(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
する — Викиречник Пређи на садржај


Такође погледајте: ずる


Etymology 1

Alternative spelling

From Old Japanese root verb (su, to do).[1][2] Cognate with Okinawan すん (sun).

As with all verbs, during the Middle Japanese stage in the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, the 終止しゅうしがた (shūshikei, terminal or sentence-ending form) was gradually lost as the 連体れんたいがた (rentaikei, attributive form) came to be used for both the attributive and terminal grammatical roles, realigning the conjugations.


  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "する"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止しゅうしがた)
Attributive (連体れんたいがた)
する [sùrú]
Imperative (命令めいれいがた) しろ

Key constructions
Passive される れる [sàrérú]
Causative させる せる [sàsérú]
Potential できる [dèkíꜜrù]
Volitional しよう [shìyóꜜò]
Negative しない ない [shìnáí]
Negative perfective しなかった かった [shìnáꜜkàttà]
Formal します [shìmáꜜsù]
Perfective した [shìtá]
Conjunctive して [shìté]
Hypothetical conditional すれば [sùréꜜbà]


する (suru

  1. (intransitive)
    1. to exist; to come up (of inanimate objects)
      inabikari ga suru
      Lightning occurred.
      nioi ga suru
      There is a smell.
    2. to exist (in someone or something) (of a specified state; of a specified quality)
      gasshiri shita honegumi
      a rigid structure
    3. to be worth; to have the value of
      gooku en mo suru e
      a painting worth 500 million yen
    4. to pass; to elapse (of time)
      ichinen mo sureba wasureru darō
      It will be forgotten after one year.
  2. (transitive)
    1. to do; to perform an action
      Nani o shite imasu ka.
      What are you doing?
    2. to act as; to play a role of
      watashi ga shikai o suru
      I am the anchorman.
    3. to render; to make become (used as the suppletive causative form of なる (naru))
      Usually "A B / + する ", to make A become B.
      musuko o sensei ni suru
      He is training his son to become a teacher.
      hitori ni shinaide
      please don't leave me alone
      heya o kirei ni suru
      to clean up one's room
    4. (to be in a specified state; to have a specified quality) to be
      kowai metsuki o suru
      to have an intimidating glare
      ī ko ni shinasai ne
      Be a good boy.
    5. to wear (accessories)
      Nekutai o suru.
      I wear a necktie.
    6. to decide; to choose or to make a judgment
      mā, kore de yoshi to shiyō
      Alright, let's go with that.
      shutsujō o toriyame ni suru
      I decided to quit the competition.
    7. (informal) to do it; to have sex
      Синоними: see Тезаурус:性交せいこうする
  3. (auxiliary)
    1. "Adverb + する", forming predicates or attributives from adverbs.
      いらいら (iraira, (adverb) irritated) - いらいらする()もち() (iraira suru kimochi, feeling of irritation)
    2. "Verbal noun + emphatic particle (e.g. , , こそ, さえ) + する ", emphasizing the verb.
      yuki wa furi wa shita ga tsumoranakatta
      It did snow, but the snow did not pile up.
    3. "Volitional form of verb + + する": to be about to; to incline to
      hi ga shizumō to shite iru
      The sun is about to set.
    4. " / + する", to give a condition or standpoint, either real or hypothetical: if / since; assuming that / now that
      shūsaku to sureba jōjō no deki da
      It is of a considerably good quality as for a practice writing.
      oya to shite wa shinpai suru no wa tōzen da
      It's inevitable to worry about that if you were the parent.
      donna ni isoida ni shite mo ma ni awanakatta darō
      It would never have been done in time no matter how hard we had worked.
    5. (humble) "()/() + verbal noun + する", a humble form of the verb.
      Антоним: なる
      Синоним: いた
      とどけ(とど)ける (todokeru, to deliver)とどけ(とど)します (o-todoke shimasu, to deliver, humble)
      ばん(とも) (tomo, company)ばん(とも)します (o-tomo shimasu, to accompany, humble)
      あん(あん)うち(ない)する (annai suru, to guide)あん(あん)うち(ない)します (go-annai shimasu, to guide, humble)
Usage notes
  • The verb する (“to do”) is seldom written in kanji ().
  • It is common to use する after certain nouns to indicate that the noun is being done; this is highly productive, meaning many nouns can be used as verbs in this way. Some examples are:
    • 勉強べんきょう (benkyō, studying)勉強べんきょうする (benkyō suru, “to do studying” → “to study”)
    • 旅行りょこう (ryokō, journey)旅行りょこうする (ryokō suru, “to do journey” → “to travel”)
    • アップロード (appurōdo, upload)アップロードする (appurōdo suru, “to do uploading” → “to upload”)
Most verbal nouns are Sino-Japanese words (usually two-kanji), but some are of native (和語わご (wago)) or foreign origin (外来がいらい (gairaigo)). Most verbal nouns can be separated from the ending する (suru) by inserting (o, object particle); in addition to 日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうする (Nihongo o benkyō suru, to study Japanese) you can say 日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうをする (Nihongo no benkyō o suru, to do the studying of Japanese). (You cannot say *日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうをする (Nihongo o benkyō o suru, literally to [do studying]verb Japanese), despite Korean 일본어 공부 하다 (ilboneo-reul gongbu-reul hada). Modern Japanese cannot have multiple direct objects.) However, some verbal nouns are bound to the ending する (suru) and treated as single words in dictionaries:
Such verbs can be thought of as morphologically instead of syntactically derived. Sometimes further shape changes may take place:
  • The potential form of する (suru) is the suppletive verb できる (dekiru). Verbal nouns that are not bound to the する (suru) can form potential forms by changing the する (suru) to できる (dekiru) directly: 理解りかいできる (rikai dekiru, to be able to understand).
  • In headlines and enumeration of events, the ending する (suru) can be dropped, leaving the verbal noun at the end of the sentence provided that it is not bound:
    うま()のち()()とき()いた(とう)ちゃく(ちゃく)Gogo niji ni tōchaku.Arrived at 2 PM.
See also

Etymology 2

Reading for various kanji spellings.


する (suru

Various verbs deriving from senses similar to “to slide” or “to rub”:

  1. , : to print something (from the way the paper would be placed on the printing block and rubbed)
  2. 掏る: to pick someone's pocket (possibly from the way a pickpocket must slide along unnoticed;[5] compare English slick)
  3. こす, さす, , : to slide, to rub, to chafe, to strike (as in a match, by rubbing); to lose or waste money
  4. : irregular reading for (soru, to shave)


  1. ため”, in 日本にっぽん国語こくごだい辞典じてん (Nihon Kokugo Daijiten, Nihon Kokugo Daijiten)[1] (in Јапански), 2nd edition, Tōkyō: Shogakukan, 2000, →ISBN
  2. 2,0 2,1 2006, 大辞林だいじりん (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN 4-385-13905-9
  3. Uwano, Zendo (2002-10-31), “ja:見島みしま方言ほうげん用言ようげんのアクセント調査ちょうさ報告ほうこく [A Report on the Accentual Surveys of Verbs and Adjectives in the Mishima Dialect]”, in 環太平洋かんたいへいようの「消滅しょうめつひんした言語げんご」にかんする緊急きんきゅう調査ちょうさ研究けんきゅう [Endangered languages of the Pacific Rim]‎[2], ISSN 1346-082X, archived from the original on 25 September 2022, retrieved 25 September 2022
  4. 1998, NHK日本語にほんご発音はつおんアクセント辞典じてん (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, →ISBN 978-4-14-011112-3
  5. Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語こくごだい辞典じてん新装しんそうばん [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Јапански), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN