Језици (6)
From Средњи Енглески visioun, from Anglo-Norman visioun, from Стари Француски vision, from Латински vīsiō (“vision, seeing”), noun of action from the perfect passive participle visus (“that which is seen”), from the verb videō (“I see”) + action noun suffix -iō.
vision (countable and uncountable, plural visions)
- (uncountable) The sense or ability of sight.
- (countable) Something seen; an object perceived visually.
- Шаблон:RQ:Shakespeare Winter's Tale, [Act I, scene ii]:
- […] For to a Viſion ſo apparant, Rumor / Cannot be mute […]
- 1892, James Yoxall, chapter 7, in The Lonely Pyramid:
- It was the Lost Oasis, the Oasis of the vision in the sand. […] Deep-hidden in the hollow, beneath the cliffs, it lay; and round it the happy verdure spread for many a rood. […] Yes, the quest was ended, the Lost Oasis was the Found!
- Шаблон:RQ:Shakespeare Winter's Tale, [Act I, scene ii]:
- (countable) Something imaginary one thinks one sees.
- He tried drinking from the pool of water, but realized it was only a vision.
- 2005, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, David Kessler, On Grief and Grieving, →ISBN, page 107:
- Visitations are a commonly reported afterlife phenomenon. For example, a dying patient has a vision of her mother, who has been dead for twenty years.
- (countable, by extension) Something unreal or imaginary; a creation of fancy.
- 1690, John Locke, “Of our Knowledge of the Existence of other Things”, in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, volume II, London: A. Bettesworth et al., published 1735, book III, page 250:
- For having the Idea of any thing in our Mind, no more proves the Exiſtence of that Thing, than the Picture of a Man evidences his being in the World, or the Viſions of a Dream make thereby a true Hiſtory.
- (countable) An ideal or a goal toward which one aspires.
- He worked tirelessly toward his vision of world peace.
- (countable) A religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance.
- He had a vision of the Virgin Mary.
- (countable) A person or thing of extraordinary beauty.
- (uncountable) Pre-recorded film or tape; footage.
- (ability): sight, eyesight, view, perception
- (something imaginary): apparition, hallucination, mirage
- (ideal or goal): dream, desire, aspiration, fantasy
Derived terms
sense or ability of sight
something seen
something imaginary one thinks one sees
something unreal
ideal or goal
religious or mystical experience
person or thing of beauty
footage — see footage
- Преводе у наставку треба проверити и уметнути изнад у одговарајуће табеле превода. Видите инструкције на Викиречник:Унос § Преводи.
Преводи за проверу
vision (third-person singular simple present visions, present participle visioning, simple past and past participle visioned)
- (transitive) To imagine something as if it were to be true.
- (transitive) To present as in a vision.
- (transitive) To provide with a vision. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
- (imagine): envision
Derived terms
- → Urdu: ویژن
- Genitive singular form of visio.
- voisin (alphagram iinosv)
Borrowed from Латински vīsiō, from videō (whence voir).
vision f (plural visions)
- (ability to see): vue
Derived terms
- champ de vision
- télévision
- visible
- vision centrale
- vision du monde
- vision périphérique
- visionnaire
- visionner
- → Турски: vizyon
Further reading
- “vision” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
Middle English
- Alternative form of visioun
Old French
Alternative forms
vision f (oblique plural visions, nominative singular vision, nominative plural visions)
- vision (supernatural sensory experience)
- Godefroy, Frédéric, Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siècle (1881) (vision, supplement)
- Шаблон:R:Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub
Alternative forms
vision f (plural vision)
vision c
Declension of vision | ||||
Singular | Plural | |||
Indefinite | Definite | Indefinite | Definite | |
Nominative | vision | visionen | visioner | visionerna |
Genitive | visions | visionens | visioners | visionernas |
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