(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
سانچو:ڄاڻخانو حڪومتي ايجنسي - وڪيپيڊيا مواد ڏانھن هلو

سانچو:ڄاڻخانو حڪومتي ايجنسي

کليل ڄاڻ چيڪلي، وڪيپيڊيا مان
ايجنسي تي هڪ نظر
Documentation icon دستاويز سانچو[نمائش] [سنواريو] [تاريخچو] [تطهير]
هن خاني ۾ سانچي جي نحو جي چند انتہائي پيچيدهه ۽ پوشيدهه خصويات استعمال ڪيو ويون آهن۔ براءِ ڪرم هن ۾ ڪا به تبديلي ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش نه ڪئي وڃي سواءِ ان جي ته توهان نحو جي ڍانچي لي پوري طرح سمجهندا هجو ۽ تبديليءَ جي غير متوقع نتيجن ڪي صورت ۾ سانچي جي مرمت جي لاءِ تيار هجو۔ ڪنهن به قسم جي تجربن ريتخاني ۾ ڪيو وڃن۔

{{ڄاڻخانو حڪومتي ايجنسي}} is an infobox template for use in articles on government agencies.

{{Infobox government agency
|agency_name     = 
|type            = 
|nativename      = 
|nativename_a    = 
|nativename_r    = 
|logo            = 
|logo_width      = 
|logo_caption    = 
|seal            = 
|seal_width      = 
|seal_caption    = 
|picture         = 
|picture_width   = 
|picture_caption = 
|formed          = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} OR {{Start date and years ago|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
|preceding1      = 
|preceding2      = 
<!-- (etc.) -->
|dissolved       = 
|superseding     = 
|jurisdiction    = 
|headquarters    = 
|latd=  |latm=  |lats=  |latNS= 
|longd=  |longm=  |longs=  |longEW= 
|region_code     = 
|coordinates     = <!--{{coord|LATITUDE|LONGITUDE|type:landmark_region:US|display=inline,title}}-->
|motto           = 
|employees       = 
|budget          = 
|minister1_name  = 
|minister1_pfo   = 
|minister2_name  = 
|minister2_pfo   = 
<!-- (etc.) -->
|deputyminister1_name  = 
|deputyminister1_pfo   = 
|deputyminister2_name  = 
|deputyminister2_pfo   = 
<!-- (etc.) -->
|chief1_name     = 
|chief1_position = 
|chief2_name     = 
|chief2_position = 
<!-- (etc.) -->
|agency_type     = 
|parent_department = 
|parent_agency   = 
|child1_agency   = 
|child2_agency   = 
<!-- (etc.) -->
|keydocument1    = 
<!-- (etc.) -->
|website         = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
|footnotes       = 
|map             = 
|map_width       = 
|map_caption     = 



All parameters except the agency name are optional.

Field Name Required Description Values
agency_name yes Name of the agency Text
type no Type of agency (defaults to "agency") Text
logo no Logo for the agency filename
nativename no Agency name in a native language using Western characters (French, German, Spanish, etc.), such as Port Lotniczy im. Fryderyka Chopina. Can also be used for two different names in the same language. Text; wrap with {{Lang}}
nativename_a no (optional) Agency name in a native language with non-Western characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.), such as 北京ぺきん首都しゅとこく际机场. Text; wrap with {{Lang}}
nativename_r no (optional) Use in conjunction with above for Romanized name of the agency, such as Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng. Text; wrap with {{Lang}}
logo_width no Image width for the agency logo (limited to 180 px maximum) Numbers
logo_caption no Caption for the agency logo Text
seal no Seal for the agency filename
seal_width no Image width for the agency seal (limited to 180 px maximum) Numbers
seal_caption no Caption for the agency seal Text
picture no Image for the agency filename
picture_width no Image width for the agency image (limited to 180 px maximum) Numbers
picture_caption no Caption for the agency image Text
formed no Date of foundation of the agency Use {{Start date}}
preceding1 no Name of preceding agency. Can be repeated up to six times (preceding1 to preceding6).
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of preceding2.
dissolved no Date of dissolution of the agency Text eg; 25 July 2005, or 1876
superseding no Name of superseding agency Text
jurisdiction no Name of the jurisdiction in which the agency resides Text eg; [[Government of Western Australia]] or [[United States Government]]
headquarters no Location of the agency's headquarters. Text eg; [[Sydney, New South Wales]], [[Australia]]
latd no Headquarters coordinates; latitude in degrees. Numbers
latm no Headquarters coordinates; latitude in minutes. Numbers
lats no Headquarters coordinates; latitude in seconds. Numbers
latNS no Headquarters coordinates; specifies northern (N) or southern (S) latitude. Text eg; N
longd no Headquarters coordinates; longitude in degrees. Numbers
longm no Headquarters coordinates; longitude in minutes. Numbers
longs no Headquarters coordinates; longitude in seconds. Numbers
longEW no Headquarters coordinates; specifies eastern (E) or western (W) longitude. Text eg; E
region_code no Headquarters coordinates; sets the preferred map region of coverage, used in selecting appropriate map resources for the area. The region should be supplied as either a two character آیزو 3166-1 الفا-2 country code, or an ISO 3166-2 region code. Text eg; US
coordinates no Headquarters coordinates using {{coord}} option instead of the above. See documentation at {{coord}} for fields. {{coord|45|31|7|N|122|50|16|W|type:landmark_region:US|display=inline,title}}
motto no Official motto/slogan of the agency Motto/slogan
employees no Number of employees of the agency Number
budget no Annual budget of the agency Text eg; $95 m [[آمريڪي ڊالر|USD]] (2006)
minister1_name no For westminster systems: Name of current minister responsible for the agency. Can be repeated up to seven times (minister1_name to minister7_name).
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of minister2_name.
minister1_pfo no For westminster systems: Portfolio title of responsible minister. Can be repeated up to seven times (minister1_pfo to minister7_pfo). Text
deputyminister1_name no For westminster systems with deputy ministers: Name of current deputy minister responsible for the agency. Can be repeated up to seven times (deputyminister1_name to deputyminister7_name).
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of minister2_name.
deputyminister1_pfo no For westminster systems with deputy ministers: Portfolio title of responsible deputy minister. Can be repeated up to seven times (minister1_pfo to minister7_pfo). Text
chief1_name no Name of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to four times (chief1_name to chief4_name).
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of chief2_name.
chief1_position no Position title of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to four times (chief1_position to chief4_position). Text
agency_type no Type of agency Text
parent_department no Parent department of this agency (when the parent is not an agency) Text
parent_agency no Parent agency of this agency (when the parent is also an agency) Text
child1_agency no List of current child agencies reporting to this agency. Can be repeated up to twenty five times (child1_agency to child25_agency).
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of child2_agency.
keydocument1 no Hyperlink of key document for organisation. Can be repeated up to six times (keydocument1 to keydocument6).
Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of keydocument2.
website no Web address for agency website Use {{URL}}. Don't forget to take out the "example.com"!
footnotes no Footnotes or references for included information Text
map no Image for the map filename
map_width no Image width for the map (limited to 180 px maximum) Numbers
map_caption no Caption for the map Text
child no Child (subsidiary) infobox Infobox template


