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'''Guildford''' er en by i [[Surrey]], [[England]], og administrativt senter for [[Englands regioner|regionen]] [[Sørøst-England]]. Den var tidligere også administrativt senter for grevskapet Surrey, men dette ble flyttet til [[Kingston upon Thames|Kingston]].
'''Guildford''' er en by i [[Surrey]], [[England]], og administrativt senter for [[Englands regioner|regionen]] [[Sørøst-England]]. Den var tidligere også administrativt senter for grevskapet Surrey, men dette ble flyttet til [[Kingston upon Thames|Kingston]].

We are now approaching the point for The International Criminal Court to prosecute corrupt Thai politicians who have stood by and watched the Soponpanich.Moor.Basque-Tai.CIA-Hamas-Hua-Taliban-Sylvester-Scientology-Hubbard-Heroin-Satanic.Terorist.Mafia network they belong to plunder Thailand and other countries. These include Angola, Moxambique, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Burma and Laos. They were the prison officers of the river Kwai prisoners of war I met one who told me "It wasn't the Japanese prison officers who were so cruel it was the other prison officers who claimed to be Thai they were very very cruel terrible to us". Prisoners included British, Australian, New Zealand and Irish people.
Now it is sensible to consider they may have infiltrated the Nazi party which had ideals based around Christianity and Buddhism. Due to the infiltration of these filthy blood thirsty monsters with an appetite for tormenting and torturing others the NAZI idealogy of its founders was completely ransacked and satanic Games formed party of the NAZI system. The originally NAZI policies had no program for persecuting any social groups at all. It was the Sophonpanich satanic games that caused such attrocities. They wound up Adolph hitler when he lived in MooChen (Munich) with lies about the Jews because they were jealous of them. The Jews did not want these peopel in the tax department of Germany. They knew how they had been looting China through its tax collection system by stealing the ID of tax collectors and failing to return the tax collected instead peddling Heroin and Opium and opening gambling/opiuum dens.
Perhaps they were angry because Judas Ischariot was labelled the "t-rai-tor" and he was from their ilk, allegedly Spaniard from Catalina by descent but perhaps not perhaps he was fitted up by someone who was a Satanist much much more likely than to turn traitor.
Tor Line Ferries was another business interest that Mervyn Young had some connection with. Now I recall Ron Hubbard staying at Bishopsgarth in Heathside Road Woking Surrey. He was well presented and sometimes wore a cardigan (buttoned wool jumper/sweater).
I was very young about 4 or 5 years old and he was very friendly as far as I remember. I have no idea where he went. Maybe he "borrowed" some documents in the office desk files of Mamie Margaret Henry Young who lost her brothers who drowned when the Titanic sunk. it was built in Belfast maybe by her Uncle who owned a Stradivarius. Was Ron Hubbard, or whatever his name was then i nearly remembered it just now... really a Catalina descendant from a family that had been at Dachau during the war WW2 as officers ?? I think this may be correct. I have a feeling he played the violin.
My grand mother had been gifted the Stradivarius by her Uncle in Ireland. We had a lot of attempts on our lives because my mother's family were descendants of the 12 disciples and Jesus Christ. That is why our family, the Henry family had to use anonymous names to travel on the Titanic, the death threats. The ship may have been financed through my mother's family. My grandmother never ever ever spoke of her lost brothers it was a catastrophe I believe the work of the Sophonpanich Satanic Mafia who are the enemies of Humanity and those who believe in Almighty God. they sabotaged the compass so the ship would sail too far north and hit the danger zone with lots of icebergs.
I think my great Uncle was a direcor of the ship building company.
Mr Erik Young in Pattaya Thailand. Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Einstein-Van gogh-Gauguin-Da Vinci-Kennedy-Nesbitt).

Someone our family helped into business....
Henry Royce together with Charles Rolls founded Rolls-Royce Ltd in 1906. United by a historic meeting at the Midland Hotel Manchester by Henry Edmunds who had a car showroom in London and a friend of Charles Rolls. The pairing of the engineering brilliance of Royce with the equally brilliant business acumen and financial backing of Rolls was to become legendary. Even today the name "Rolls-Royce" has become a byword for excellence.
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Ltd first motor car was The Silver Ghost (1906-1925) which was largely responsible for the company's early reputation. It had a 6-cylinder engine and as early as 1907 the fledgling automotive manufacturer was collecting awards for outstanding engineering excellence and reliability.

