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⚓ T346468 DEPRECATION: MediaWiki UI modules are to be replaced with Codex CSS components (gadgets)
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DEPRECATION: MediaWiki UI modules are to be replaced with Codex CSS components (gadgets)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


NOTE: We are aware that templates use mw-ui-button markup. We are currently clarifying how this will be handled in T355242. There is no need for templates to make any changes at this point in time.

As part of the move to Vue.js and Codex, we are now deprecating the ResourceLoader mediawiki.ui modules that provide styles following the deprecation process in the new frontend stable policy guidelines. To help support this deprecation, we are now recommending that Codex markup is used instead and the styles for Codex markup is now loaded in Minerva and Vector skins. If you have a gadget or user script using mediawiki ui please take action.

Please let us know on this ticket if you have any questions or requests for things that would help you handle this migration or minimize disruption and provide input on what sort of timeline would be helpful.

How can I help?

  • If impacted please notify your local project's technical discussion forum e.g. technical village pump that this is happening.
  • Update templates, and any code that makes use of the MediaWiki UI markup / modules.

What's impacted?

Migration instructions

A migration guide has been provided at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Codex/Migrating_from_MediaWiki_UI and this is linked to in the developer console.

Event Timeline

Tacsipacsi subscribed.

Given that the description asks for templates to be updated, this shouldn’t go out before T346469 is resolved. Or split the notification: make one now about necessary changes to gadgets and user scripts, and another one once templates can also be updated.

Jdlrobson renamed this task from DEPRECATION: MediaWiki UI modules are to be replaced with Codex CSS components to DEPRECATION: MediaWiki UI modules are to be replaced with Codex CSS components (gadgets).Sep 19 2023, 8:38 PM
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've limited this to gadgets and user scripts for now given the timeline for a decision on T346469.

I assume modules and templates using the classes are also affected, right?

provide input on what sort of timeline would be helpful.

Are we talking months or years here? :)

Codex markup is now loaded in Minerva and Vector skins.

What about other skins? Will the classes like cdx-button works for them? I'm not sure what do you mean by markup here.

See previous comments. Templates and modules don’t need to be updated yet, because they can’t. Everything else should load styles explicitly using ResourceLoader, which works on all skins.

Hey @Nux @Tacsipacsi for gadgets you can add @wikimedia/codex or codex-search-styles as a dependency to the gadget definition / mw.loader.using function if you are supporting skins other than Minerva and Vector 2022. If the gadget is a default one I suggest using the latter since it will already be loaded for anonymous users.

My understanding is gadgets can be updated right now. The thing that's not clear is how to migrate templates as templates cannot create markup that is supported by Codex.

Any reason this task is still open?

Jdlrobson claimed this task.
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: Quiddity.

@Quiddity perhaps User-notice should have a herald rule that automatically archives tickets after they've been open for 3 months?

@Jdlrobson Great minds think alike! There is a bot for this, thanks to ladsgroup in Aug 2022! But it relies on the task being resolved. Copying from the description of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/1097/

User-notice-archive is an archive for User-notice to avoid the project getting extremely bloated and unloadable. A bot moves resolved tasks in "Already announced/Archive" column of User-notice, into the -archive, if they are not modified in the past ten days.

(Herald rules do not support such time-based activities)