats).
  • Determine whether the account being checked has sent an email using the MediaWiki interface to any other user. The time of the event is logged; the destination email address and destination account is obscured.

Aquestes dades només es conserven durant una setmana, i per tant les contribucions anteriors no es poden consultar via CheckUser. Cadascuna de les vegades que es fa una consulta amb l'eina Checkuser, aquesta queda anotada en un registre. Ara bé, per motius de privadesa aquest registre només és consultable per la resta d'usuaris amb drets de checkuser. Aquest registre és similar a:

Vegeu Help:CheckUser per al manual d'usuari.

Use of the tool

The tool is to be used to fight vandalism, spamming, to check for sockpuppet abuse, and to limit disruption of the project. It must be used only to prevent damage to any of the Wikimedia projects.

The tool should not be used for political control, to apply pressure on editors, or as a threat against another editor in a content dispute. There must be a valid reason to use the CheckUser tools to investigate a user. Note that alternative accounts are not forbidden, so long as they are not used in violation of the policies (examples of violations include double-voting, increasing the apparent support for any given position, or to evade blocks or bans).

Notification to the account that is checked is permitted but is not mandatory. Similarly, notification of the check to the community is not mandatory, but may be done subject to the provisions of the privacy policy.

Some wikis allow an editor's IPs to be checked upon their request if, for example, there is a need to provide evidence of innocence against a sockpuppet allegation; note, however, that requesting a CheckUser in these circumstances is sometimes part of the attempt to disrupt.

Política de privadesa

Als projectes de Wikimedia, les consideracions de la política de privadesa són d'extrema importància. A no ser que algú definitivament estigui violant les polítiques amb el seu comportament (vandalisme o spam massiu de bot, per exemple), probablement constitueix un incompliment d'aquesta política el fet de desvetllar l'adreça IP, la localització o altres dades identificatives d'una persona. El CheckUser ha de tenir el mateix nivell de confidencialitat que cadascú aplicaria a les seves pròpies dades d'usuari més privades.

Publicació de la informació

Fins i tot per als usuaris que cometin abusos, és millor no publicar la seva informació personal si és possible.

  • Generalment, no desvetlleu adreces IP. Doneu només informació com (la mateixa xarxa|diferent xarxa) o similar. Si proveïu informació detallada a algú, assegureu-vos que ho feu a algú fiable i que no serà desvetllada.
  • Si un usuari diu ser d'un cert territori i l'adreça IP ho confirma, no es considera una publicació d'informació privada el fet de desvetllar-ho.
  • Si teniu dubtes no doneu detalls.

Accés a l'estatus

Només els steward i uns quants editors elegits poden tenir els drets de CheckUser. Els editors només tindran els privilegis localment.

If local CheckUsers exist in a project, checks should generally be handled by those. In emergencies, or for multi-project CheckUser checks (as in the case of cross-wiki vandalism), stewards may perform local checks. Stewards should remove their own CheckUser access on the projects upon completion of the checks and notify the local CheckUsers or the CheckUser e-mail list.

If no local CheckUsers exist for a project, requests will need to be made to the stewards to perform checks (such as "is UserX a sockpuppet of UserY"). To do so, simply add the request to Steward requests/Checkuser listing these users and explain the need for the check (with links). Depending on the nature of the request, the steward may deny it, may ask for more information, or may answer about the likelihood of the users in question having the same IP, same proxy, same network, same country, or being completely unrelated (see discussion for what the steward should more precisely say to the editor).

Appointing local CheckUsers

On any wiki, there must be at least two users with CheckUser status, or none at all. This is so that they can mutually control and confirm their actions. In the case where only one CheckUser is left on a wiki (when the only other one retires, or is removed), the community must appoint a new CheckUser immediately (so that the number of CheckUsers is at least two).

En una wiki amb un comitè d'arbitratge (aprovat per Wikimedia), només els usuaris aprovats pels membres d'aquest comitè poden tenir privilegis de CheckUser. Com a mínim cal que hi hagi dos checkusers per tal que es supervisin les activitats mútuament. Un cop arribats a un consens, simplement s'indiquen els candidats elegits a Steward requests/Permissions.

