A serialized drama that aired from September 2, 1972, to January 6 the following year on Fuji TV, consisting of 19 episodes. Starring Kenkichi Hamabata, who gained popularity in the role of a teacher in the 1968 series "March On. Youth," ...See moreA serialized drama that aired from September 2, 1972, to January 6 the following year on Fuji TV, consisting of 19 episodes. Starring Kenkichi Hamabata, who gained popularity in the role of a teacher in the 1968 series "March On. Youth," and later played leading roles in period dramas such as "Otokowa Dokyo" and "Murasakigasa." The story follows a young man who embarks on a journey, wanting to live as a normal human before being a samurai, and grows through encounters with experienced travelers and various events. With the comedic performances of the two supporting characters, its an entertaining period drama. Young ronin Shiba Gennoshin (Hamabata Kenkichi) and master swordsman Ryuunosuke (Hira Mikijiro). Together with Miyoshi (Shinagawa Ryuji), a former street performer, and Higashikoji Michinomaro (Kawarazaki Choichiro), who failed to become a doctor, they get involved in various incidents during their travels.
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