The Octogalaxy

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#22: Underground Expressway
Octo Canyon missions
#24: Transfer Junction

The Octogalaxy
˜ One with the Cosmos ˜
Number 23
Area 5
Sheldon's Request Hero Dualies
Items 1 Scroll, 1 Sardinium
Music Tentacular Circus
amiibo challenges
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The Octogalaxy

The Octogalaxy is the 23rd mission of Splatoon 2's single player mode Octo Canyon. This mission uses large amounts of Ink Pistons and ride rails.

Octo Canyon

Take one of the blue saucers, and board the platform with a checkpoint and some Octarian ink. Wait for the large rotating block to drop down, and board it when possible. The kettle is on the other end of the block.



The Octogalaxy Stats
Area Enemies Armor Special Weapon Sunken Scroll Sardinium Crust Bucket Ticket
Beginning Area 2x Octotroopers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 3 2x Octotrooper, 1x Twintacle Octotrooper, 1x Octobomber N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A
Checkpoint 8 2x Octocopters N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 9 1x Shielded Twintacle Octotrooper N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A
Checkpoint 10 1x Octotrooper N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Final Checkpoint 2x Octosnipers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Beginning area

Immediately in front of the player there is a ride rail. Activate it and ride it to the end. Drop onto the platform ahead and use the dash track there to get to the next platform ahead with two Octotroopers. Defeat them, use the ride rail ahead, and jump at the end at the Power Egg onto the uninkable blocks. Drop off on the front to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 1

Use the ride rail ahead and jump at the end at the power egg over the Ink Piston through the Squid Ring onto the next ride rail behind the ink piston. Ride to the end and drop onto the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 2

Use the ride rail. The player can jump right before the rail turns, through the squid rings onto the dash track back onto the rail to save time and risk falling onto the saving platform below. There are two such time-save points, of which using the first will also skip the second one. The player can also ride the rail all the way safely to the other side. At the end is the next checkpoint. Should the player fall onto the saving platform below the player can use Gushers on either side to either get back to the current checkpoint to retry the section, or move on to the platform with the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 3

To the sides of the checkpoint are two Balloon Fish, and a row of Inkfurlers that construct a wide passage to the next platform ahead with two Octotroopers, a Twintacle Octotrooper, an Octobomber, a bumper in the center of the platform and another balloon fish in front of it. The middle Inkfurler goes to a block in the middle with a dash track to the next platform. Defeat all the enemies to activate the launchpad behind the bumper to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 4

In front are two ride rails side by side. Activating one of them would activate the other one simultaneously. Get on and jump between the two rails through the squid rings and dodge the ink pistons. The player can also jump over the Ink Pistons with careful timing. Hop off at the end onto the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 5

In front are three ride rails side by side, where activating any one of them would activate the other ones simultaneously. Get on and jump between the rails and dodge the Ink Pistons. Hop off at the end onto the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 6

Ride the ride rail in front all the way onto the next platform. On the platform are an Ink Cannon and a set of two ride rails to a slanted platform with a Balloon Fish and another ride rail to another longer slanted platform with multiple Balloon Fish and dash tracks, and another ride rail to the next checkpoint. Use the ink cannon and hit the Balloon Fish to paint the slanted platforms, use the set of ride rails and dodge the Ink Piston, onto the first slanted platform, onto the next ride rail, onto the second slanted platform, onto the dash tracks on it, onto the next ride rail and onto the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 7

In front are a series of ride rails of three lanes side by side. The middle one will activate automatically when the player approaches the dash track directly in front of the checkpoint. Use the dash track to get on. The next ride rails will activate as the player boards the rail, as well as three saving ride rails below. The player must jump between the ride rails in order to not fall in between the ride rails. The middle rail at the end goes upward to the Sardinium, and all three will end and force the player to drop down to the three below. The player must then switch to the middle rail, of which it extends to the next platform with a diagonal Inkfurler and a Balloon Fish. The player has to hit the Inkfurler, either directly or with the Balloon Fish, and climb up the path it creates to another platform above with the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 8

In front is a ride rail that traces a curvy pathway to the next platform with the next checkpoint. The player can jump at the power eggs and through the squid rings to save time, or just ride it all the way safely without risking falling off. There are also two Octocopters, but they do not pose a threat due to the high speeds of the rail and are not required to progress.

Checkpoint 9

In front is a ride rail that traces a curvy pathway around multiple Ink Pistons on pillars. The player must ride all the way to the end, and jump or duck in ink to dodge the Ink Pistons. Power eggs will indicate where to jump and duck. Drop off at the end to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 10

Ahead, there's a ride rail that the player has to ride. Get on, and jump at the end over an Ink Piston onto the next ride rail. Then, defeat the Octotrooper on the platform where the rail will end, and take the next ride rail ahead. Next, stay in squid form as the rail ends in front of a grate, where the player will drop onto the next ride rail behind the grate. The rail will finally end in front of the final checkpoint.

Final checkpoint

In front are three ride rails side by side that will activate simultaneously as the player reaches the checkpoint. The player must get on, jump, duck and/or switch between rails while avoiding fire from two Octosnipers on the top of the tower the rails circle around. Taking the closest rail will have to encounter all Ink Pistons present, the middle rail about half of them, and the farthest rail none of them. When approaching the end, the middle rail will raise. The player by then will either have to be on the closest rail, which is the shorter route, or the middle rail, which will take a small detour and then back onto the closest rail. The farthest rail will then start to decline and circle back down to the checkpoint. At the point the middle rail ends where the closest rail will pick up the player if they were on the middle rail, the closest rail takes a sharp turn right straight to the tower with the Octosnipers. There are also two Balloon Fish and the Zapfish nearby. The player has to either evade the shot by the Octosnipers within a very small window, or simply get hit, if they have had no damage to their Hero Suit yet. Then the player has to hit one of the Balloon Fish to trigger the other one, splatting both Octosnipers and destroying the Zapfish shield in the process. From there the player can drop off and grab the Zapfish.


