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Comment Re:Maximizing shareholder value (Score 1) 35

At least they let you unsubscribe. Try unsubbing from the e-mail newsletter that comes "complimentary" with a magazine subscription. No matter how many times you go into your notifications preferences and unsubscribe from daily e-mail newsletters, they simply ignore you and keep sending them anyway. The links do nothing or point to nowhere.

There's dark patterns, and then there's lies... damn lies.

Comment Re:perpetual licenses ? (Score 1) 39

I spent some time looking at all the licensing terms, and I can't ever tell if they use online DRM or not. The apparently do require an online account to use the software and they reserve the right to terminate your account for any reason.

So, I'm guessing the correct answer is, "No more perpetual than anyone else's license".

Comment Re:Forget HP (Score 1) 51

I refuse to do business with a company that would try to blackmail its customers and change the terms of service after the sale.

So... 99% of the software industry? Every EULA says they reserve the right to change their terms of service at any time, because fuck you.

All of this needs to be illegal. We all know HP (and everyone else) is already cooking up their next scheme to blackmail customers, and the laws will do nothing about it.

Comment Re:Change your password! - Seriously (Score 1) 52

There is a point where security measures, even commonly accepted ones like MFA, become more hassle than they're worth.

Here here. I'm glad these features exist, but I can't stand it when they are forced upon me. I really can't stand MFA, especially when a smart phone is the only accepted method, since I don't own a smart phone and don't want one.

As with mandatory password rotation, it'll be interesting to see how many mandatory security practices today will be banished in another 10-20 years.

Comment Re:Computer programming is not for everyone (Score 1) 159

I prefer to call it intuition, not intelligence. Computer people have a certain "way" of thinking, and to survive in this industry, you have to think like them and understand their rules... even if those rules are really stupid. Also, that's before you get to the petty problems, like elitism.

When I went into CS in the 90's, I thought it would all be about math and logic. Turns out, a lot of people who design computers aren't even remotely good at common sense, which is why computer usability has always been a major problem. That's why I shifted my focus to GUI design. LOTS of programmers are absolutely awful at that.

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