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Note styles?[edit]

Wikipedia shows notes in text like,[a][b][c] while RationalWiki shows them like.[note 1][note 2][note 3]

We can change this by copying an interface page[1] to another.[2] Doing this would make the two look the same, without needing to alter the wikitext of many, many articles to change it over. A tweak is also needed for {{reflist}}, to make a list below use letters instead of numbers for consistency.

The nice thing about the Wikipedia style is that it clutters article text less when there's more notes. Notes are then distinguished from other references in having letters vs. numbers. Which do you prefer?

Old style notes[edit]

  1. This
  2. And
  3. This

New style notes[edit]

  1. This
  2. And
  3. This
