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Resignations and Appointments
Sala Stampa


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Resignations and Appointments, 23.02.2024

Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Romania and Moldova

Appointment of secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

Resignation and appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Udine, Italy

Appointment of coadjutor bishop of Bangassou, Central African Republic


Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Romania and Moldova

The Holy Father has appointed Archbishop Giampiero Gloder, titular of Telde, until now apostolic nuncio in Cuba, as apostolic nuncio in Romania and Moldova.


Appointment of secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Flavio Pace, until now under-secretary of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, as secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, assigning him the titular see of Dolia and conferring to him the personal title of archbishop.

Curriculum vitae

The Reverend Flavio Pace was born in Monza on 29 July 1977.

After his high school studies in Monza, he entered the archepiscopal seminary of Milan in 1996.

He was ordained a deacon in 2001 and a priest in 2002 by the archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.

For several years he carried out pastoral activities as parish vicar in Abbiategrasso, involved with youth pastoral ministry, teaching religion in the state school and serving as chaplain at the local hospice.

He obtained a certificate in Islamic studies from the Pontifical Institute of Arabian and Islamic Studies in Rome in 2010, then collaborating in various initiatives regarding relations with Islam in the archdiocese of Milan.

Since 2011, he has served as special secretary to the then-prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, His Eminence Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, and since February 2020, under-secretary of the same Dicastery. He is chaplain of the “Teresa Grillo Michel” Institute of the Little Sisters of Divine Providence.


Resignation and appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Udine, Italy

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the metropolitan archdiocese of Udine, Italy, presented by Archbishop Andrea Bruno Mazzocato.

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Riccardo Lamba, until now titular bishop of Medeli and auxiliary of Rome, as metropolitan archbishop of Udine.

Curriculum vitae

Archbishop-elect Riccardo Lamba was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on 30 November 1956. He graduated in medicine, then entered the seminary and was ordained a priest for the diocese of Rome on 6 May 1986. He was awarded a licentiate in psychology from the Pontifical Gregorian University.

He has held the following offices: assistant at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary (1989-1991), assistant at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (1991-2000), parish priest of Sant’Anselmo alla Cecchignola (2000-2002), parish priest of Gesù Divino Lavoratore (2002-2018), and parish priest of San Ponziano in Rome (2018-2022).

On 27 May 2022 he was appointed titular bishop of Medeli and auxiliary of Rome, receiving episcopal consecration on 29 June 2022.

He is currently occupied in the East Sector of Rome, responsible for the “Outgoing Hospital Church” pastoral area and the Service for the protection of minors and vulnerable persons.


Appointment of coadjutor bishop of Bangassou, Central African Republic

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Fr. Aurelio Gazzera, O.C.D., until now director of Caritas for the diocese of Bouar, as coadjutor bishop of Bangassou, Central African Republic.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Aurelio Gazzera, O.C.D., was born on 27 May 1964 in Cuneo, Italy, and entered the minor seminary of the Descalced Carmelites of Arenzano in 1974. In 1979 he gave his simple vows in the Order of Descalced Carmelines of the province of Genoa. He subsequently spent a year of formation in the Central African Carmelite Delegation, and on 11 October 1986, he gave his solemn vows.

He studied philosophy and theology at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy – Genoa Section, and was ordained a priest on 29 May 1989.

After serving as a formator in the minor seminary of the Descalced Carmelines of Arenzano, he began his mission in Central Africa.

He has held the following offices: assistant in the minor seminary of Yole (1992-1994), director of the first cycle of the same minor seminary (1994-2003), parish priest of Saint Michael of Bozoum (2003-2020), and superior of the Delegation of Descalced Carmelites of Central Africa (2014-2020). Since 2003 he has been the director of Caritas in Bouar, and since 2020, a member of the Baoro community, responsible for the Christians in the villages of the savanna and director of the Baoro Mechanical School.