(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Objectives and Responsible Body

This Privacy Policy clarifies the nature, scope and purpose of the processing (including collection, processing and use as well as consent) of personal data within our online services and the related websites, features and content (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Online Services” or “website”). This Privacy Policy applies independently of the domains, systems, platforms and devices (e.g. desktop or mobile) on which the Online Services are used.

The provider of the Online Services and the body responsible for data protection is READ-COOP SCE with limited liability, Managing Director: Dr. Andy Stauder, Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck (hereinafter referred to as “Provider” or “we”). Our contact details can be found in the imprint.

The term “User” includes all Customers and visitors of our Online Services. The used terms, e.g. “User”, are to be understood as gender-neutral. Gender neutral terms have been used throughout, and any gendered terms that remain are non-intentional and we will correct them at the earliest revision once notified.

  1. Basic Information on Data Processing

We process personal data of Users only in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations and in accordance with the principles of data minimization. This means that User data will only be processed if explicit permission has been given, in particular if the data is necessary for the fulfilment of our contractual obligations and the provision of our Online Services or if they are legally required.

We take organizational, contractual and technical security measures in accordance with the state of the art to ensure compliance with all data protection regulations and thus protect the data which is processed by us against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access through unauthorized persons.

If, in the context of this Privacy Policy, content, tools or other means are used by other providers (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Third-Party Providers”) whose office is abroad, it must be assumed that the data is transferred to the countries in which the Third-Party Providers are based. The transfer of data to third countries is done either on the basis of a legitimate permission, User consent or special contractual clauses that guarantee the legally required data protection.

  1. Processing of Personal Data

In addition to the purposes expressly stated in this Privacy Policy below, based on legal authorization or consent from the Users, processing of personal data is done for the purpose of fulfilling the Agreement and for the following purposes: providing, performing, maintaining, optimizing and securing our services; providing effective customer service and technical support; dispatching ordered goods via the Austrian mail service (Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft, corporate headquarters, Rochusplatz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria, https://www.post.at/en/co/c/data-protection) and via the Sendcloud service, (Sendcloud GmbH, Fürstenrieder Str. 70, 80686 Munich, Germany, https://www.sendcloud.com/terms-of-processing/);

We only transfer User data to third parties if this is necessary for billing purposes or for other purposes in order to fulfil our contractual obligations towards the Users.

When establishing contact (via contact form or e-mail), the User’s data will be stored in order to process the inquiry and any questions arising during its course.
Personal data will be deleted if it has fulfilled its intended purpose and if there are no obligations to retain it. See “Retention Period” for details.

  1. Collection of Access Data

We collect data about every access to the server on which our services are located (server log files). Access data includes the name of the visited website, the file, date and time of access, the amount of transferred data, notification on the successful access, type and version of the browser, the User’s operating system, the referrer URL (the previously visited website), the IP address, and the requesting provider.

In accordance with the legal provisions, we use the log data only for statistical evaluations for the operation, security and optimization of our Online Services, without matching the data to the individual User or creating any other profile. However, we reserve the right to review the log data later if there is reasonable suspicion of unlawful use.

  1. Cookies & Audience Measurement

Cookies are information that is transmitted from our web server or third-party web server to the User’s web browser and stored there for later retrieval. In this Privacy Policy, Users are informed about the use of cookies in the context of pseudonymized audience measurement.

You can select the type of cookies allowed through the settings menu in the cookie banner, which appears at the bottom of the website.

The display of these Online Services is also possible with the exclusion of cookies. If Users do not wish to store cookies on their computer, they will be asked to deactivate the corresponding option in the system settings of their browser. Stored cookies can be deleted in the browser’s system settings. The exclusion of cookies may lead to functional limitations of these Online Services.

For more information, see http://www.aboutads.info/choices or http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices/.

  1. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website by the User is usually transferred to a Google server in the United States of America and stored there.

Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our website by Users, to compile reports on the activities on this website, and to provide us with other services related to the use of this website and the internet. The processed data may be used to create pseudonymized user profiles.

We only use Google Analytics with IP anonymization enabled. This means that the IP address of the User is shortened by Google within EU Member States or other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and shortened there.

