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Comment Re:I cant believe SystemD is still with us (Score 1) 175

Why can't you believe that?

They have rhetorically trained "Blametainers" that give "cool answers"
like you may have a button that says Purge Tempfiles and hey why not read the documentation that actually states "Purge Tempfiles btw. we consider your home directory only to be a tempfile, because of your limited life span"

Making you look like a fool for pointing out that a button that says self destruct should really engage self destruct, and a button that says test nuclear missiles should in contrast not actually fire nuclear missiles.

".. of microsoft .."
= Microsoft has put money to very good use tainting open source and they have found a key and vulnerable spot.

Comment "On the other hand, hybrid electric .." (Score 1) 153

So in the essence smaller electric motors mean lower consumption of copper, but why do they want to add a clunky inefficient combustion engine .. (because otherwise they would be "running on empty")

The real twist is, that we need a sensible limit of power potential in electric vehicles, removing the brutal acceleration, yet due to the properties of the the electric engine to provide yet much more than enough acceleration that you are still better than most double-clutched ICE cars.

The bigger electric motors are only needed for brutal acceleration and acceleration of a supermax car.

Comment Re:Could small turbines be cost efficient? (Score 3, Interesting) 110

"Solar panels would probably be better. Why not both?"

1.) you are a private person and you collect the solar energy at the same height level as a commercial operator and this will not interfere with your kWh/mÂ/a - which is in contrast to

2.) Wind Power where a commercial operator collects the windpower
at 80-100- .. m a height you will not reach, but where wind is known to blow much stronger

Even es you might not understand german - just have a look at the wind profile curve - and turn "meters" into your favourite length unit

And the major problem, that arrises for you from that profile is that wind energy is kinetic energy and the formula: E= 1/2 * m * vÂ

states: half your wind speed fourth your Energy

(Along with the fact, that the reason for height-run in wind power is that in the ground area you get turbulence, but that aside)

3.) Wind rotors have physics behind them

it goes simplified:
where wind-speed (v) worked in squares towards (energy/power)
radius/diameter works in cubes, you with your backyard operation are bitten by those cubes.

4.) And your neighbar will bite you or like your helicopter:

a.) the more blades your rotor has -> the higher the torque -> the lower the rotational speed

b.) the less blades your rotor has -> the lower the torque -> the higher the rotational speed

c.) smaller diameter -> faster rotation
(just google "speed number" for wind mills)

These small turbines make a lot of noise.

And well a fast spinning rotor on a pole has some potential hazzards.

For private use: solar
- silent
- easy to setup/install
- less ocupational hazzards / good literature and guidelines available
- inverters with battery backup and emergency power or island operator avail for the cheap.

Comment Re:Slashdot is the home of climate warming... (Score 2) 61


I have a questions about the mental model of climate change deniers, especially those in their 40s and older, because those might have experienced how seasons changed over the decades first hand (and might even start telling about it "when I was young ..")

With all the "propaganda" or better scientific reports, especially in combination with the personal experience in mind, along with basic petro-chemical understanding that,

fossil fuels(oil, gas, coal) are indeed "pre-historic" carbon that's source was historic CO2 - which is understandable by basic biological processes (photosynthesis/growth) observable in a lab environment

and that releasing this Carbon(with a different isotope signature) by combining it with Oxygene and not having to much converted into soot, will logically increase the CO2-level in the atmosphere, which is observed,

and having an understanding about the optical effects of CO2, how?

How in the name of any god of sanity, when all things point in one direction, can anybody still be so ignorant that the climate change is not happening, driven by human fossil fuel burning?

I mean it is basically on the level of a four year old being warned about a hot surface, touching it, feeling pain, and when being asked about it denying that he actually slightly burned his hand.

Comment Re:The issue isn't Excel itself... (Score 2) 187

From my pov, you are correct, but I would precise the RCA a bit more,
this team has not thought about how they are organized and who does things (translate:processes),

so basically when they don't do that, or don't find a consultant that puts them straight, they are inbound for disaster with any program not just Excel.

No program will solve your problems, when you don't get to know your problems first.

Comment NCAP != EUROPE (Score 2) 177

What cars sold in EU must and must not have is laid out in

1.) Regulation 2018/858

2.) Regulatio 2019/2144

1.) is the regulation for the WVTA - Whole Vehicle Type Approval
2.) is the regulation for safety (nick: GSR2 / General Safety Regulation)
(as 661/2009 was GSR1)

A WVTA is basically a list of regulated and/or mandatory functions and features a car must have / will have. If there is a regulated feature you cannot add a similar feature without fulfilling the regulation's requirement.

You see references to UN-Regulations and their respecive versions then you need to know the "343-document"


343 -> main doc
add.1 -> addendum1 to main doc
add.2 -> addendum2 to main doc

Rev.32 -> Rev of main doc

downloadable under:

It's a long list with Documents building up nearly everything in your mostly european car.

UN-Regulation Versions in IT-Terms:
Series of Amendments = Major Version / Main Line
Supplement = Minor Version within Main Line

If one of the referenced and mandatory regulations demands the presence of physical buttons - you need to build your car with a certain physical button otherwise it is not considered a car in Europe and will not be allowed on the streets.

(example: cybertruck is not a car to drive on eu streets as even at a first glance will fail pedestrian and most likely passenger safety aspects by a mile)

Not NCAP - perhaps they can influence the rule making, but they are a lobby group - with perhaps good intentions but also sometimes bad outcomes as the overly lane keeping and drowsiness checker and so on will put small cars at a maximum disadvantage in contrast towards much expensive All-You-Can-Have-SUVs.

The regulations are either written by EU comission or parliament.

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