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SHARK - Regional monitoring and monitoring projects of Epibenthos in Sweden since 1994 - Ocean Biodiversity Information System

SHARK - Regional monitoring and monitoring projects of Epibenthos in Sweden since 1994

Repository URL http://ipt.vliz.be/eurobis/
Node EurOBIS
Published2024-07-02 16:02
First registered2023-09-14 18:25

Regional monitoring programs for Epibenthos have been performed since 1994 in Sweden. The monitoring is financed by the Swedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities and Swedish coalitions of water conservation. Recipient control data financed by companies are also included. Sampling is performed by a large number of different institutes and consulting firms. Data from monitoring projects are also included in this dataset. The data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The Epibenthos monitoring programs and projects studies hard and soft bottoms from the surface down to 10-20 meters. Data is collected in transects or squares with help of divers. Species abundances are determined directly by the divers or photographs are taken and analyzed later.

CitationSwedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities, Swedish coalitions of water conservation, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, et al (2017). SHARK - Regional monitoring and monitoring projects of Epibenthos in Sweden since 1994
RightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License
Keywords Diving, Regional, Samplingevent
Creator Swedish county administration boards
Creator Swedish municipalities
Creator Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Contact Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
Metadata Provider Lisa Sundqvist
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute


Occurrence records 308,042
Species level 236,274
Absence records 0
Event records 71,625
MoF records 1,006,574
Sequence records 0
Species 478
Taxa 757
Time range 1995 - 2021

This dataset has appeared in 8,525 downloads in 2024, with a total of 681,190,827 records.

Data quality

Dropped records

Dropped records 13,871
Not marine 11,890
No WoRMS match 1,956
No coordinates 26
Zero coordinates 0

Taxonomic issues

Marine unsure 3,336
No accepted name available 373

Missing and invalid fields

Field Missing Invalid
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters 321,913 0
decimalLatitude 26 0
decimalLongitude 26 0
maximumDepthInMeters 38,569 0
minimumDepthInMeters 25,176 0
scientificNameID 1,976 0

Spatial issues

Records on land 19,565
More than 20 km from shore 2
Depth exceeds bathymetric depth 1,109

Top taxa

IUCN Red List All taxa
Scientific name Records
Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758
Phylum Mollusca > Class Bivalvia
Ectocarpales Bessey, 1907
Phylum Ochrophyta > Class Phaeophyceae
Ceramium tenuicorne (Kützing) Waern, 1952
Phylum Rhodophyta > Class Florideophyceae
Vertebrata fucoides (Hudson) Kuntze, 1891
Phylum Rhodophyta > Class Florideophyceae
Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus, 1753
Phylum Ochrophyta > Class Phaeophyceae
Furcellaria lumbricalis (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux, 1813
Phylum Rhodophyta > Class Florideophyceae
Cladophora glomerata (Linnaeus) Kützing, 1843
Phylum Chlorophyta > Class Ulvophyceae
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner, 1912
Phylum Tracheophyta > Class Magnoliopsida
Battersia arctica (Harvey) Draisma, Prud'homme & H.Kawai, 2010
Phylum Ochrophyta > Class Phaeophyceae
Chorda filum (Linnaeus) Stackhouse, 1797
Phylum Ochrophyta > Class Phaeophyceae




detailed (class) simple

Data providers

Name OceanExpert ID
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee 6223
Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut 8493
Swedish county administration boards
Swedish municipalities

Measurement types
