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Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Diaphoretickes
Cladus: Tsar
Cladus: Sar
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphyla: Khakista – Phaeista – Ochrophyta incertae sedis



Ochrophyta Cavalier-Smith, Tsitologiya 37: 1014 (1995) ("Ochrista")


  • Cavalier-Smith, T. 1995. Zooflagellate phylogeny and classification. Tsitologiya 37(11): 1010–1029. Reference page
  • Leipe, D. D, P. O. Wainright, J. H. Gunderson, D. Porter, D. J. Patterson, F. Valois, S. Himmerich, and M. L. Sogin. 1994. The stramenopiles from a molecular perspective: small subunit rDNA sequences from Labyrinthuloides minuta and Cafeteria roenbergensis. Phycologia 33:369–377.
  • Patterson, D.J. (1994). Protozoa: evolution and systematics. Pages 1–14 in K. Hausmann and N. Hülsmann, eds. Progress in protozoology. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Protozoology. Fischer, Stuttgart, [1].

Alternative classifications


Cavalier-Smith (1986)


Cavalier-Smith, T. (1986). The kingdom Chromista, origin and systematics. In: Round, F.E. and Chapman, D.J. (eds.). Progress in Phycological Research. 4: 309–347, [2].

Kingdom Chromista

  • Subkingdom Cryptophyta
    • Phylum Cryptophyta
  • Subkingdom Chromophyta
    • Phylum Heterokonta
      • Subphylum Ochrista
        • Class Synuraceae
        • Class Xanthophyceae
        • Class Chrysophyceae
        • Class Phaeophyceae
        • Class Bicosoecea
        • Class Eustigmatophyceae
      • Subphylum Pseudofungi (= Heterkontimycotina)
        • Superclass Pythiista
          • Class Oomycetes
          • Class Hyphochytrea
        • Superclass Labyrinthista
          • Class Labyrinthulea
            • Order Thraustochytriales
            • Order Labyrinthulales
    • Phylum Haptophyta

Cavalier-Smith (1993)


From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla

In Phylum Heterokonta
Subphylum Ochrista Cavalier-Smith, 1986

Leipe et al. (1994), Patterson (1994)


Leipe, D. D, P. O. Wainright, J. H. Gunderson, D. Porter, D. J. Patterson, F. Valois, S. Himmerich, and M. L. Sogin. 1994. The stramenopiles from a molecular perspective: small subunit rDNA sequences from Labyrinthuloides minuta and Cafeteria roenbergensis. Phycologia 33:369–377.

Also published in: Patterson, D.J. (1994). Protozoa: evolution and systematics. Pages 1–14 in K. Hausmann and N. Hülsmann, eds. Progress in protozoology. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Protozoology. Fischer, Stuttgart, [3].

Stramenopiles sedis mutabilis

Cavalier-Smith (1998)


From A revised six-kingdom system of life

In Kingdom Chromista, Subkingdom Chromobionta, Infrakingdom Heterokonta, Superphylum Gyrista
Phylum Ochrophyta Cavalier-smith 1986

David J. Patterson (1999)


From The Diversity of Eukaryotes, (PDF)


Ruggiero et al. (2015)


Ruggiero, M.A., Gordon, D.P., Orrell, T.M., Bailly, N., Bourgoin, T., Brusca, R.C., Cavalier-Smith, T., Guiry, M. D. & Kirk, P. M. (2015). A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119248, [4].