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Comment Re:thickening of the upper atmosphere? (Score 1) 13

It is the numerical contribution in part. The point of a magnetic storm is the sea of charged particles impinging on the atmosphere effects the Earth's magnetic field. Less charged particles, less effect. Anyhow, that disruption causes the charged particles to plunge deeper into the atmosphere where they interact with air. That heats the air and puffs up the atmosphere to that it reaches farther out into space. The atmosphere does not have a boundary with space, rather is it a gradient, and this effects shifts air and with it the gradient farther outward.

Comment Re:Blind leading the blind (Score -1, Flamebait) 151

Both Dems and Republicans had a hand in inflation during the former alleged president's administration.. Both wanted to dump money into the American people and companies during the pandemic. And the pandemic was made worse because somehow the Republicans thought vaccinations against it would turn them into zombies....well, Covid did turn many of them into zombies after they caught it and went tits up.

After the pandemic, Americans and companies started buying everything not nailed down because now they had the cash. Add to that the supply chain chaos and the former alleged president's minder, Tsar Putin, starting a war on a grain exporting country, and inflation took off.

Biden's Inflation Reduction Act (egads, I hate the way pols name stuff) had nothing to do with it. Inflation took off before the IFA could spend any appreciable money. But you won't hear that from Republicans, they are one trick ponies. They learned a "cause" of inflation from Fox and now there is no getting it out of their brains.

If the former alleged president becomes the current alleged president, he will complete turning the solar industry over to the Chinese.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 3, Informative) 121

You can call what the Chinese have "democracy" but that does not make it a democracy. You can vote for any CCP official you like, and woe betide the poor schmuck who attempts to run as an independent. He/she will be tagged as an enemy of the state until such time as he/she can convince the prison officials that he/she has admitted the error of their ways and promised he/she and his/her family will bow their heads in subservience for the rest of their lives. And a CCP minder will be assigned to make sure that is so.

The CCP is a blood-sucking leech, only death will free a Chinese citizen.

Comment Re:When will.... (Score 1) 127

We pay the president $400K, there are other perks. But compared to CEO pay, that's peanuts.

Senators and Representative get $174K, that's not exorbitant either.

Regardless, there are always ways the congress critters can bank, maybe through accounts that only get transferred when they leave gov. service. Or like the former grifter in chief who had foreign dignitaries frequent his establishments or using campaign contributions to pay off his legal debts. And the $2 Billion deal Jared Kushner came away with from the Saudis is certainly another method. Sure he has to manage it, but then his track record on anything is shit.

Comment Re:Expel them (Score 1) 135

And Johnny will look up at you can calmly say he does not need to go to school. Your only recourse is then to throw him out of the house at which point you have promised him a youth of delinquency, and he'll certainly grow up into a fine outstanding adult after that, yes?

There is no silver bullet, every one of the kids is different and lives in different circumstances. You have to find a way to get under his/her skin and change his/her behavior. If you cannot find a way to do this, then you cannot find a way and your only recourse is to curtail the effects as best you can.

It might help to have Class 101 for parents at the beginning of every school year explaining to them that failure to corral their kids now means that the parent will inherit their kids's bad behavior for the rest of the parents' lives....and nice hefty legal bills while they are attending the school.

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