The IP address transmitted by the User’s browser is not merged with other Google data. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting their browser software accordingly; Users can also prevent the collection of data which is generated by the cookie and transmitted to Google for processing in connection with their use of the Online Services by downloading and installing the browser plugin which is available at: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

For more information on the use of Google data for advertising purposes, setting options and opt-out options, please visit Google’s websites: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners (How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services), https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en (How Google uses cookies in advertising), http://www.google.de/settings/ads (Control the information Google uses to show you ads) and https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated?hl=en (Ad personalization).

  1. Google Remarketing Services

We use the marketing and remarketing services (collectively, “Google Marketing Services”) of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).

Google Marketing Services enable us to better adjust advertising for and on our website to show Users only ads that potentially match their interests. For example, it is called “remarketing” if Users are shown ads for products that they found interesting on other websites. When Users visit our and other websites on which Google Marketing Services are active, Google code is executed directly by Google and so-called (re-)marketing tags (invisible code, also known as “web beacons”) are integrated into the website. With their help, an individual cookie, i.e. a small file, is stored on the User’s device (similar technologies can be used instead of cookies). Cookies can be set by different domains, including google.com, doubleclick.net, invitemedia.com, admeld.com, googlesyndication.com or googleadservices.com. This file records which websites the User visited, what content they are interested in and what offers they clicked on, as well as technical information about the browser and the operating system, referring websites, duration of the visit and other information about the use of the Online Services. The IP address of the User is also recorded, whereby we convey within the framework of Google Analytics that the IP address is shortened within EU Member States or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and is transferred completely to a Google server in the United States and shortened there only in exceptional cases. The IP address is not merged with data of the User in other Google services. The above-mentioned information may also be combined with such information from other sources. If the User subsequently visits other websites, advertising tailored to the interests of the User can be displayed.

User data is processed pseudonymously within the framework of Google’s marketing services. This means, for example, that Google does not assign the User’s name or e-mail address to such data and processes them together, but that it processes the relevant data in relation to the cookie and in pseudonymised user profiles. This means that, from Google’s point of view, the ads are not managed and displayed for a particular person, but for the cookie owner, regardless of who the cookie owner is. This does not apply if a User has expressly allowed Google to process the data without this pseudonymisation. The information about Users collected by “DoubleClick” is transmitted to Google and stored on Google servers in the United States.

Among the Google Marketing Services we use is also the online advertising program “Google AdWords”. With Google AdWords, each AdWords customer receives a different “conversion cookie”. Cookies can therefore not be tracked on the websites of AdWords customers. The information collected with the cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords customers who decided to use conversion tracking. AdWords customers will see the total number of Users who clicked on their ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not receive information that can be used to personally identify Users.

We use third-party ads based on Google’s DoubleClick marketing service. DoubleClick uses cookies to enable Google and its partner websites to display ads based on visiting this website or other websites on the internet.

We also use third-party ads based on Google’s “AdSense” marketing service. AdSense uses cookies to enable Google and its partner websites to display ads based on visiting this website and other websites on the internet.

Another Google Marketing Service we use is the “Google Tag Manager”, with the help of which other Google analytics and marketing services can be integrated into our website (e.g. “AdWords”, “DoubleClick” or “Google Analytics”).

Further information on Google’s use of data for marketing purposes can be found on the page https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en, Google’s privacy policy is available at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

If you want to prevent Google Marketing Services from collecting data about you, you can use Google’s settings and opt-out options: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated?hl=en.

8. Newsletter

In the following, we will inform you about the content of our Newsletter, the procedures concerning registration, shipping and statistical evaluation, as well as your rights to object. By subscribing to our Newsletter, you agree to receive it according to the described procedure.

Content of the Newsletter: We send newsletters, e-mails and other electronic messages containing advertising information (hereinafter referred to as “Newsletter”) only with the consent of the recipients or a legal permission. Insofar as the contents of the Newsletter are specifically described in the context of a registration for the Newsletter, they are decisive for the consent of the Users. In addition, our Newsletters contain information about our Products, our Services, promotions and our company.