En una wiki sense comitè arbitral, hi ha dues possibilitats: La comunitat ha d'elegir per consens un mínim de dos usuaris. L'activitat es supervisarà mútuament. Un usuari que soŀliciti els privilegis de CheckUser ha de fer-ho a la seva comunitat local i anunciar la seva soŀlicitud de manera adient (Portal comunitari, "taverna", llistes de correu, IRC ...). L'editor ha d'estar familiaritzat amb la política de privadesa. Un cop assolit el consens (mínim de 70% o 80%) a la seva comunitat local, amb un mínim de 25-30 editors a favor, l'usuari ha d'apuntar-se a Requests for permissions indicant la pàgina on es troba la decisió de la comunitat. Si hi ha un nombre insuficient d'editores per a votar, no hi haurà checkuser al wiki. Els editors hauran de demanar que un steward verifiqui els usuaris titella fent servir la pàgina Request for CheckUser information. Aquestes consultes s'hauran de fer ben motivades i amb el consens de la comunitat. El steward informarà si els usuaris comparteixen adreça IP, servidor proxy, xarxa, país, o si no tenen relació.

Mailing list

There is a closed mailing list (CheckUser-l) to which all stewards and CheckUsers should have access. Email the list moderators to gain access. Use this mailing list to ask for help, ideas and second opinions if you're not sure what the data means.

IRC channel

There is a private IRC channel (#wikimedia-checkuserconnect) to which all stewards and CheckUsers who use IRC should have access. This channel serves the same purpose as the mailing list, but in real-time. Contact any channel member to gain access; a channel manager will grant permanent access. Ask a steward if you need help gaining access.

Removal of access

Any user account with CheckUser status that is inactive for more than one year will have their CheckUser access removed.

In case of abusive use of the tool, the steward or the editor with the CheckUser privilege will immediately have their access removed. This will in particular happen if checks are done routinely on editors without a serious motive to do so (links and proofs of bad behavior should be provided).

Suspicion of abuses of CheckUser should be discussed by each local wiki. On wikis with an approved ArbCom, the ArbCom can decide on the removal of access. On wikis without an approved ArbCom, the community can vote removal of access.

Complaints of infringement of CheckUser, Access to Nonpublic Information Policy or Privacy Policy breaches are handled by the Ombuds commission for all Wikimedia projects.

Usuaris amb accés de checkuser actualment

  • Edit (last updated: 2024-10-09)


Arabic Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Dr-Taher
  2. Meno25
  3. باسم
  4. علاء
  5. فيصل

Bengali Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list
Local policy mandates that only users who gain at least 25 votes in favor and 80% support can be appointed (applications will open for no fewer than 30 days).

  1. NahidSultan
  2. RiazACU

Catalan Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Jmrebes
  2. Joutbis

Czech Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Jagro
  2. Martin Urbanec
  3. Mormegil

Danish Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Kaare
  2. KnudW
  3. Sir48

Dutch Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

Appointed by Arbcom
  1. Daniuu
  2. Groucho NL
  3. Jcb
  4. Natuur12
  5. XXBlackburnXx

English Wikibooks

Automatically generated checkusers list
Local policy mandates that Stewards are explicitly allowed to process non-emergency CheckUser requests.

  1. MarcGarver
  2. Xania

English Wikinews

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Acagastya
  2. Cromium

English Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Alison
  2. AmandaNP
  3. Aoidh
  4. Barkeep49
  5. Blablubbs
  6. Bradv
  7. Cabayi
  8. Callanecc
  9. CaptainEek
  10. DatGuy
  11. Dreamy Jazz
  12. Drmies
  13. EdJohnston
  14. Ferret
  15. Firefly
  16. Girth Summit
  17. Guerillero
  18. HJ Mitchell
  19. Ivanvector
  20. Izno
  21. Joe Roe
  22. Jpgordon
  23. KrakatoaKatie
  24. Ks0stm
  25. L235
  26. Mailer diablo
  27. Materialscientist
  28. Mkdw
  29. Moneytrees
  30. Mz7
  31. NinjaRobotPirate
  32. Oshwah
  33. PhilKnight
  34. Ponyo
  35. Primefac
  36. Reaper Eternal
  37. RickinBaltimore
  38. Risker
  39. RoySmith
  40. SQL
  41. ST47
  42. Salvio giuliano
  43. Sdrqaz
  44. Stwalkerster
  45. ToBeFree
  46. Vanamonde93
  47. Versageek
  48. Yamla
  49. Zzuuzz
  50. Z1720

