(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
PBDB Collection
Evangeline Beach (Triassic of Canada)

Also known as Acadiella holotype site

Where: Nova Scotia, Canada (45.1° N, 64.3° W: paleocoordinates 10.5° N, 6.4° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Wolfville Formation (Chatham Group), Carnian (237.0 - 228.0 Ma)

• "The Wolfville Formation has been dated as late Carnian based on the presence of the temnospondyl amphibian "Metoposaurus" bakeri, which elsewhere occurs in the well-dated Dockum Group of Texas"

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; sandstone

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by D. Baird, W.F. Take in 1958

• NSM: Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax

Primary reference: R. L. Carroll, E. S. Belt, D. L. Dineley, D. Baird, and D. C. McGregor. 1972. In D. J. Glass (ed.), Guidebook: Excursion A59. Vertebrate Palaeontology of Eastern Canada 1-113 [R. Butler/E. Dunne/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 80074: authorized by Johannes Mueller, entered by Jana Dummasch on 02.04.2008, edited by Emma Dunne and Matthew Carrano

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Parareptilia - Procolophonidae
Acadiella psalidodon n. gen. n. sp.1
Acadiella psalidodon n. gen. n. sp.1 Sues and Baird 1998 parareptile
 Rhynchosauria - Rhynchosauridae
Oryctorhynchus bairdi n. gen. n. sp.2
Oryctorhynchus bairdi n. gen. n. sp.2 Sues et al. 2020 rhynchosaur
NSM018GF009.012 (holotype) fragment of a left maxilla. Referred Specimens: NSM018GF009.001, incomplete fused parietals of large individual; NSM018GF009.002, basicranium of large individual; NSM018GF009.003, incomplete left maxilla of large individual; NSM018GF009.004, right premaxilla; NSM018GF009.005, fragment of left dentary with attached piece of splenial; NSM018GF- 009.006, poorly preserved piece of dentary; NSM018GF009.007, poorly preserved fragment of left maxilla; NSM018GF009.008, fragment of left maxilla; NSM018GF009.009, fragment of left maxilla; NSM018GF009.010, nearly complete left maxilla of juvenile individual; NSM018GF009.011, anterior portion of left maxilla; NSM018GF009.013, small piece of left dentary; NSM018- GF009.014, anterior portion of left dentary of juvenile individual; NSM020GF005.001, left premaxilla; YPM VPPU 020587, fragment of right dentary.