United States Department of Agriculture
Seal of the Department of Agriculture
Logo of the USDA
ايجنسي تي هڪ نظر
قيام فيبروري 15, 1889 (1889-02-15)
دائره ڪار وفاقي حڪومت، گڏيل رياست آمريڪا
مرڪز قيادت 1301 Independence Avenue, S.W., واشنگٽن ڊي سي
38°53′12″N 77°01′47″W / 38.88667°N 77.02972°W / 38.88667; -77.02972
ملازمَ 105,778 (June 2007)
سالياني بجيٽ $94 billion USD (2006)
انتظامي مجلس Mike Johanns, Secretary of Agriculture
Charles F. Conner, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
ذيلي ايجنسي Several
ويب سائيٽ
{{Infobox government agency
|agency_name   = United States Department of Agriculture
|logo          = USDA logo.svg
|logo_width    = 140 px
|logo_caption  = Logo of the USDA
|seal          = Seal of the United States Department of Agriculture.svg
|seal_width    = 140 px
|seal_caption  = Seal of the Department of Agriculture
|formed        = {{Start date|1889|02|15}}
|preceding1    = 
|dissolved     = 
|superseding   = 
|jurisdiction  = [[وفاقي حڪومت، گڏيل رياست آمريڪا]]
|headquarters  = 1301 [[Independence Avenue (Washington, D.C.)|Independence Avenue]], S.W., [[واشنگٽن ڊي سي]]
|latd=38  |latm=53  |lats=12  |latNS=N
|longd=77 |longm=01 |longs=47 |longEW=W
|region_code   = US
|employees     = 105,778 (June 2007)
|budget        = $94 billion [[آمريڪي ڊالر|USD]] (2006)
|minister1_name  = 
|minister1_pfo   = 
|minister2_name  = 
|minister2_pfo   = 
|chief1_name     = [[Mike Johanns]]
|chief1_position = [[United States Secretary of Agriculture|Secretary of Agriculture]]
|chief2_name     = [[Charles F. Conner]]
|chief2_position = Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
|parent_department =
|parent_agency = 
|child1_agency = Several
|website       = {{URL|usda.gov}}
|footnotes     = 
|map       = 
|map_width = 
|map_caption = 
Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
ايجنسي تي هڪ نظر
قيام جُولاءِ 3, 1953 (1953-07-03)
دائره ڪار Government of Germany
مرڪز قيادت Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11, D-65189, Wiesbaden
50°4′18.7068″N 8°15′6.2676″E / 50.071863000°N 8.251741000°E / 50.071863000; 8.251741000
ملازمَ 2780
وزیر Wolfgang Schauble, German Interior Minister
انتظامي مجلس Walter Radermacher, Bureau president
بنيادي شعبو Federal Ministry of the Interior
ويب سائيٽ
{{Infobox government agency
|agency_name   = Federal Statistical Office of Germany
|nativename    = Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
|logo          = <!--Non-free image removed: Destatis_logo.gif-->
|logo_caption  = 
|seal          = 
|seal_width    = 
|seal_caption  = 
|headquarters  = Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11, D-65189, [[Wiesbaden]]
|latd=50 |latm=4   |lats=18.7068 |latNS=N
|longd=8 |longm=15 |longs=6.2676 |longEW=E
|region_code   = DE
|formed        = {{Start date|1953|07|03}}
|preceding     = 
|dissolved     = 
|superseding   = 
|jurisdiction  = [[Politics of Germany|Government of Germany]]
|employees     = 2780
|budget        = 
|minister1_name  = [[Wolfgang Schäuble|Wolfgang Schauble]]
|minister1_pfo   = [[Federal Ministry of the Interior (Germany)|German Interior Minister]]
|chief1_name     = Walter Radermacher
|chief1_position = Bureau president
|chief2_name     = 
|chief2_position = 
|parent_department = [[Federal Ministry of the Interior (Germany)|Federal Ministry of the Interior]]
|parent_agency =
|child1_agency = 
|child2_agency = 
|website         = {{URL|destatis.de}}
|footnotes       =
|map       = 
|map_width = 
|map_caption = 