Double opt-in and logging: registration for our Newsletter is done via the so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that after registering, you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register with an e-mail address to which they do not have access. Registrations for the Newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with legal requirements. This includes the storage of the time of registration and confirmation as well as the IP address. Changes to your data stored by the Newsletter provider are also logged.

Newsletter provider: Newsletters are sent by Twilio (Twilio Inc., 375 Beale Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105 or Twilio Ireland Limited, 25-28 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, hereinafter “Twilio”). You can view Twilio’s privacy policy here: https://www.twilio.com/legal/privacy.

The e-mail addresses of our Newsletter recipients as well as their other data described in this Privacy Policy are stored on Twilio’s servers. Twilio uses this information for sending and evaluating the Newsletter on our behalf. In addition, Twilio may, according to its own information, use this data to optimise or improve its own services, e.g. to optimise the technical aspects of sending and presenting newsletters or to determine the countries of origin of the recipients for economic purposes. However, Twilio does not use the data of our Newsletter recipients to contact the recipients themselves and does not pass the data on to third parties.

Registration data: To subscribe to the Newsletter, simply enter your e-mail address.

Statistical surveys and analyses: The Newsletters contain a so-called “web beacon”, i.e. a pixel-sized file that is retrieved by the Twilio server when the Newsletter is opened. During this retrieval, technical information such as information about the browser and your system as well as your IP address and the time of retrieval is collected. This information is used for the technical improvement of the services – based on technical data, target groups and their reading behavior, which is evaluated on the basis of their access locations (determined via the IP address) or access times. Statistical surveys also include whether the Newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links are clicked on. For technical reasons, this information can be associated with individual Newsletter recipients. However, it is neither our nor Twilio’s intention to watch individual Users. Instead, the ratings enable us to identify the reading behaviour of our Users and to adapt our content to it or to send different content according to the interests of our Users.

Unsubscribe — You can unsubscribe from our Newsletter at any time, i.e. you revoke your consent to receiving it. Your consent to the dispatch through Twilio and to the statistical analyses will expire as well. Unsubscribing only from either the dispatch through Twilio or the statistical evaluation is not possible. You will find a link to unsubscribe from the Newsletter at the end of every Newsletter.

9. Integration of Services and Content by Third Parties

It may happen that content or third-party services such as city maps or fonts from other websites are integrated into our Online Services. Integration of third-party content always requires that they know the User’s IP address, since they will not be able to send the content to the User’s browser without the IP address . The IP address is therefore required in order to display this content. In addition, providers of third-party content may set their own cookies and process the Users’ data for their own purposes. User profiles may be created from the processed data. We will use this kind of content as sparingly as possible to prevent unwanted transfer of data and will select reliable Third-Party Providers in terms of data security.

The following list provides an overview of Third-Party Providers and their contents as well as links to their privacy policies, which contain further information on the processing of data and, as in some cases already mentioned here, the possibility to object (called “opt-out”):

– External fonts from Google, Inc. https://www.google.com/fonts (“Google Fonts”). The integration of Google Fonts is done by a server call on Google (usually in the US). Privacy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en, Opt-Out: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/.

– Maps from the “Google Maps” service of the Third-Party Provider Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en, Opt-Out: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/.

— Videos from the “YouTube” platform of the Third-Party Provider Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en, Opt-Out: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/.

– Videos embeddings from Wistia, a service of Wistia, Inc., 120 Brookline St, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139, United States (hereinafter Wistia): 

The information gathered by Wistia is held in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Wistia: https://wistia.com/privacy


9.1. Payments

We may provide paid products and/or services within the Service. In that case, we may use third-party services for payment processing (e.g. payment processors).

‍We will not store or collect Your payment card details. That information is provided directly to Our third-party payment processors whose use of Your personal information is governed by their Privacy Policy. These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of payment information.


Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at https://stripe.com/us/privacy


Their Privacy Policy can be viewed at https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full



10. Foreign Websites

The READ-COOP SCE website may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to the websites of READ-COOP SCE. If the Customer uses the links to third-party websites, it is recommended they read the privacy policies of the respective websites.

11. User Rights and Deletion of Data

Users have the right to receive free information on the personal data stored by us.

