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Usuário(a):Mariana Pezarini/Testes/mirellalapata

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Alma mater
Prêmios Karen Spärck Jones Award

Erro de comando: Não existe nenhum módulo "Check for clobbered parameters".

Mirella Lapata is a computer scientist and Professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.[1] Working on the general problem of extracting semantic information from large bodies of text, Lapata develops computer algorithms and models in the field of natural language processing (NLP).

Lapata obtained an M.A. from Carnegie Mellon University and subsequently earned a doctorate from the University of Edinburgh.[2] Lapata's doctoral thesis concerns the acquisition of information from polysemous linguistic units using probabilistic methods.[3][4]

Professional life

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After her doctorate, Lapata assumed academic positions at Saarland University and at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield.[2][5] At the University of Edinburgh she became a reader in the School of Informatics where she currently is a full Professor and holds a personal chair in natural language processing.[6] Lapata is a member of the Human Communication Research Center and Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation, both in Edinburgh.

Alongside her university career, between 2015 and 2017, Lapata was a member of the Royal Society in the Machine Learning Working Group.[7]

Recently Lapata was granted a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant worth €1.9M to fund five years of her project, TransModal: Translating from Multiple Modalities into Text.[8]

  • In 2009 Lapata became the first recipient of the Microsoft BCS/BCS IRSG Karen Spärck Jones Award.[9] The award recognizes achievement in furthering the progress in information retrieval and natural language processing; the award commemorates the life and work of Karen Spärck Jones.
  • In 2012 Lapata won an EMNLP-CoNLL 2012 Best Reviewer Award.[10]
  • In 2016 Lapata, with Eneko Agirre and Sebastian Riedel, won the EMNLP Best Data Set Paper Award.[11]
  • In 2018 Lapata was awarded, alongside Li Dong, an ACL Best Paper Honorable Mention.[12]
  1. «people». EdinburghNLP (em inglês). Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  2. a b «Stadium Speaker». stadium.open.ac.uk. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  3. Lapata, Maria (2000). The acquisition and modelling of lexical knowledge : a corpus-based investigation of systematic polysemy (Tese de Ph.D.). University of Edinburgh 
  4. Lapata, Maria (2000). «Acquisition and modeling of lexical knowledge: a corpus-based investigation of systematic polysemy» (em inglês) 
  5. irsg.bcs.org (PDF) https://irsg.bcs.org/ksjaward/topic_models.pdf. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019  Em falta ou vazio |título= (ajuda)
  6. User, Database. «Mirella Lapata». www.inf.ed.ac.uk. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  7. «Mirella Lapata | Royal Society». royalsociety.org (em inglês). Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  8. «TransModal success». The University of Edinburgh (em inglês). Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  9. «KSJ Award». irsg.bcs.org. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  10. «EMNLP-CoNLL 2012 - Best reviewers». emnlp-conll2012.unige.ch. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  11. «EMNLP 2016». www.aclweb.org. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 
  12. «ACL 2018: Best Paper Honourable Mentions». acl2018.org. Consultado em 2 de janeiro de 2019 

Category:Academics of the University of Edinburgh Category:Scottish women scientists Category:British computer scientists Category:Women computer scientists Category:Living people Category:Year of birth missing (living people)