California Dreaming follows several Southern Californians in their journey through tough times following the financial crisis of 2007-2008. An Anglo couple with young children struggle to keep their heads up while living in a van. A Latino...See moreCalifornia Dreaming follows several Southern Californians in their journey through tough times following the financial crisis of 2007-2008. An Anglo couple with young children struggle to keep their heads up while living in a van. A Latino man contends with the consequences of years spent in prison for petty theft. A team of residents including a displaced college professor glean fruit from trees planted along sidewalks and medians. Friends and neighbors facing rising rent and food prices work together to build a modern communal living environment, complete with communal gardens. Along the way, we learn how these individuals conceive of the origin of the situations they face, and what help is - and is not - available to them, while they do the very concrete work of coping. Written by
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