In addition, Users have the right to request the correction of incorrect data, to withdraw their consent, to block and delete their personal data, and to issue a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority in case they suspect unlawful data processing.

The User also has the right to data portability, should they wish to switch to another provider for similar services.

The data stored by us will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the intended purpose and there are no longer any legal retention obligations.

12. Opening a Customer Account, Contact Form, Membership Application, E-mail

We store and use the following data entered by you when opening a Transkribus account, in the contact form, in the membership application for READ-COOP SCE, or in e-mails: name, e-mail address, telephone number, company name, payment method data, subject, e-mail text, and any attachments. This is done for the purpose of individual communication with you as well as for fulfilling of the Agreement. Please note that the transmission of the data is not encrypted for technical reasons and no confidential information should therefore be sent to us via these ways. For the transmission of confidential information, we recommend using encrypted e-mails or encrypted e-mail attachments. We are happy to answer any questions concerning this matter.

13. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to a change in legal situation, or in the event of changes to the Services or the data processing. However, this applies only to the policies on data processing. If the consent of the Users is required or if elements of the Privacy Policy contain provisions relating to the contractual relationship with the Users, the changes will only be made with the consent of the Users.

14. Retention Period

We keep your data as briefly as possible and as long as necessary. Unless this is contradictory to the retention periods required by law, and unless you request the deletion of your data before then, we will retain your data for up to a maximum of two years after our last contact with you.

Users are asked to regularly inform themselves about the content of the Privacy Policy.

15. Usersnap

We use Usersnap, a web feedback tool to easily submit your feedback to us. This enables you to report errors or suggestions for improvement and to contact us. The operator of the tool is Usersnap GmbH, Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz, Austria. The transfer is made via Usersnap GmbH (server in the Europen Union) to us, i.e. not directly. Usersnap, as an Austrian company, is bound by the DSGVO and guarantees compliance with European data protection standards.
You can find more information on the data protection declaration here: https://usersnap.com/privacy-policy

Conclusion of a contract on commissioned processing

We have concluded a contract on commissioned processing with Usersnap, in which we oblige Usersnap to protect our customers’ data and not to pass it on to third parties.

16. Matomo

For statistical analysis, we use “Matomo” on this website. This is an open source tool for web analysis. Matomo does not transmit data to servers outside the control of the READ-COOP. Matomo is deactivated when you visit our website. Only if you actively consent will your usage behaviour be recorded anonymously.

Matomo uses so-called cookies. These are text files that are stored on your computer and enable us to analyse the use of our website. For this purpose, the usage information obtained through the cookie is transmitted to our server and stored so that usage behaviour can be evaluated. Your IP address will be anonymised immediately; this means that you as a user remain anonymous. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is not passed on to third parties.

We see this analysis as part of our internet service. We would like to use it to further improve the website and adapt it even more to the needs of the users.

You can decide here whether a web analysis cookie may be stored in your browser to enable us to collect and analyse statistical data.

17. Hubspot

We use the service HubSpot for various purposes. HubSpot is a software company from the USA with a branch in Ireland. Contact: HubSpot, 2nd Floor 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, Phone: +353 1 5187500.

Hubspot is an integrated software solution that we use to cover various aspects of our online marketing. These include:

Email Marketing, Social Media Publishing & Reporting, Reporting and Contact Management (e.g. user segmentation & CRM).

Our sign-up service allows visitors to our website to learn more about our company, download content, and provide their contact information and other demographic information. This information, as well as our website content, is stored on servers operated by our software partner HubSpot. It may be used by us to contact visitors to our website and to determine which of our company’s services are of interest to them. All information we collect is subject to this privacy policy. We use all collected information exclusively to optimize our marketing measures.

More information about HubSpot’s privacy policy.

More information from HubSpot regarding the EU data protection regulations.

More information about the cookies used by HubSpot can be found here & here.

The legal basis of the processing is your consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR. If you do not want the aforementioned data to be collected and processed via Hubspot, you can refuse your consent or revoke it at any time with effect for the future.

The personal data will be kept for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose.

As of: 19.04.2022

If you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, and for information, correction, blocking or deletion, as well as the revocation of granted consent, please contact: info@readcoop.eu.


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