(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Шаблон:Инфокутија медијска франшиза — Википедија Пређи на садржај

Шаблон:Инфокутија медијска франшиза

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Документација шаблона[прикажи] [уреди] [историја] [освежи]

{{Инфокутија медијска франшиза}} се користи за брзо пописивање свих главних ствараличких дела медијских франшиза, као и твораца франшизе, порекла, и власника.


[уреди извор]

Инфокутија може бити додана тако што ћете залепити шаблон као што је приказано испод у чланку, обично на врху чланка изнад водећег одељка.

Изворни радоригин
Штампана издања
Кратке причекратке_приче
Графички роман(и)графички_романи
Comic strip(s)strips
Филмови и телевизија
Кратки филм(ови)кратки_филмови
Телевизијске серијетв
Веб серијевтв
Анимиране серијеатв
Телевизијски специјал(и)тв_специјали
Телевизијски кратки филм(ови)тв_кратки_филмови
Телевизијски филм(ови)тв_филмови
Позоришно извођење
Играње улогаиу
Изворна музикамузика
Атракције у забавном паркуатракције
{{Инфокутија медијска франшиза
| color             = <! - Боја позадине за заглављewe; боја текста се аутоматски израчунава .-->
| назив             = 
| image             = 
| image_upright     = 
| caption           = 
| творац            = 
| власник           = 
| оригин            = 
| књиге             = 
| романи            = 
| кратке_приче      = 
| comics            = 
| графички_романи   = 
| strips            = 
| часописи          = 
| филмови           = 
| кратки_филмови    = 
| тв                = 
| втв               = 
| атв               = 
| тв_специјали      = 
| тв_кратки_филмови = 
| тв_филмови        = 
| дтв               = 
| представе         = 
| мјузикли          = 
| игре              = 
| иу                = 
| ви                = 
| радио             = 
| саундтрекови      = 
| музика            = 
| играчке           = 
| атракције         = 
| otherlabel1       = 
| otherdata1        = 
| otherlabel2       = 
| otherdata2        = 
| otherlabel3       = 
| otherdata3        = 
| otherlabel4       = 
| otherdata4        = 
| otherlabel5       = 
| otherdata5        = 
| otherlabel6       = 
| otherdata6        = 
| otherlabel7       = 
| otherdata7        = 
| otherlabel8       = 
| otherdata8        = 
| otherlabel9       = 
| otherdata9        = 
| веб-сајт          = 
| footnotes         = <!--Use {{note}}s or {{note label}}s to go with {{ref}}s and {{ref label}}s in data parameters.-->

Note: Do not link to an article more than once in the infobox. All parameters are optional. See also . For full details, see the TemplateData section below.

It is recommended to list multiple works of a medium (e.g. films) using {{Plain list}}, as the infobox will look cleaner without bullets.

Parameter Explanation
color or colour Background color for header bars (default color is lavender). The text color is automatically computed. Must meet AAA compliance standards outlines on WP:COLOR.
title Insert the full name of the franchise, if necessary. If this parameter is not used, the article title will automatically appear in the infobox's header.
image Insert the file name of an image representing the franchise.
image_upright Use of this parameter allows autosizing of images according to user preferences. By default the infobox image scales to upright=1.13, (which is 1.13 x 220 px if the default thumbnail size has not been changed at Special:Preferences) The size should not be set to a value that would result in an image width greater than 300px. See help below for guidance on determining the value to be used.
caption Caption for image if necessary.
creator State here who (originally) created the franchise.
origin State in what form the franchise originated.
owner State here who owns the franchise and its copyrights, whether it's a person, a company, several groups, etc.
books List any published books (and their years of first publication) related to the franchise.
novels List any published novels (and their years of first publication) related to the franchise.
short_stories List any published short stories (and their years of first publication) related to the franchise.
comics List any published comics (and their years of publication) produced for the franchise.
graphic_novels List any published graphic novels (and their years of first publication) produced for the franchise.
strips List any published comic strips (and their years of circulation) released for the franchise.
magazines List any published magazines (and their years of circulation) devoted to the franchise.
films List all the feature-length theatrical films (and their years of first release) which have been released in the franchise.
shorts List all the short films (and their years of first release) which have been released in the franchise.
tv List any live-action television programs (and their years of broadcast) that are part of the franchise.
wtv List any live-action web programs (and their years of broadcast) that are part of the franchise.
atv List any animated television programs (and their years of broadcast) that are part of the franchise, even if the franchise is based on animation.
tv_specials List any television specials (and their years of first broadcast) created for the franchise.
tv_shorts List any television shorts and their mini-series (and their years of first broadcast) created for the franchise.
tv_films List any television films (and their years of first broadcast) that are part of the franchise.
dtv List any direct-to-video releases (and their years of first release) for the franchise.
plays List any plays (and their premiere years) which have been made as part of the franchise.
musicals List any musicals (and their premiere years) which have been made as part of the franchise.
games List any traditional games (and their years of first release) as part of the franchise. (e.g. board games, card games)
rpgs List any role-playing games (and their years of first release) related to the franchise. This should not include any video games (whether or not they are role-playing video games).
vgs List any computer or video games (and their years of first release) related to the franchise.
radio List any radio programs (and their years of broadcast) related to the franchise.
soundtracks List any released official soundtracks (and their years of first release) for films, television, etc. in the franchise.
music List any original music in the franchise, including songs and albums (with albums' years of first release).
toys List any toys manufactured and released for the franchise.
attractions List any amusement park rides and attractions (and their years of operation) directly related to the franchise.
otherlabel1 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata1 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel2 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata2 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel3 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata3 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel4 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata4 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel5 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata5 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel6 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata6 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel7 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata7 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel8 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata8 Insert the relevant data.
otherlabel9 Insert other relevant label.
otherdata9 Insert the relevant data.
website Insert the current official website(s) for the franchise. Use {{Official website}} and any of its parameters where necessary. If there are more than one official website (e.g. different websites for different languages), then please also use {{Plain list}} here.
footnotes Any relevant footnotes for any data information above (e.g. if a listed work is a crossover work). {{Note}} or {{note label}} templates can be used here, with {{ref}} or {{ref label}} templates on the other parameters where needed.
Do not use {{ref}} or {{ref label}} templates in following parameters: title, image, image_upright, caption, otherlabel1, otherlabel2, otherlabel3, otherlabel4, otherlabel5, otherlabel6, otherlabel7, otherlabel8, otherlabel9
sp Spelling. Specify "uk" for British spelling, otherwise leave blank.

