Q&A with Wyatt Rockefeller

It felt like there were unexpected and interesting story turns at every corner. What sparked this idea for you?

Wyatt Rockefeller: The spark for the idea came, really, from a feeling. I was in the woods with my Dad, and it was snowing.

Q&A with Tim Seelig

Were you the one who conceived of this tour in the first place?
Tim Seelig: We were coming out of the 40th anniversary of the gay men’s chorus. San Fransisco Gay Men’s Chorus birthed the movement.

Q&A with Randall Park, Adrian Tomine, Justin H. Min, and Ally Maki

Randall, what gripped you about this story and these characters?
Randall Park: I first read the graphic novel when it came out back in 2007, and I was just mesmerized by it. A lot of that has to do with Adrian’s writing, but also the style of the art.

Q&A with Kris Rey and Gillian Jacobs

The following questions and answers are excerpted from a conversation that followed the NBR screening of I Used to Go Here. What was the inspiration for the film? Kris Rey: I found the inspiration for the movie when I was on tour with my last film [Unexpected] four years ago. I got invited to a bunch […]

Q&A with Julie Goldman, Samantha Power, Greg Barker

What was the process like to bring this film together?
Julie Goldman: This is our sixth film together, so we have an established and unusual machine that works for our flow of producing.

Q&A with Josephine Decker and Elisabeth Moss

Josephine, can you speak a bit about that rehearsal process?
When I was going into it, I thought we needed three weeks of rehearsal. Of course, we had like a day and a half!

Q&A with Jonas Rivera and Pete Docter

How did you develop the particular visual language of this film?
It was really challenging. There were things that we felt were important early on that ended up boxing us in.

Q&A with Gia Coppola and Nat Wolff

The film is based on a book of short stories by James Franco. Can you tell us about how the project developed?
Coppola: James and I met up randomly – I had seen him at a deli and then later that night I ran into him again.