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Peerage: Revision history

Here you can take a look at older versions of this page, and compare different versions.

  • Click the date to see an old version.
  • To compare two versions (changes), click the circles (in separate columns) next to them. Then click the Compare button to see the differences between them.
  • You can use (cur) to compare an old version with the newest (or current) one. You can use (last) to compare any version with the one just before it.
  • The letter m next to a change means that the change was marked as small (or minor).

25 June 2023

29 May 2023

16 October 2022

22 September 2021

18 June 2021

17 June 2021

19 January 2021

9 March 2020

15 October 2019

22 May 2019

3 August 2016

23 March 2014

21 August 2013

13 April 2013

14 August 2012

29 June 2011

1 May 2011

29 April 2011

20 January 2011

2 August 2010

21 May 2009

10 April 2009

15 November 2008

20 September 2007

6 September 2007

3 September 2007