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regular cardinal in nLab

nLab regular cardinal





The basis of it all

 Set theory

set theory

Foundational axioms

foundational axioms

Removing axioms



A regular cardinal is a cardinal number that is ‘closed under union’. The category of sets bounded by a regular cardinal has several nice properties, making it a universe that is handy for some purposes but falls short of being a Grothendieck universe. Unlike Grothendieck universes (which are based on inaccessible cardinals rather than regular cardinals), it is easy to prove that (even uncountable) regular cardinals exist.


An infinite cardinal κかっぱ\kappa is a regular cardinal if it satisfies the following equivalent properties:

  • no set (in a material set theory) of cardinality κかっぱ\kappa is the union of fewer than κかっぱ\kappa sets of cardinality less than κかっぱ\kappa.

  • no set (in a structural set theory) of cardinality κかっぱ\kappa is the disjoint union of fewer than κかっぱ\kappa sets of cardinality less than κかっぱ\kappa.

  • given a function PXP \to X (regarded as a family of sets {P x} xX\{P_x\}_{x\in X}) such that |X|<κかっぱ{|X|} \lt \kappa and |P x|<κかっぱ{|P_x|} \lt \kappa for all xXx \in X, then |P|<κかっぱ{|P|} \lt \kappa.

  • the category Set <κかっぱ\Set_{\lt\kappa} of sets of cardinality <κかっぱ\lt\kappa has all colimits (or just all coproducts) of size <κかっぱ\lt\kappa.

  • the cofinality of κかっぱ\kappa is equal to κかっぱ\kappa.

A cardinal that is not regular is called singular.

Finite regular cardinals?

Traditionally, one requires regular cardinals to be infinite. This clause may be removed, in which case 00, 11, and 22 are all regular cardinals.

Other modifications of the definition which are equivalent for infinite cardinals may include some of 00, 11, and 22 but not all. For instance, if we regard an indexed disjoint union iλらむだαあるふぁ i\sum_{i\in\lambda} \alpha_i as a binary operation taking as input λらむだ\lambda and a λらむだ\lambda-indexed family αあるふぁ\alpha, then closure under this binary operation as in the above definition also entails closure under the ternary version iλらむだ jμみゅー iαあるふぁ i,j\sum_{i\in\lambda} \sum_{j\in \mu_i} \alpha_{i,j}, and so on. The unary version is simply the identity operation, whereas the nullary version will always output the singleton set 11. (This can be seen by thinking in terms of trees of uniform finite height, or remembering that a dependent sum includes a binary cartesian product as a special case, so a nullary dependent sum should at least include a nullary product.) Thus, from this perspective, 22 is a regular cardinal, but 00 and 11 are not. In applications for which this perspective is the relevant one, such as familial regularity and exactness, one may more precisely be interested in an arity class rather than a regular cardinal.

We may rule out all three finite regular cardinals by additionally generalising from indexed disjoint unions to finitary disjoint unions.

Then in terms of Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa}, the (potential) conditions on a (possibly finite) regular cardinal are as follows:

  1. Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa} is closed under iterated disjoint unions ( iA i\biguplus_i A_i).
  2. Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa} is closed under the nullary iterated disjoint union (the singleton).
  3. Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa} is closed under binary disjoint unions (ABA \uplus B).
  4. Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa} is closed under the nullary disjoint union (the empty set).

These are all variations on the theme of closure under disjoint unions.

Clauses (2–4) hold of all infinite cardinals, while clauses (2&3) together force κかっぱ\kappa to be greater than any finite cardinal. However, if we require only clauses (1&2), then 22 is a regular cardinal.

In weak foundations

Thinking of a regular cardinal as a cardinal number makes the most sense using the axiom of choice. Otherwise, we probably want to think of it as a collection of cardinals, or equivalently think of it as the category Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa}.

From this perspective, a regular cardinal is a full subcategory of SetSet that is closed under taking quotient objects and satisfies the condition on Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa} above. We can then recover κかっぱ\kappa as the smallest cardinal number greater than every cardinal in Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa}, if we accept the axiom of choice.

Note that if we require only conditions (1&2) on Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa}, then (even classically), {1}\{1\} is an acceptable (and finite) regular collection of cardinals, even though it is not actually of the form Set <κかっぱSet_{\lt\kappa} for any cardinal number κかっぱ\kappa.

In the absence of the axiom of choice, it is not clear that there exist arbitrarily large regular cardinals. Thus in weaker foundations, regular cardinals (or “regular sets of cardinals”) can be regarded as a large cardinal property.

At least if “regular cardinal” has its classical meaning of a particular ordinal, then the statement that there exist arbitrarily large regular cardinals is independent of ZF; in fact it is consistent with ZF that all uncountable cardinals are singular. A foundational axiom which is related to the existence of regular cardinals (but considers them as sets with various closure properties, rather than cardinal numbers) is the regular extension axiom.


Regular cardinals

  • The first (infinite) regular cardinal is 0=||\aleph_0 = {|\mathbb{N}|}, because a set with cardinality less than 0\aleph_0 is a finite set, and a finite union of finite sets is still a finite set.


Assuming the axiom of choice, the successor of any infinite cardinal, such as 0\aleph_0, is a regular cardinal.