Шаблон:Infobox Australian place/doc


[уреди извор]
TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
Погледајте месечни извештај о употреби парамера за овај шаблон у чланцима заснованим на овом TemplateData.

TemplateData за Инфокутија медијска франшиза

{{Infobox media franchise}} is used to list at-a-glance comparative information about the creative works of a media franchise.

Параметри шаблона[Уреди податке о шаблону]

Овај шаблон преферира форматирање параметара један испод другог.

Italicize titleitalic_title

Set to "no" if the title of the article should not be automatically italicized (for instance, if the title has a disambiguation clause). Set to "force" to enforce an italicized title.


Change the background color of the headers. Enter either a hex triplet (e.g. #87CEFA) or an X11 color name (e.g. lightskyblue). Default color is lavender. Alternate name of parameter: "colour".


Insert the full common name of the franchise (default: {{PAGENAMEBASE}}).

Image fileimage

Insert a relevant image for the franchise. Use only the file name as parameter, f.e. image=test.jpg.

Image sizeimage_upright

Insert a number for the image's width.

Alt textalt

Alt text for the image (see WP:ALT). A visually impaired reader will typically hear the alt text in place of the image.

Image captioncaption

Image caption with a brief description of the image content.


Insert the name(s) of the person(s) and/or group(s) who originally created the franchise.

Original workorigin

Insert the title of the source material and the name(s) of the source material writer(s). Use {{based on}} or similar formatting if possible.


Insert the name(s) of the person(s), group(s), and/or company/companies who currently own or have previously owned the franchise. If there have been previous owners, enter their years of ownership in parentheses after the owners' name(s).


Insert the title(s) of any published books in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first publication in parentheses after the title. Link each book's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the title(s) of any published novels in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first publication in parentheses after the title. Link each novel's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Short storiesshort_stories

Insert the title(s) of any published short stories in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first publication in parentheses after the title. Link each story's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the title(s) of any published comic books in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of publication in parentheses after the title. Link each comic's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Graphic novelsgraphic_novels

Insert the title(s) of any published graphic novels in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first publication in parentheses after the title. Link each graphic novel's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Comic stripsstrips

Insert the title(s) of any published comic strips in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of circulation in parentheses after the title. Link each strip's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the title(s) of any published magazines in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of circulation in parentheses after the title. Link each magazine's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the title(s) of any feature-length film that received a theatrical release in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each film's title to its appropriate article if possible.

Short filmsshorts

Insert the title(s) of any short films released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each film's title to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Television seriestv

Insert the title(s) of any live-action television series that aired in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of broadcast in parentheses after the title. Link each series to its appropriate article if possible. Do not use for animated series even if the original work was in animation.

Web serieswtv

Insert the name(s) of any Internet video series that aired in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of upload in parentheses after the title. Link each series to its appropriate article or section if possible. Do not use for web television series (i.e. original shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or other such online video subscription services).

Animated seriesatv

Insert the name(s) of any animated television series that aired in the franchise (even if the franchise is based on an animated work), separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of broadcast in parentheses after the title. Link each series to its appropriate article if possible.

