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Фрэнк Ллойд Райт — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь Jump to content

Фрэнк Ллойд Райт

Википедиа — Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь
Фрэнк Ллойд Райт

Ерөнхий мэдээлэл
Яс үндэс Америк
Төрсөн 1867 оны 6 сарын 8 (1867-06-08)
Ричленд-Сентер, Висконсин
Нас барсан April 9, 1959(1959-04-09) (91 насалсан)
Финикс, Аризона
Байгууламжууд Робигийн ордон (Robie House)
Прайс цамхаг (Price Tower)
Уиллитсын ордон
Жонсон Вакс (Johnson Wax Building)
Соломон Гуггенхаймын музей (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)
Талиесин (Taliesin)
Төслүүд Florida Southern College

Фрэнк Ллойд Райт (Англи: Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867 оны зургаадугаар сарын 8 - 1959 оны дөрөвдүгээр сарын 9) нь Америкийн уран барилгач шинийг санаачлагч, өрнөдийн уран барилгын хэлбэр данг бие даасан чиглэл болгоход үнэтэй хувь нэмрийг 20-р зууны эхэн хагаст оруулагч хүн байв. Райтыг «байгалийн архитектурыг» үндэслэн хөгжүүлэгч, суртал ухуулагч хэмээн архитектурын салбарынхан хүндэтгэдэг бөгөөд «Америкийн хамгийн шилдэг уран барилгач» юм.

Түүний бүтээлүүд

[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]
Nathan G. Moore House, Oak Park, Illinois
Чигагогийн Их сургуулийн хотхон «Роби» сууц.
«Баруун Талиесин»

Нэмэлтээр уншиж болох гарын авлагууд

[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]
  • An Autobiography, by Frank Lloyd Wright (1943, Duell, Sloan and Pearce / 2005, Pomegranate; ISBN 0-7649-3243-8)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: A Primer on Architectural Principles, by Robert McCarter (1991, Princeton Architectural Press; ISBN 1878271261)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian Homes: Designs for Moderate Cost One-Family Homes, by John Sergeant (1984, Watson-Guptill; ISBN 0823071782)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian Homes (Wright at a Glance Series), by Carla Lind (1994, Pomegranate Communications; ISBN 1566409985)
  • "In the Cause of Architecture," Architectural Record, March, 1908, by Frank Lloyd Wright. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright: Collected Writings, vol. 1 (1992, Rizzoli; ISBN 0-8478-1546-3)
  • Natural House, The, by Frank Lloyd Wright (1954, Horizon Press; ISBN 0517020785)
  • Taliesin Reflections: My Years Before, During, and After Living with Frank Lloyd Wright, by Earl Nisbet (2006, Meridian Press; ISBN 0-9778951-0-6)
  • Truth Against the World: Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks for an Organic Architecture, ed. by Patrick Meehan (1987, Wiley; ISBN 0471845094)
  • Understanding Frank Lloyd Wright's Architecture, by Donald Hoffman (1995, Dover Publications; ISBN 048628364X)
  • Usonia : Frank Lloyd Wright's Design for America, Alvin Rosenbaum (1993, Preservation Press; ISBN 0891332014)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, by Daniel Treiber (2008, Birkhдuser Basel, 2nd, updated edition; ISBN 978-3764386979)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture, man in possession of his earth, by Iovanna Lloyd Wright (1962, Doubleday; OCLC 31514669)
  • Many Masks, by Brendan Gill (1987, Putnam; ISBN 0399132325)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, by Ada Louise Huxtable (2004, Lipper/Viking; ISBN 0670033421)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: a Biography, by Meryle Secrest (1992, Knopf; ISBN 0394564367)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: His Life and Architecture, by Robert Twombly (1979, Wiley; ISBN 0471034002)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: by Vaccaro, Tony, (2002, Kultur-unterm-Schirm)
  • The Fellowship: The Untold Story of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship, by Roger Friedland and Harold Zellman (2006, Regan Books; ISBN 0060393882)
  • Loving Frank, by Nancy Horan, (2008, Random House, Inc; ISBN 0345494997)

Райтын бүтээлүүдэд хийсэн судалгаанууд

[засварлах | кодоор засварлах]
  • Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The, by Neil Levine (1996, Princeton University Press; ISBN 0691033714)
  • Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog, The, by William Allin Storrer (2007 updated 3rd. ed., University of Chicago Press; ISBN 0-226-77620-4)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, by Robert McCarter (1997, Phaidon, London; ISBN 0 7148 31484 (hardback), ISBN 0714838543 (paperback))
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: America’s Master Architect, by Kathryn Smith (1998, Abbeville Publishing Group (Abbeville Press, Inc.); ISBN 0789202875)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect, by the Museum of Modern Art (1994, ISBN 087070642X)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright Companion, The, by William Allin Storrer (2006 Rev. Ed., University of Chicago Press; ISBN 0-226-77621-2)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: Masterworks, by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (1993, Rizzoli; ISBN 0847817156)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright: Building for Democracy, by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (2004, Taschen; ISBN 3-8228-2757-6)
  • Wrightscapes: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Landscape Designs, by Charles and Berdeana Aguar (2003, McGraw-Hill; ISBN 007140953X)
  • Wright Space: Pattern and Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses by Grant Hildebrand (1991, University of Washington Press; ISBN 0295970057)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide, by Thomas A. Heinz (1999, Academy Editions; ISBN 0-8101-2244-8)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright's Glass Designs, by Carla Lind (1995, Pomegranate; ISBN 0876544685)
  • Frank Lloyd Wright Complete Works 1943–1959, by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer and Peter Gцssel (editor) (2009, Taschen; ISBN 978-3-8228-5770-0). First in a series of three monographs featuring all of Wright's 1,100 designs, both realized and unrealized.
  • Fallingwater Rising: Frank Lloyd Wright, E. J. Kaufmann, and America's Most Extraordinary House, by Franklin Toker (2003, Knopf; ISBN 1400040264)
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