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⚓ T304039 Watchlist access key no longer working on new Vector
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Watchlist access key no longer working on new Vector
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a wiki with new Vector in Firefox, e.g. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Accueil_principal
  2. Ensure you’re logged in.
  3. Press Alt++L (or whatever you need to press to access keys).

Actual result

  1. Nothing.

Expected result

  1. Your watchlist loads.

Additional information

  • Tested with Firefox 91.7.0esr and 99.0b4. Chromium 90 works.
  • Maybe connected to T302084? As far as I recall, the shortcut used to activate the watchlist link in the dropdown menu, not the one outside of it.

Event Timeline

I can replicate this on Firefox 98.0.1, and will note that the contributions access key (Alt++Y) also does not work (but the talk page key does) — just affecting those in the p-personal portlet?