Television specialstv_specials

Insert the name(s) of any television specials that aired in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first broadcast in parentheses after the title. Link each special to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Television shortstv_shorts

Insert the name(s) of any television shorts that aired in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first broadcast in parentheses after the title. Link each special to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Television filmstv_films

Insert the name(s) of any films that aired first on television in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first broadcast in parentheses after the title. Link each film to its appropriate article if possible.


Insert the name(s) of any films or other visual media that released for home video in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each direct-to-video release to its appropriate article if possible.


Insert the name(s) of any non-musical theatrical plays in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the premiere year(s) in parentheses after the title. Link each play to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the name(s) of any theatrical musicals in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the premiere year(s) in parentheses after the title. Link each musical production to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Traditional gamesgames

Insert the name(s) of any board games, card games, or any other tabletop games released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each game to its appropriate article or section if possible. Do not include video games or role-playing games in this parameter.

Role-playing gamesrpgs

Insert the name(s) of any traditional role-playing games released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each game to its appropriate article or section if possible. Do not include video games, including role-playing video games, in this parameter.

Video gamesvgs

Insert the name(s) of any video games released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each game to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Radio programsradio

Insert the name(s) of any radio programs aired in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of broadcast in parentheses after the title. Link each program to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the name(s) of any soundtrack albums released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each album to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Original musicmusic

Insert the name(s) of any original music songs and albums released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of first release in parentheses after the title. Link each song and album to its appropriate article or section if possible.


Insert the name(s) of any toys manufactured and released in the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Years are not needed for this parameter. Link each toy to its appropriate article or section if possible.

Theme park attractionsattractions

Insert the name(s) of any amusement park rides, shows, and other attractions related to the franchise, separated using {{Plain list}}. Insert the year(s) of operation after the title. Years have to cover when any version of the attraction, whether or not it was the original, was operating. For example, a dark ride attraction debuted in a Florida park in 1977, another version of that attraction opened in California in 1980, the original Florida version closed in 1983, and California version continued to operate until 1992. Thus, the years of operation should be entered as '(1977–1992)'. Link each attraction to its appropriate article or section if possible. Any theatrical plays and musicals made for amusement parks should also be added to their respective parameters and linked there instead. Shows' years of operation should still be entered in this parameter, while their entries in the plays or musicals parameters should add only their premiere year.

Other label 1otherlabel1

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata1.

Other label 2otherlabel2

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata2. Do not use if there are less than two miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 3otherlabel3

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata3. Do not use if there are less than three miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 4otherlabel4

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata4. Do not use if there are less than four miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 5otherlabel5

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata5. Do not use if there are less than five miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 6otherlabel6

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata6. Do not use if there are less than six miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 7otherlabel7

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata7. Do not use if there are less than seven miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 8otherlabel8

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata8. Do not use if there are less than eight miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other label 9otherlabel9

Custom label used for miscellaneous media not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherdata9. Do not use if there are less than nine miscellaneous media requiring a custom label.

Other data 1otherdata1

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel1.

Other data 2otherdata2

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel2.

Other data 3otherdata3

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel3.

Other data 4otherdata4

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel4.

Other data 5otherdata5

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel5.

Other data 6otherdata6

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel6.

Other data 7otherdata7

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel7.

Other data 8otherdata8

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel8.

Other data 9otherdata9

Custom data entries used for miscellaneous creative works not fitting with the above. Used in conjunction with otherlabel9.

Official websitewebsite

Insert the URL and name of the franchise's official website. Use {{Official website}} and any of its parameters where necessary. Use {{Plain list}} if there are more than one official website (e.g. separate English-language and Japanese-language websites).


Additional details described via footnotes for any data information above, such as to detail any crossover works that makes use of the franchise. {{note}} and {{note label}} can be used for this parameter, with {{ref}} or {{ref label}} templates added to other parameters where needed. {{ref}} or {{ref label}} cannot be used with 'image', 'image_size' or 'image_upright', and should not be used for 'title', 'caption', and other labels 1 through 3.


Specify "uk" for British spelling, otherwise leave blank.

Аутоматска вредност
HTML означавање које овај шаблон производи укључује hCalendar microformat који информације о догађају чини спремним за обраду од стране рачунарских програма. При томе се додају задаци као што је каталогизовање чланака и одржавање база података. За више информација о коришћењу микроформата на Википедији, молимо посетите Википројекат Микроформат.
Коришћене класе

HTML класе које користи овај микроформат укључују:

  • attendee
  • contact
  • description
  • dtend
  • dtstart
  • location
  • organiser
  • summary
  • url
  • vevent
Молимо да не мењате имена ових класа или да их уклањате
те да не сакривате угнежђене елементе који их користе.

Tracking category

[уреди извор]

Supporting template

[уреди извор]

Шаблон:Film and Television related infobox templates