Dr. Marcin Wroński
SGH Warsaw School of Economics

About me

I am an assistant professor at the Collegium of World Economy SGH Warsaw School of Economics. I am a fellow of the World Inequality Database (Paris School of Economics, France), the Global Labor Organization (Essen, Germany), and Teaching Fellow of CERGE-EI Foundation (Prague, Czech Republic). I am a consultant (external) at the World Bank (Global Poverty & Equity Group).

I am interested in economic inequality, economic history, and economic policy. Currently, I am investigating the long-term evolution of economic inequality in Poland, studying the long-term impact of the Holocaust on the Polish economy & society, and exploring the consequences of the economic transition in Poland. I am a Principal Investigator (PI) of research project "The long-run evolution of economic inequality and intergenerational mobility in Poland" funded by Polish National Science Centre (OPUS competition, 2023 - 2027; 2.1 M. PLN)

In the academic year 2024-2025, I am visiting the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University. My research visit is funded by the German Kennedy Memorial Fellowship.   

Besides my academic duties, I supervise the financial market in Poland as a voting member of the Financial Supervision Authority.

I am an active participant in public debate in Poland.  I often comment on economic issues in leading Polish media.

My hobbies include: long walks, board games, literature, animals.

Google Scholar:  [Link] 

Research Gate: [Link]