Sunken Scroll

Do you ever think, 'Man this place is UUUUUUUGLY! My evil lair could use some pizazz!'? Well, just whip out some fabric and tape, and get your decorate on! It looks great, feels great, and it's fun! Give it a try, and stay fresh!

Location: When riding the ride rail in checkpoint 9, there will be another ride rail to the right branching off. Switch to that to get to a isolated platform with an inkable box in the center, a Shielded Twintacle Octotrooper nearby, a large crate containing the Scroll, and another ride rail back to the main ride rail.

Scroll location


Location: Ride the upper middle ride rail in checkpoint 7 and jump at the end through a Squid Ring with the Sardinium in its center.

Sardinium location

Enemies and mechanics

Previously introduced


Translation needed
Add quotes in Japanese, French (NOA/NOE), German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish (NOA/NOE). edit


Marie's Quotes

Stay fresh, Agent 4!
Aaaaaaaand JUMP!
Let's just pretend that didn't happen.
Nailed it!
Fancy footwork, Agent 4!
Inkfurlers! BOOM!
It's launchpad o'clock!
Side hop!
I know it's tough for you, but try not to get hit here.
Lookin' slick, squidkid!
Keep going!
Nice riding, Agent 4! I wasn't sure you were going to make it.
OK, jump!
SQUID JUMP! (Oh, how I miss you...)
Don't stop now!
Ride this rail straight to the Zapfish!
Keep it up.
Agent 4!

Sheldon's Quotes

Weapon Request:
I could REALLY use some more data on this weapon. Can you use it for a bit?
During the Level:
A cannon! Think you can use it for something?
More rails. Go, Agent 4!

Netherlands Dutch

Marie's Quotes

  • "Blijf vers, agent 4!"
    (Stay fresh, Agent 4!)
  • "Daar gaan we dan!"
    (There we go!)
  • "En springen!"
    (And jump!)
  • "Eh... Hopelijk heeft niemand dat gezien."
    (Er... Hopefully no one has seen that.)
  • "Jippie!"
  • "Indrukwekkende moves, agent 4!"
    (Impressive moves, Agent 4!)
  • "Inkttoeters! BOEM!"
    (Inkfurlers! BOOM!)
  • "Daar is een lanceerpunt!"
    (There is a launchpad!)
  • "Spring van surfrail naar surfrail!"
    (Jump from ride rail to ride rail!)
  • "Ik weet dat het niet makkelijk is, maar probeer niet geraakt te worden."
    (I know that it is not easy, but try not to get hit.)
  • "Het gaat keigoed!"
    (It is going very well!)
  • "Ga door!"
  • "Ik wist niet zeker of je het zou halen, agent 4, maar het is je gelukt!"
    (I was not sure you would make it, Agent 4, but you did it!)
  • "Springen!"
  • "Hè, bah, daar is zo'n octosukkel[sic]!"
    (Ugh, bah, there is such an Octoloser!)
  • "INKTVISSPRONG! O, ik mis je zo...[sic]"
    (SQUID JUMP! Oh, I miss you so...)
  • "Niet stoppen!"
    (Don't stop!)
  • "En nu naar de voltvis!"
    (And now to the Zapfish!)
  • "Ga zo door!"
    (Keep it up!)
  • "Nu!"
After beating the boss for the first time:
  • "Enorm bedankt, agent 4!"
    (Thank you so much, Agent 4!)

Krabbert's Quotes

Order van Krabbert:
  • "Gebruik dit wapen maar snel, dan kan ik de gegevens ervan analyseren!"
    (Use this weapon quickly, then I can analyze the data of it!)
Mission quotes:
  • "Een kanon! Dat komt vast van pas, denk je niet?"
    (A cannon! That will certainly come in handy, don't you think?)
  • "Spring op dat railding en ga!"
    (Jump on that rail thing and go!)



  • This stage and The Octopark are the only stages in Octo Canyon to use Tentacular Circus as its song, as well as it being the only time this track is used in Splatoon 2.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese クールにめろ タコギャラクシー #

Kūru ni Kimero Tako Gyarakushī #
Dasshu de Dasshu Omae no Kosumo
Make a Cool Play at Octopus Galaxy:
I Dash to Dasshu (Capture) Your Cosmos
Netherlands Dutch Het ruimtesop van de Octokosmos The space sea of the Octocosmos[note 1]
Canada French (NOA) - Octalaxie -
Funambules cosmiques
- Octogalaxy -
Cosmic tightrope walkers
France French (NOE) - L'Octalaxie -
Funambules cosmiques
- The Octogalaxy -
Cosmic tightrope walkers
Germany German Reise durch die Oktogalaxie Journey through the Octogalaxy[note 2]
Italy Italian Odissea cosmica:
mantieni la calma!
Cosmic odyssey:
keep calm!
Russia Russian Осьмогалактика
«Кальмар в астрале»

«Kal'mar v astrale»
«Squid in the astral»
Mexico Spanish (NOA) La octogalaxia
˜Odisea cósmica˜
The octogalaxy
˜Cosmic odyssey˜
Spain Spanish (NOE) Odisea cósmica Cosmic odyssey

Translation notes

  1. "Ruimtesop" comes from "ruime sop" (Old Dutch word for "sea" used by sailors), "ruimte" (space) and "sop" (lather)
  2. A reference to Journey to the Center of the Earth, the 1864 science fiction book by Jules Verne.