English Wiktionary

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Chuck Entz
  2. TheDaveRoss

Finnish Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Ejs-80
  2. Harriv
  3. Stryn

French Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list
Under the local policy, CheckUsers are elected for six-month terms.

  1. Durifon
  2. Hyméros
  3. LD
  4. Le chat perché
  5. Lewisiscrazy
  6. Linedwell
  7. Mathis B

German Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list
Under the local policy, CheckUsers are elected for one- or two-year terms.

  1. Codc
  2. Count Count
  3. Karsten11
  4. MBq
  5. Squasher

Hebrew Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Barak a
  2. PurpleBuffalo
  3. TheStriker
  4. דגש
  5. יונה בנדלאק

Hungarian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list (requests and policy)

  1. Bináris
  2. Csigabi
  3. FoBe
  4. Grin
  5. Tgr

Indonesian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Meursault2004
  2. Nohirara
  3. Ustad abu gosok
  4. Wagino 20100516

Italian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Ask21
  2. Elwood
  3. Melos
  4. Mtarch11
  5. Ruthven
  6. Sakretsu
  7. Shivanarayana
  8. Superspritz

Japanese Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list (policy)

  1. Infinite0694
  2. Penn Station
  3. W.CC
  4. さかおり

Korean Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list (policy and requests)

  1. Dmthoth
  2. IRTC1015
  3. Sotiale
  4. 이강철

Malayalam Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list (policy and requests)

  1. Kiran Gopi
  2. Razimantv

Persian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Huji
  2. Ladsgroup

Polish Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list
Due to a new local policy, users who gain 85% of votes in favor may become CheckUsers.

  1. Masti
  2. Msz2001
  3. Nedops
  4. Nux

Portuguese Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list
Under the local policy, CheckUsers are elected for two-year terms.

  1. Albertoleoncio
  2. Conde Edmond Dantès
  3. Érico

Russian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

Appointed by ArbCom
  1. DR
  2. Q-bit array
  3. Ле Лой

Serbian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Djordjes
  2. Dungodung
  3. Обрадовић Горан
  4. Боки

Simple English Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Bsadowski1
  2. Djsasso
  3. Eptalon
  4. Fr33kman
  5. Operator873
  6. Peterdownunder
  7. Vermont

Slovene Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. A09
  2. MZaplotnik
  3. Romanm

Spanish Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list
Local policy mandates that only users who gain at least 30 votes in favor and 80% support can be appointed.

  1. Alhen
  2. Bernard
  3. BlackBeast
  4. LuchoCR
  5. Montgomery
  6. Rastrojo

Swedish Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Julle
  2. Stigfinnare
  3. Tegel

Thai Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Geonuch
  2. Just Sayori
  3. Siam2019
  4. Timekeepertmk

Turkish Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Elmacenderesi
  2. Uncitoyen
  3. Vincent Vega

Ukrainian Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

Appointed by ArbCom
  1. Andriy.v
  2. Goo3
  3. Mykola7
  4. NickK

Vietnamese Wikipedia

Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. DHN
  2. Mxn

Wikimedia Commons

Automatically generated checkusers list · (information page and requests page)

  1. Elcobbola
  2. Jameslwoodward
  3. Krd


Automatically generated checkusers list

  1. Dan Koehl
  2. Faendalimas
  3. Koavf


Automatically generated checkusers list · (information page and requests page)

  1. Ajraddatz
  2. EPIC
  3. Hasley
  4. Minorax
  5. Sotiale
  6. Superpes15
  7. Vermont
  8. Xaosflux


Automatically generated checkusers list · (information page and requests page)

  1. 1997kB
  2. Jasper Deng
  3. Sotiale
  4. علاء


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