In 1911 the "Spirit of Ecstasy" first graced a Rolls-Royce car.

In 1931 Rolls-Royce acquired Bentley who were ailing due to the Great Depression. From then on, until 2002, Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars were almost identical aside from the radiator grills and other cosmetic changes.
Rolls-Royce Aero Engines

The company built their first aircraft engine in 1914 and went on to produce about half the aircraft engines used by the Allies in World War I. By the late 1920s, aircraft engines made up most of Rolls-Royce's business. Henry Royce's last design was the Merlin aero engine, which was developed after the R engine, which had powered a record-breaking Supermarine S6B seaplane to almost 400 mph in the 1931 Schneider Trophy. The Merlin became the engine fitted to the Hawker Hurricane, Supermarine Spitfire, De Havilland Mosquito and the heavy bombers Vickers Wellington and Avro Lancaster. It was also made under licence by Packard to great effect with the American P51 Mustang.
Rolls-Royce Motors

In 1971 Rolls-Royce was nationalised and in 1973 Rolls-Royce Motors was formed as a separate entity from the aircraft and marine engine business. In 1980 Rolls-Royce was aquired by Vickers who in 1998 sold the company to Volkswagen. However they didn't have rights to the trademark name and logo. On January 1, 2003 a new agreement between Volkswagen and BMW came into effect, with Volkswagen retaining the name Bentley while BMW acquired the name Rolls-Royce and later that year produced their first Rolls-Royce, the Phantom.

What's 300 years old, made of wood and easily outperforms most mutual funds?

A Stradivarius violin.....

Not much has changed in the field of violin production and dealing since Antonio Stradivari set up shop in Cremona, Italy, during the late 17th century. Dukes and queens coveted the craftsman's creations back then; today, the instruments sell for wild sums to a comparable group of wealthy amateurs.

In 1998, Christie's auctioned a very similar Strad (crafted in 1698, one year earlier than the Lady Tennant) for $880,000. One could infer, then, that certain Strad violins more than doubled in value in this seven-year period, says Kerry Keane, the musical-instrument department head at Christie's.

In private, they may go for even more: The Stradivari Society, a private Chicago-based organization that purchases rare violins and loans them to promising young musicians, values some "golden era" (post-1700) Stradivari violins at $6 million each.


Sideversjonen fra 12. mar. 2009 kl. 21:16

LandStorbritannias flagg Storbritannia
Konst. landEnglands flagg England
Admin. grevskapSurrey
Seremon. grevskapSurrey
StatusBy (town)
Befolkning66 773 [1] (2001)
51°14′07″N 0°34′29″V

Guildford er en by i Surrey, England, og administrativt senter for regionen Sørøst-England. Den var tidligere også administrativt senter for grevskapet Surrey, men dette ble flyttet til Kingston.


Byens historie går tilbake til angelsaksisk tid. Navnet kommer antagelig fra et sanddekket – gyllent – overgangssted i elven Wey. Alfred Atheling, sønn av kong Ethelred II, hadde bodd i Normandie under den danske invasjonen av England. Omkring 1040, noen år etter Knut den stores død, kom han tilbake til England. Han møtte jarlen Godwin av Wessex i Guildford, og ble overlatt til kongen, som blindet og lemlestet ham; Alfred døde kort tid etter mishandlingen.

I det 12. århundre reiste normannerne et slott, i det som var utkanten av Windsor Castles jaktmarker. Det ble flere ganger besøkt av kongene Johan og Henrik III. Bare selve tårnet er bevart, og ble restaurert i 2004.

Fra 14. til 18. århundre hadde byen store inntekter fra handel med ull.

I 1927 ble Guildford et anglikansk bispesete. Guildfordkatedralen ble vigslet i 1961.

Den 5. oktober 1974 eksploderte bomber plassert av medlemmer av Den provisoriske irske republikanske armé på to puber i Guildford. Pubene var utpekt som mål fordi soldater ofte gikk dit; fem sivile ble drept. Fire mistenkte ble arrestert, og ble kjent som Guildford Four. De ble idømt lange fengselsstraffer, men etter en lang juridisk drakamp ble de løslatt i 1989 da dommene ble forkastet.

I 2002 forsøkte Guildford å få full bystatus (city), men dette ble avslått og byen er fortsatt en town.
