(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Login - Metal Storm
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We had to make a change to our session cookies. If you have repeated problems logging in, please delete all of Metal Storm's cookies and try again.


Forgot password?

Forgot your password? If your account has associated e-mail, we can send you a new one.


If you forgot your password:
Enter your e-mail and click the 'Forgot password' button. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions.

If you forgot your password and don't have access to your old e-mail anymore:
This means there's no way to retrieve your old account, sorry.

If you get the message that user account for this e-mail doesn't exist:
Either you're entering it incorrectly, or your account got erased.

If you can't remember your account's e-mail address:
Try logging in with your username once. You will be presented with a way to reset your e-mail once.

If you don't receive an e-mail for a password reset:
Check your spam folder. If you didn't receive any e-mail even after several hours. Please contact someone from our staff.