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⚓ T344463 Local block messages should override global ones
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Local block messages should override global ones
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Be an editor using an IP address or range which is blocked both globally and locally. This is routinely done for e.g. VPN providers.
  • Attempt to edit the wiki on which you are locally blocked.

What happens?:
One receives the message There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address as the reasoning for the block:

image (1).png (652×1 px, 555 KB)

What should have happened instead?:
The user should have received the local message, which includes a lot of detail about how to request an unblock, IP block exemption, etc. These are generally written locally as templates (for example, {{blocked proxy}} on enwiki).

image.png (1×1 px, 2 MB)

Another solution may be to have two messages, one triggered by local blocks and one by global, to allow for multiple messages, though I imagine this may be a lot of information to throw at a new user. Local projects should probably have the first say in what their messages look like for local blocks, rather than being inadvertently overidden by a global message.

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jrbs attached a referenced file: F37553005: image (1).png. (Show Details)

Ah, this may be a dupe of that then.

/me pokes the unattached images.

Sorry, I changed "form" so I guess Phab got confused.

The combining/generic block reason is fairly useless as to informing the editor what is going on, displaying all the block messages would be better.

I spoke with @L235 about this and we're wondering if this issue is caused by changes made in T322941. I'll speak to AHT

I spoke with @L235 about this and we're wondering if this issue is caused by changes made in T322941. I'll speak to AHT

That's correct. Sounds like we could do with some product/design input here - adding @Niharika @KColeman-WMF

One complexity is that there could be more than one type of local block (e.g. blocks targeting some subset of the user, their IP, a range covering their IP, and their IP could also appear on a disallow-list). If there are multiple local blocks with different reasons, is there a best one to show, or should they all be shown?

Has there been any determination if this is a regression? The current message is mostly useless when a user is trying to share it to get help.

Hello everyone. I write to emphasize this is a highly urgent issue and needs prioritization. This issue affects everyone who is using a VPN and editing the English Wikipedia -- including many who may not even know that they are using a VPN (see, e.g., iCloud Private Relay). I am guessing this is at least 10% of the non-established editors who attempt to edit, though I don't have a real basis for this. As I'm sure y'all can empathize with, receiving this message must be infuriating and entirely inconsistent with the Foundation's prioritization of Growth in its planning.

Fixing this also strikes me as low hanging fruit, relative to the large impact.

I'm available for a call or to discuss in more depth why this should be "Unbreak Now" status. A few specific thoughts:

One complexity is that there could be more than one type of local block (e.g. blocks targeting some subset of the user, their IP, a range covering their IP, and their IP could also appear on a disallow-list). If there are multiple local blocks with different reasons, is there a best one to show, or should they all be shown?

Perhaps the one with the longest duration, or the most specific one (local over global; within local, accounts, then individual IP blocks, then IP ranges by CIDR size?). Certainly prefer local to global blocks, because local IPBE can override global blocks, but global IPBE can't override local blocks.

But it is better to choose any of these options, or to show multiple blocks, than to wait.

Has there been any determination if this is a regression? The current message is mostly useless when a user is trying to share it to get help.

In the past both global blocks and local blocks would be shown. I don't know when that was changed.

I'll note that it's not just an enwiki problem, as several other projects make significant amounts of local proxy blocks.

Change 965048 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tchanders; author: Tchanders):

[mediawiki/core@master] Add hack to display the reason from one block in a CompositeBlock


This should show one local block message, but not necessarily the preferred one if there are multiple local blocks

With Thalia's patch:

composite block error.png (285×680 px, 49 KB)

It's an improvement, I guess. It's still very bad. Putting a line break in $2 of blockedtext-composite breaks the list created by the initial colon, so the real reason appears in its own paragraph with no indent. With a template generating a block-level element, the period after the </em> also ends up on its own line.

We are still saying the reason given is blockedtext-composite-reason "There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address" which is wrong, that's not the reason given. Maybe it's the reason for the permission denied error, but it's not the reason for the block.

And where is the name of the blocking admin? There is a bunch of useful information in the blockedtext parameters which we throw away when we decide to deliver blockedtext-composite.

I'd rather just loop over all original blocks and show the blockedtext message for each one.

It's definitely an improvement. I'll take it, if that's what we've got. Looping over all the blocks would also be satisfactory. Or, just remove the "There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address" part — that's already implied because we're calling blockedtext-composite, not blockedtext. If you remove the "There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address" from the block reason, that allows local customization for how to inform the user that there are multiple blocks.

Thanks for the comment @L235. @Xaosflux @AntiCompositeNumber @Izno @taavi as a quick solution for this problem, is the currently implemented solution acceptable?

... show one local block message, but not necessarily the preferred one if there are multiple local blocks

Putting a line break in $2 of blockedtext-composite breaks the list created by the initial colon, so the real reason appears in its own paragraph with no indent. With a template generating a block-level element, the period after the </em> also ends up on its own line.

This needs to be fixed.

We are still saying the reason given is blockedtext-composite-reason "There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address" which is wrong, that's not the reason given. Maybe it's the reason for the permission denied error, but it's not the reason for the block.

And where is the name of the blocking admin? There is a bunch of useful information in the blockedtext parameters which we throw away when we decide to deliver blockedtext-composite.

I'd rather just loop over all original blocks and show the blockedtext message for each one.

Agree with all three.

Thanks everyone. Just awaiting confirmation from @Niharika on what we want to do for now, then I'll update the patch.

Based on the feedback, I think we should do the following:

  • Adding a line break in $2 of blockedtext-composite breaks the list created by the initial colon, so the real reason appears in its own paragraph with no indent. With a template generating a block-level element, the period after the </em> also ends up on its own line.
  • Remove the blockedtext-composite-reason "There are multiple blocks against your account and/or IP address" because that doesn't make sense.
  • Loop over all original blocks and show the blockedtext message for each one.

Change 965048 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Display all error messages for a CompositeBlock


Change 965048 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Display all error messages for a CompositeBlock


@Tchanders After this change, trying to create an account via the API when I am composite blocked the messagecode in the response is strange.

    "createaccount": {
        "status": "FAIL",
        "message": <message>,
        "messagecode": "___1____2____3____4",
        "canpreservestate": false

The numbers seem to correspond to how many blocks make up the composite block.

Previously (or now with only a single block), it would return "messagecode": "blocked"