Category Archives: Voices

OPINION | Charting a New Course: Nurturing Washington’s Next Generation of Maritime Professionals

by Jake Beattie and Steve Nevey

If you’ve ridden the ferries in the past few years, you have experienced Washington’s maritime workforce shortage firsthand. And ferries, if you pardon the maritime implications of the analogy, are just the tip of the iceberg.

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OPINION | Washington’s ‘LGBTQ Inclusive Curriculum Bill’ Also Includes Significant Limitations

Many are celebrating Washington State’s new bill mandating “LGBTQ Inclusive” curriculum while others protest its passage, but few understand what it will truly “include” in our classrooms.

by Oliver Miska

Democratic legislators in Washington State are celebrating the passage of SB 5462, also called the “LGBTQ Inclusive Curriculum Bill.” When Gov. Jay Inslee signed the bill in March, Washington became the seventh state to mandate inclusive curriculum into law, joining states like California, whose equivalent law dates back to 2011. National news has picked up the story, heralding it as a landmark victory for LGBTQ rights in the state, while making a number of assumptions about the bill’s true impact.

But the bill’s reception hasn’t been all glitter and rainbows.

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OPINION | This Memorial Day, Think About Honoring the Dead by Protecting the Living

by Michael T. McPhearson

This article was originally published on May 29, 2023, and has been republished in observance of this year’s Memorial Day.

Like most U.S. Americans, I am weary of the near-daily stories of gun violence and killing. It’s overwhelming. But unlike most people in the U.S., I have seen the pain and suffering in the aftermath of the violence. My experiences in more than two decades have pushed me to see that whether it’s war, street violence, police killings, mass shootings, or suicides, the pain of losing loved ones is the same, and people always ask, “Why?” 

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OPINION | Councilmember Rivera Plans to Defund the Equitable Development Initiative. Here’s What You Can Do to Stop Her.

by Amy Sundberg

A social justice community library in Beacon Hill. 130 affordable apartments in the Central District. Development of a longhouse and cultural center in Northgate. More community gardens. A youth achievement center in Rainier Valley.

These are just a small sample of projects that could be in jeopardy of losing funding due to a last-minute amendment proposed by Councilmember Maritza Rivera. Rivera’s amendment would put a proviso on $25.3 million allocated for the Equitable Development Initiative (EDI) in 2024, meaning the money would be unavailable to spend without another council vote later in the year.

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OPINION | Yes — It’s Okay to Criticize the Police While a Democrat Is in Office

A Reflection on the Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death

by Gennette Cordova

As we approach the fourth anniversary of George Floyd’s death, a family and community will lay to rest another Black man whose life ended with a police officer’s knee on his neck. Like Floyd, he told officers repeatedly that he couldn’t breathe. As Frank Tyson, a 53-year-old man from Ohio, lay handcuffed and dying, an officer told him to “shut the f*** up” and that he was fine.

This scene, which was captured on video, is reminiscent of the many callous killings that we witnessed in the years leading up to the 2020 uprisings. These videos led many of us into the streets in a desperate attempt to demand accountability from our police departments. We called for more effective and humane investments in public safety. The absence of these horrific videos and stories in the news, in recent years, might lead people to assume that the police heard our cries in 2020 and they’re now killing fewer people. This, sadly, isn’t the case.

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OPINION | Pollution in the Duwamish River Is Causing Sickness in People and Marine Animals. Here’s How You Can Help.

by Jessica Tedeschi

Many of our South Seattle neighbors are living with toxic hazardous waste. People living in the Georgetown/Duwamish River area of Seattle are being subjected to polluted waterways from years of industrial contaminants being dumped into the ground in and around the Duwamish River. This pollution causes serious health problems and gives rise to health disparities among impoverished Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents. Fish have been found with recordable deformities and cancer-causing chemicals attached to their DNA, and residents are becoming ill because of toxic chemicals in the water.

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