In the case of 0\aleph_0, this means that a countable union of countable sets is countable. Note that this implies that there exist arbitrarily large regular cardinals: for any cardinal λらむだ\lambda there is a greater regular cardinal, namely λらむだ +\lambda^+.


Under the axiom of choice, the successor of a cardinal number is the Hartogs number (see there): if λらむだ\lambda is the cardinality of XX, then λらむだ +\lambda^+ is the order type of the well-ordered set (X)\aleph(X). If (λらむだ αあるふぁ)=(0=λらむだ 0<λらむだ 1<)(\lambda_\alpha) = (0 = \lambda_0 \lt \lambda_1 \lt \ldots) is a set of ordinals with least upper bound λらむだ +\lambda^+, and supposing, working toward a contradiction, that this set has cardinality λらむだ\leq \lambda, then the corresponding initial segments X αあるふぁX_\alpha of (X)\aleph(X) provide a partition

(X)= αあるふぁX αあるふぁ+1X αあるふぁ\aleph(X) = \bigcup_\alpha X_{\alpha+1} \setminus X_\alpha

and by construction of (X)\aleph(X), each X αあるふぁ+1X αあるふぁX_{\alpha+1} \setminus X_\alpha has cardinality λらむだ\leq \lambda. Thus the union would have at most λらむだλらむだ=λらむだ\lambda \cdot \lambda = \lambda elements, which is less than the cardinality λらむだ +\lambda^+ of (X)\aleph(X), contradiction.

Singular cardinals

  • ωおめが= n n\aleph_\omega = \bigcup_{n\in \mathbb{N}} \aleph_n is singular, more or less by definition, since n< ωおめが\aleph_n\lt\aleph_\omega and ||= 0< ωおめが{|\mathbb{N}|} = \aleph_0 \lt\aleph_\omega.

  • More generally, any limit cardinal that can be “written down by hand” should be singular, since if it were regular then it would be weakly inaccessible, and the existence of weakly inaccessible cardinals cannot be proven in ZFC (if ZFCZFC is consistent). We say ‘should’ rather than ‘must’, since there are exceptions, but they are sort of cheating: one (definable with Choice) is ‘the smallest limit cardinal that is regular if and only if some weakly innaccessible cardinal exists’.

  • Assuming the consistency (with ZFC) of ‘there is a proper class of strongly compact cardinals’, it is consistent with ZFZF that every uncountable cardinal is singular (and in fact every infinite well-orderable cardinal has cofinality 0\aleph_0), a result due to Moti Gitik?. (Of course this conclusion is inconsistent with ZFCZFC, in which many uncountable cardinals, starting with 1\aleph_1, are regular.)

Relevance for category theory

Regular cardinals λらむだ\lambda are used in the definitions of λらむだ\lambda-filtered colimits, λらむだ\lambda-presentable objects, λらむだ\lambda-accessible categories, locally λらむだ\lambda-presentable categories, λらむだ\lambda-ind-completion, and many notions derived from these, e.g., λらむだ\lambda-combinatorial model categories.

Then notions make sense for all cardinals, not necessarily regular. However, the relevant concepts reduce to those for regular cardinals.

The relevance of regular cardinals for these concepts was already pointed out by Gabriel and Ulmer in their original treatise on locally presentable categories, where on page 2 we read:

Sei αあるふぁ\alpha eine Kardinalzahl, wobei 3αあるふぁ<3 \le \alpha \lt \infty. Eine geordnete Menge (N,)(N,\le) heisst αあるふぁ\alpha-gerichtet, wenn es für jede Familie (νにゅー i) iI(\nu_i)_{i\in I} in NN mit Kard(I)<αあるふぁKard(I) \lt \alpha ein μみゅー\mu gibt derart, dass νにゅー iμみゅー\nu_i\le\mu. Sei βべーた\beta die kleinste reguläre Kardinalzahl αあるふぁ\ge \alpha. Dann ist jede αあるふぁ\alpha-gerichtete Menge auch βべーた\beta-gerichtet. Wir setzen deshalb im folgenden zusatzlich voraus, dass αあるふぁ\alpha regulär ist (vgl. §0).

where the meaning of αあるふぁ<\alpha\lt\infty is explained on page 13:

Ausserdem bezeichnen wir mit \infty die kleinste Kardinalzahl, die nicht mehr zu UU gehört (die also in unserer Sprache keine Menge ist).

Dieser Arbeit liegt die Mengenlehre von Zermelo-Fraenkel und ein fest gewähltes
Universum UU zugrunde. Wir setzen dabei voraus, dass UU die Menge N\mathbf{N} der natürlichen Zahlen enthält.

If λらむだ\lambda is not a regular cardinal, then a category has λらむだ\lambda-filtered colimits if and only if it has λらむだ +\lambda^+-filtered colimits, and λらむだ +\lambda^+ is always a regular cardinal (assuming the axiom of choice). In this case, a category is locally λらむだ\lambda-presentable if and only if it is locally λらむだ +\lambda^+-presentable.

Reference: Proposition 5.6 in Rezk2021.


Last revised on December 13, 2023 at 13:02:12. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.