Short, narrative drama that follows an old man - Bill - introverted by his wife's death some years ago, as his lonely daily routine is interrupted by the arrival of an unexpected guest. Charlie, a ex-struggling student, has come to thank ...See moreShort, narrative drama that follows an old man - Bill - introverted by his wife's death some years ago, as his lonely daily routine is interrupted by the arrival of an unexpected guest. Charlie, a ex-struggling student, has come to thank Eva for everything she did to help him. Unfortunately she is Bill's late wife, and Charlie is stuck trying to get information out of a man who doesn't want to talk but through an afternoon of several cups of tea, and unfortunately no biscuits, the information that is shared helps both characters - Charlie finds reassurance and has someone to thank for working hard, selflessly, to help him, and Bill finds an outlet for the grief he didn't realise was consuming him. Written by
Wlodzimierz M Borzemski
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