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Comment Re: logic (Score 2) 92

They are installing such vast amounts of it that they never have periods where it can't supply a certain amount of base load. Just build more until you have enough.

They also have massive amounts of battery storage. Again, we missed the boat on that. Korea and Japan are the only other major players, and they are small compared to China.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 78

Except that the problem is often worse in low crime countries, e.g. Japan.

Plastic packaging is cheap and keeps the product pristine. Consumers don't like tatty cardboard boxes that have been shipped around and kept on the shelf for a long time, with signs of other consumers having handled them. Sealed plastic also helps prevent the product from degrading due to contact with the air, humidity etc.

And most of all, it's the cheapest option. In Japan you get some amazing origami cardboard packaging from some manufacturers, but it all costs money to develop and to assemble at the factory, so cheap stuff comes in heat sealed shells.

We need to adjust consumer expectations a bit. It can be done, e.g. some UK supermarkets offer "imperfect" vegetables and fruits at a small discount.

Comment Re:Battery life? (Score 1) 36

AMD's battery life seems to be comparable to Apple's these days. The CPU is only a small part of it. Most of the time the CPU is idle, either sat at a more or less static screen, or waiting for the GPU to decide some video. A larger part of the power consumption is the screen, and what web browser you are using (Chrome is very efficient). Somewhat depends on the OS too, as certain systems aggressively kill off background tasks.

If you look at AMD powered machines from Lenovo, they are quoting 20+ hour battery life now, and reviews seem to confirm that they are similar to MacBooks with similar settings (screen brightness, volume levels). When looking at reviews the thing to watch out for is the screen - resolution and type.

Also consider that for practical use, with AMD you get a better CPU and GPU, and more choice of OS etc. Plus you can upgrade the machine, no soldered in everything nonsense.

Comment Re:Cancelled? (Score 1) 32

I managed to get through season 1, with it's early 2000s video game quality dialogue, but gave up on season 2.

It just never figured out what it was supposed to be. What little there was beyond the "macho man with gun" stuff was weak and derivative. How many times have we seen the engineered soldier identity crisis, but not so severe we can't still have some good action scenes, routine?

Comment Re:logic (Score 1) 92

The issue is not really that they want gas, they want electricity. Cheap electricity, and gas is relatively cheap.

China is installing the equivalent of 5 large nuclear plants worth of renewables PER WEEK. If you want loads of cheap energy, do that. They also have the longest transmission lines the world to get it where it needs to be.

Submission + - Southwest Airlines Outdated Computers Keep Company Running (yahoo.com)

Thelasko writes: Nearly every flight in the U.S. is grounded right now following a CrowdStrike system update error that’s affecting everything from travel to mobile ordering at Starbucks — but not Southwest Airlines flights. Southwest is still flying high, unaffected by the outage that’s plaguing the world today, and that’s apparently because it’s using Windows 3.1.

Comment Re: Does microsoft use crowdstrike? (Score 1) 166

There are several commercial AV products for Linux, like ESET, Kaspersky, Avast... But it depends on how Linux is being used.

As a terminal, running just a browser for some internal web app, you don't really need AV software. But you don't really need it if Windows is that locked down either. If you are talking desktop users, running Thunderbird for external email, browsing the general web, editing documents from external sources, then AV software is probably a good idea.

After all, Linux is no better than Windows when running those apps. In fact arguable the sandboxing for things like Chrome is superior on Windows. It gets attacked a lot more, but from a technical standpoint there are more barriers that need to be overcome, more layers of protection.

Comment Re:Oh look! Recycling is an expensive proposition. (Score 1) 37

That's why I said we should just tax their profits at 100%. They can avoid that tax by instead investing those profits in building renewable energy, like filling up the North Sea where they drill for oil and gas with wind turbines. Put some of that engineering skill into those things, and get a valuable asset out of it. Any profit from the turbines and solar panels would be taxed at the standard rate.

Don't give me any nonsense about them just shutting down and cutting off the oil. Their shareholders would never let them write off such a massive asset, when it can be turned into profit.

Comment Re:Does microsoft use crowdstrike? (Score 1) 166

Is there any OS that is secure enough to forego anti-virus?

Linux certainly isn't. Android and iOS both have vendor supplied AV systems. One of the BSDs maybe? But people tend not to use BSD as a desktop OS in typical work environments, i.e. largely clueless users who click on any random thing.

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